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Geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS) SGO1910 & SGO4930 Vår 2004

Geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS) SGO1910 & SGO4930 Vår 2004. Foreleser: Karen O’Brien (karen.obrien@cicero.uio.no) Seminarleder: Gunnar Berglund (gunnarbe@student.sv.uio.no). Course Objectives. To provide students with a basic understanding of geographic information science;

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Geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS) SGO1910 & SGO4930 Vår 2004

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  1. Geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS)SGO1910 & SGO4930 Vår 2004 Foreleser: Karen O’Brien (karen.obrien@cicero.uio.no) Seminarleder: Gunnar Berglund (gunnarbe@student.sv.uio.no)

  2. Course Objectives • To provide students with a basic understanding of geographic information science; • To provide students with practical experience in using ArcGIS software; • To apply both theory and practice to a real research project (”Oslo project”).

  3. Readings: • Longley, P. A., Goodchild, M. F., Maguire, D. J., and D. W. Rhind. 2001. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 454 pp. Reading for Oslo Project: Wessels, T. 2001. Losing control? Inequality and Social Divisions in Oslo. European Planning Studies, 9, 7, 889-906. Wessels, T. 2000. Social polarisation and socio-economic segregation in a welfare state: the case of Oslo. Urban Studies, 33, 11, 1947-1967.

  4. Grading • 30% Six laboratory assignments (5 points each) • 20% Two mid-term quizzes (10 points each) (Uke 6 & Uke 10) • 25% Final Project (25 points) • 25% Final Exam (25 points)

  5. Lab Assignments • Submitted on your own home page • Due dates: two weeks after each lab • Criteria for evaluation will be provided with each lab

  6. GIS Labs • ArcGIS 8.0 (GIS) • Excel (data base files) • Hot Metal (web pages) • Adobe Photoshop (sizing maps and pictures) • WinZip (decompressing files)

  7. Mid-term quizzes • Each quiz worth 10 points • Multiple choice, true-false questions based on readings and lectures • 45 minutes to complete the quiz

  8. Project • Identify a problem or question to address related to Oslo; • Collect and edit data (including new data with a GPS); • Use GIS to map and analyze data; • Present results. Due: May 3rd, 2004

  9. Final Exam • 28. mai kl. 09:00  (3 timer) • Essays, short answer, multiple choice, true-false • Based on lectures, readings, and labs

  10. Masters Students • a brief review of two academic articles that use GIS in relation to the student’s field of interest (urban geography, development geography, political geography, etc.); • a discussion of potential ways that GIS can contribute to their masters thesis (e.g., mapping, analysis, etc.); • identification of data sources related to their thesis (this can be general if no thesis topic has been chosen); • an outline of the steps that need to be taken to use GIS in the thesis (for example, an outline of the steps involved in making a map of Ghana showing population density and road networks).

  11. Questions • My office hours: Tuesdays, 9.30 – 11.00 (Room 321) (or by appointment, at CICERO) • Lab assistance: Thursdays, 9.30 – 11.00

  12. Why take this course? • GIS is a useful tool with a wide range of applications; • GIS is a skill that is in demand, with a growing market; • Geographers have numerous advantages related to GIS; • GIS is challenging (but fun!)

  13. What is a GIS? • A computer system capable of holding and using data describing places on the earth’s surface. • An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information.

  14. Software People Data Network Procedures Hardware Geographic Information System • Organized collection of • Hardware • Software • Network • Data • People • Procedures

  15. ”A GIS by any other name” • Land Information System • Delivery Routing System • Emergency Response System • Disaster Planning System • Crime Monitoring System • Real Estate ”Homefinder” System

  16. Why is GIS Important? • Provides a consistent framework for integrating spatial and other kinds of information within a single system (ideal for interdisciplinary work). • Permits manipulation and display of geographical (digital) data in new ways. • Makes connections between activities based on geographic location.

  17. What can a GIS do? • Location (Where is it...) • Condition (What is it...) • Trend (What has changed...) • Pattern (What is the pattern...) • Routing (Which is the ’best’ way ...) • Modeling (What if...)

  18. A Brief History of GIS • GIS’s origins lie in thematic cartography. • Many planners used the method of map overlay using manual techniques. • Manual map overlay as a method was first described comprehensively by Jacqueline Tyrwhitt in a 1950 planning textbook. • HcHarg used blacked out transparent overlays for site selection in Design with Nature.

  19. Map Overlay

  20. A Brief History of GIS (cont.) • The 1960s saw many new forms of geographic data and mapping software. • Computer cartography developed the first basic GIS concepts during the late 1950s and 1960s. • Linked software modules, rather than stand-alone programs, preceded GISs. • The Harvard University ODYSSEY system was influential due to its topological arc-node (vector) data structure.

  21. A Brief History of GIS (cont.) • GIS was significantly altered by (1) the PC and (2) the workstation. • During the 1980s, new GIS software could better exploit more advanced hardware. • User Interface developments led to GIS's vastly improved ease of use during the 1990s. • During the 1990s, new GIS software could better exploit more advanced hardware. • So far in the 2000s: • Internet becomes major deliver vehicle for GIS • More than 1 million active users of GIS • GIS is linking to other technologies (e.g. mobile phones, palmtops, etc.)

  22. Interest in GIS is Rising • Applications via Internet • Price reductions • Greater awareness • Improved ease of use • Better technology • Proliferation of data • Commercial software packages • Real applications • Proven cost:benefit cases

  23. Business of GIS • GIS industry is worth over $7 billion • Software • Data • Services • Publishing • Education

  24. GISystems, GIScience and GIStudies • GISystems • Emphasis on technology and tools • GIScience • Fundamental issues raised by the use of GIS and related technologies • Spatial analysis • Map projections • Accuracy • Scientific visualization • GIStudies • Systematic study of the use of geographic information

  25. Sources of Information on GIS • The amount of information available about GIS can be overwhelming. • Sources of GIS information include journals and magazines, books, professional societies, the World Wide Web, and conferences. • GIS has Web Home pages, network conference groups, professional organizations, and user groups. • Most colleges and universities now offer GIS classes in geography departments.

  26. GIS Resources: Conferences

  27. GIS Konferans: Oslo Plaza 4.-6. februar 2004 • Geodata og ARCen ønsker for 15. gang alle GIS-interesserte velkommen til tre fullspekkede og interessante dager! Konferansen henvender seg som vanlig til alle våre brukere, men også til deg som er ny i GIS verdenen.Programmet består av fire parallelle sesjoner hvor det presenteres et bredt spekter av tema innenfor blant annet innsamling, forvaltning, analyse og presentasjon av geografiske data. Her får du muligheten til å skape kontakter og få inspirasjon fra andre innen samme interesseområde. For den som er interessert i teknikk, byr vi på rundt 30 minikurs hvor du får opplæring av konsulenter fra Geodata. • Pris: 150 NOK ( dagsbesøk) • Se: http://www.geodata.no/custom/program2004.htm

  28. GIS Resources: Glossies

  29. Major GIS-Only Journals • International Journal of Geographical Information Systems • Geographical Systems • Transactions in GIS • Geo Info Systems • GIS World

  30. Specialty Journals • Business Geographics • GIS Law • GrassClippings • GIS Asia/Pacific • GIS World Report/CANADA • GIS Europe

  31. Regular GIS Papers • Annals of the Association of American Geographers • Cartographica • Cartography and GIS • Computer; Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems • Computers and Geosciences • IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Applications • Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

  32. Occasional GIS papers • Cartographic Perspectives • Cartographica • Journal of Cartography • Geocarto International • IEEE Geosciences • International Journal of Remote Sensing • Landscape Ecology • Remote Sensing Review • Mapping Science and Remote Sensing • Infoworld

  33. Popular Distribution Magazines • Business Geographics • Geo Info Systems • GIS Law • GIS World • GPS World • GEODATA

  34. Part II: Thinking Spatially • What is spatial data? • How can spatial data be represented digitally? • Rasters and vector models

  35. Geographic problems usually involve location. • GIS – A special class of information systems that keep track of events, activities and things, but also where these events, activities, or things happen or exist. • The difference between GIS and basic mapping and spreadsheet programs lies in its ability to handle spatial data.

  36. The Nature of Spatial Data • Distributed through space • Can be observed or described in the real world and identified by geographical location • Change through space and time

  37. Spatial and non-spatial data

  38. Map of Bosnia and Heregovina

  39. Spatial is Special • Geographic – Earth’s surface and near-surface • Spatial – any space (including geographic) e.g. medical imaging • Geospatial – synonymous with geographic

  40. Sensing the World • Personal experience limited in time and space • One human lifetime • A small fraction of the planet’s surface • All additional knowledge comes from books, the media, movies, maps, images, and other information sources • From indirect or “remote” sensing

  41. Representations • Are needed to convey information • Fit information into a standard form or model • In the diagram the colored trajectories consist only of a few straight lines connecting points • Almost always simplify the truth that is being represented • There is no information in the representation about daily journeys to work and shop, or vacation trips out of town

  42. Representations Occur: • In the human mind, when information is acquired through the senses and stored in memory • In photographs, which are two-dimensional models of light received by the camera • In written text, when information is expressed in words • In numbers that result from measurements

  43. Digital Representation • Uses only two symbols, 0 and 1, to represent information (e.g., 1111 = 15) • The basis of almost all modern human communication • Many standards allow various types of information to be expressed in digital form • MP3 for music • JPEG for images • ASCII for text • GIS relies on standards for geographic data

  44. Why Digital? • Economies of scale • One type of information technology for all types of information • Simplicity • Reliability • Systems can be designed to correct errors • Easily copied and transmitted • At close to the speed of light

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