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Chapter 3: Demand, Supply, and Market Prices

This chapter discusses the basic decision-making units in the economy, the relationships between these units, and the factors that influence demand and supply. It also covers concepts such as demand curves, supply curves, equilibrium price, and the impacts of changes in supply and demand.

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Chapter 3: Demand, Supply, and Market Prices

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  1. Chapter 3 Demand (D), Supply (S), and Market Prices

  2. Econ Quote of the Day Teach a parrot the terms ‘supply and demand’ and you’ve got an economist. - Thomas Carlyle

  3. Chapter 3 Objectives: Upon completion of this lecture, you should understand and be able to answer these key questions: • What are the basic decision-making units in the economy? • What are the relationships between these basic units? How does a circular flow diagram illustrate these relationships? • What do we mean by ‘quantity demanded?’ What influences quantity demanded on the part of households? • What is the demand schedule for a product? What are the main features of a demand curve? What is the law of demand and how is it illustrated by demand curves? • What can change the demand for a product? How does the demand curve react to changes in demand? What do we mean by normal goods? Inferior goods? Complementary goods? Substitute goods? • What is the law of supply? What influences the quantity supplied of a good? What are the features of a supply curve? How do supply curves illustrate the law of supply? What factors can cause the supply of a product to change and how are these changes reflected in the supply curve? • What is the equilibrium price for a product? What do we mean by a shortage? A surplus? • How do changes in the supply or demand for a product affect its equilibrium price and quantity?

  4. Key Concepts • Circular flow model and markets • Demand (D) a. D schedule, D curve, movement along D curve, law of D b. Factors affecting D, shift of D curve c. Individual and market D d. Types of goods (normal, inferior, substitutes, complements) • Supply (S) a. S schedule, S curve, movement along S curve, law of S b. Factors affecting S, shift of S curve c. Individual and market S • Market interaction of S&D • Disequilibrium (excess demand, excess supply) • Equilibrium & equilibrium changes (due to shifts in D and/or S)

  5. Some S & D Managerial Implications 1. Understand how P’s are determined in order to anticipate P changes and capitalize with strategies related to: - buying - selling - producing - managing inventories - staffing - contracting 2. Understand how consumers and producers are likely to respond or be motivated by P changes (i.e. how economic activities are coordinated) in order to anticipate and capitalize on those expected responses.

  6. D Schedule = a table showing the quantities (physical amount or units) of an item a buyer (or buyers) are willing to buy at different prices, ceteris paribus

  7. D Curve = a graph of a D schedule, normally with price (P) units on the vertical axis. P D Q

  8. On a typical day, literally millions of hamburgers are purchased by individuals in the U.S. What factors influence the willingness and ability of these consumers to buy hamburgers?

  9. Law of D • D curves are downward sloping • ΔP and ΔQd are in ‘opposite’ directions

  10. Quote of the Day • “In this world, there are two ways to get rich: #1. Produce something valuable and sell it to others. #2. Steal from those who are successful at pursuing the first strategy.” N. Gregory Mankiw Fortune (June 12, 2000)

  11. Factors That Affect D for X 1. PX = P of that product (or item) (note ΔP could be caused by Δ supply) 2. P and/or availability of another item (e.g. Y) a. Substitutes (PY   D for X) b. Complements (PY   D for X) 3. Income (I) a. Inferior (I  D for X) b. Normal (I  D for X) 4. Type of Item a. Luxury b. Necessity

  12. Factors That Affect D for X • Buyer concerns or expectations • Safety • Health • Cost • Advertising • Tastes and preferences • No. of buyers or alternative uses • Govt. policy (e.g. tax) • Seasonality • Interest rates • Profitability of an input – derived demand

  13. Graphical Impacts of D (for X) Factor s • ΔPX movement along the D curve for X (often called “Δ in quantity demanded”) • Δ any other factor  shift of the D curve for X (called “Δ in demand”) Shift to right   D

  14. Change in “Quantity Demanded” of X(Due to ΔPX = ΔP of THAT product) PX A to B: Increase in quantitydemanded A 10 B 6 D0 Q 4 7

  15. Change in “Demand” for X(Due to Δ other than ΔP of THAT product) D0 to D1: Increase in Demand PX 6 D1 D0 Q 7 13

  16. S Schedule = a table showing the quantities (physical amount or units) of an item a seller (or sellers) are willing to sell at different prices, ceteris paribus.

  17. S Curve = a graph of a S schedule, normally with price (P) units on the vertical axis. P S Q

  18. Law of S • S curves are upward sloping • ΔP and ΔQS are in the “same” direction

  19. In a typical year recently, U.S. farmers produce 9-11 billion bushels of corn. What factors influence the willingness and ability of these producers to produce corn?

  20. Factors that Affect S of X • PX = P of that product or item (note ΔP could be caused ΔD) • P or profitability of an alternative production item (e.g. Y) (PY  S of X) • P or cost of an input (e.g. Z) (PZ  S of X) • Taxes • Interest rates

  21. Factors that Affect S of X • Gov’t policies/regulations • Technology • Producer expectations • Weather • Number of producers

  22. Graphical Impacts of S (of X) Factor Δs • ΔPX movement along the S curve for X (Often called ‘Δ quantity supplied”) • Δ any other factor  shift of the S curve for X (often called “Δ in supply”) Shift to right  S

  23. Change in “Quantity Supplied” of X (Due to ΔP = ΔP of THAT product) PX S0 B 20 A 10 Q 5 10

  24. Change in Supply of X(Due to Δ other thanΔP of THAT product) PX S0 S1 8 6 Q 7 5

  25. Equilibrium Price = Price for which QD = QS P (P=0+.01Q) 3.00 S 2.00* ← equilibrium point (P=4-.01Q) 1.00 D 100 200* 300

  26. In markets, people pursue their own self interests by responding to price incentives. • Adam Smith (Wealth of Nations, 1776) noted it’s almost as if individuals are being led by an ‘invisible hand’, and this self-regulating behavior actually promotes the best interests of society as a whole.

  27. Equilibrium Changes Over Time P P P S1 S2 S3 D2 D1 D3 Q Q Q T1 T2 T3

  28. Solving for Equilibrium P Mathematically • Set S equation for P = D equation for P, and solve for equilibrium Q • Plug equilibrium Q back into either the S equation or the D equation and solve for equilibrium P Example: S equation: P = 0 + .01Q D equation: P = 4 - .01Q • 1) .01Q = 4 - .01Q  .02Q = 4  Q = 200 • 2) P = 4 - .01Q  P = 4 - .01(200)  P = 2.00

  29. Q. What happens if a market price is either above or below the equilibrium value?

  30. Disequilibrium price Prices for Qd≠ QS P (P=0+.01Q) Excess S 3.00 S 2.00 (P=4-.01Q) Excess D 1.00 D Q 100 200 300

  31. Equilibrium Changes

  32. Graph of Equilibrium Change, Case #1 (DX)  Shift of D curve for X to right caused by ΔD factor other than ΔPX causes ΔPX which causes ΔQS (movement along S curve) PX S1 P2 P1 D2 D1 QX

  33. Graph of Equilibrium ChangeCase #4 (SX) Shift of S curve of X to left caused by ΔS factor other than ΔPX causes ΔPX which causes ΔQd (movement along D curve) PX S2 S1 P2 P1 D1 QX

  34. Graph of Equilibrium ChangeCase #6 (DX, SX) PX S2 S1 P2 P1 D2 D1 QX

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