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WESTERN CIVILIZATION II. The Age of Nation-States. The Crimean War. Originally between Russia & Ottomans Ottomans give Catholic France control of the Holy Lands instead of Orthodox Russia Russia vows to protect Christians in the Holy Lands - move to invade - Ottomans declare war
The Crimean War • Originally between Russia & Ottomans • Ottomans give Catholic France control of the Holy Lands instead of Orthodox Russia • Russia vows to protect Christians in the Holy Lands - move to invade - Ottomans declare war • Russia invades Moldavia and Walachia (Rumania) - Austria forces out
The Crimean War • Britain & France fear Russian aggression - declare war • Both sides have naval interests in the Black Sea • Both sides blunder - large casualties
The Crimean War • First photographed war • Prussia neutral - but gains from Austrian/Russian conflict • Russia looses control of Black Sea in defeat • Concert of Europe unable to keep the peace - next generation not committed to power balance - each nation seeks own goals
Italian Unification • Sought unification since Congress of Vienna • Romantic Republicans lead insurrections - • Giuseppe Mazzini • Giuseppe Garibaldi • Wanted path of self-determination away from Austria
Plans for Italian Unification • Plan 1 - unite behind Pope (1848/9) - Austria and France defeat the Roman Republic • Plan 2 - unite behind only independent state, Piedmont (Sardinia) - made independent by Congress of Europe as a buffer between France and Austria • Piedmont Prime Minister aids France in Crimean War with 10,000 troops - thrusts Piedmont onto world stage
Camillo Cavour • Cavour & Napoleon III scheme to provoke war to drive Austria out of Italy • France gets provinces of Nice & Savoy for help • Piedmont/France drives Austria - Napoleon III fears Piedmont - signs own treaty with Austria
The New Italian State • Garibaldi unites southern Italy - Sicily and Naples • Northern Italy united with Piedmont • Garibaldi accepts total unification • Venetia and Rome added by 1870
Italy • Gain Venetia in deal with Prussians in war with Austria • Gain area around Rome after French lose Franco-Prussian War - city of Rome remains hostile • Form of government: monarchy - Victor Emmanuel from Piedmont • Franchise limited - corruption abounds
German Unification • Unification attempted by liberals since 1815 • Prussia becomes dominant in German affairs • Prussian King Wilhelm I and Chancellor Otto von Bismarck embrace “Small German” policy
Otto von Bismarck • Prussian nobleman • Liberal turned conservative • Pro-industrial • Pro-military • Anti-Parliament - seeks to unite Germans without legislature
Bringing Germany Together • Beats Danes who try to take Holstein and Schleswig out of German Confederation • Beats Austrians in 7 weeks to gain dominance over German speaking people
The North German Confederation • Bismarck annexes Hesse, Nassau, & Hanover (formerly supported Austria) in new group • King of Prussia as leader • Bicameral legislature with no real power • Bismarck steals thunder of some liberals who wanted unification • Bismarck seeks a war to bring southern German states into the Confederation
The Franco-Prussian War • Queen Isabella of Spain deposed • Spanish pick a Hohenzollern, Leopold (cousin to Wilhelm) • France objects, asks Wilhelm for support • Bismarck revises The Ems Telegram to look like Wilhelm insulted France • France declares war on the Northern Confederation
The Franco-Prussian War • Southern German states side with Bismarck • Germans capture Napoleon III • Defeat French in 9 months - forced to give up provinces of Alsace and Lorraine • German Empire proclaimed - most important event in Europe in the 19th century • Italy and Germany become new rivals to France and Austria
France: Liberal Empire • The Third Republic proclaimed after Napoleon III’s capture - France sues for peace • Paris Commune attempts to rule Paris independently of France • National Assembly kills over 20,000 to restore order • Government looks for a king to rule - Chambord refuses because of use of revolutionary flag
France: The Third Republic • Chamber of Deputies elected by universal male suffrage • Senate chosen indirectly - president selected from group • Government proves to be surprisingly efficient against corruption and ineptitude • Lasts until Germans march into Paris again in World War II
The Dreyfus Affair • Divided French society on the fairness of government • Captain Alfred Dreyfus convicted of espionage to Germany during Franco-Prussian War, convicted
The Dreyfus Affair • Accusations against the government • Corruption - cover-up for mistakes - Anti-Semitism • Government refuses new trial even with evidence of forgery • Writer Emil Zola reports on case - stirs public • New trial again convicts - President pardons • France remains politically divided
The Habsburg Empire • Excepting Russia, the least liberal of European governments • Franz Joseph comes to power in 1848 - rules in absolutist style • Problem of holding ethnically diverse population together - Magyars, Slavs, Italians • Loss of Italy suggested inefficient chain of command - Franz Joseph reorganizes twice - both rejected by Magyars
The Compromise of 1867 • Franz Joseph creates two nations ruled by him - The Dual Monarchy - Austria & Hungary (Magyar) • Separate Parliaments created • Czechs want same deal - trialism - Franz Joseph agrees but Magyars oppose - did not want to give autonomy to its subject groups of Romanians and Croatians - continued unrest
The Dual Monarchy • Czech leaders appeased with jobs • Demonstrations in Reichsrat for Czech nationalism until WWI • Franz Joseph gives right of language in ethnic areas, introduces universal male suffrage in Austria
Russian Reform • Nicolas I dies during Crimean War - Alexander II institutes reforms including abolition of serfdom (U.S. and Brazil remain) • Former serfs given rights but no land - forced to buy from landowners over 49 year period - interest paid to the government
Russian Reform • Many fail to pay - debt not forgiven until 1906 • Without landlords to control serf, new system of government needed - Village communes “Zemstovs” organized to adjudicate local matters • Military reformed to fill ranks after abolition of serfdom - terms of service shortened - rules relaxed
Russian Repression • Alexander II squelches revolt by the Polish nobility, emancipates their serfs, forces Russian language on Poles • Alexander becomes more repressive after assassination attempt in 1866 - creates police state • Radical opposition begins to mount - exiled Alexander Herzen leads effort
Revolutionaries in Russia • Social revolution preached in radical societies like “Land and Freedom” • Young revolutionaries go to peasants to educate them - peasants turn revolutionaries over to the police • Courts give light sentences in hope of support
Assassination of Alexander II • Attacks against government continue until Alexander II is killed • Son Alexander III rules with an iron fist
Britain: Toward Democracy • Continues to refine liberal form of government - symbol of the confident liberal state • Address issues of expanding suffrage, secret ballot, education, care for the poor • Parliament passes the Second Reform Act of 1867 - increases electorate by 1,000,000
British Prime Ministers • Benjamin Disraeli - conservative - hoped expanded middle class would favor conservatism • William Gladstone - liberal - backs government’s assumption of responsibility for education
Disraeli and Gladstone • Both seek reform • Take turns as Prime Minister • Gladstone gives support to Irish home rule, splitting Liberal Party • Irish hold balance of power in Parliament - Home rule passes on the third attempt