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Explore resources, activities, and plans at CERN, EMCOG, and ISOLDE/EURISOL collaborations for advancing high-power target technology. Focus on testing and developing targets for neutrino and radioactive ion beam production.
Development of high- power targets for neutrino and radioactive ion-beam production Resources, activities and plans CERN EMCOG ISOLDE/EURISOL OTHERS Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02
Resources The BOOSTER/ISOLDE proton-beam allows to reach a power density close to a NuFACT. The staff and laboratories that operate for ISOLDE but has shown capability to successfully to develop and test also targets for neutrino production. A minimum level Hg laboratory presently unmanned Solid target activities Good safety relations and record Recent results Continues its leading in in development of target and ion-source technology for radioactive beam production and coordinates this part of the EURISOL study. Terminated the neutrino factory target studies with a thesis done in only 2 years (Adrian Fabich) that contains essential new experimental results on thermal expansion waves, cavitation and magneto hydrodynamics in Hg. Published solid target alternative CERN Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02
Resources RAL: Major know how in solid high power targets. A 800MeV bunched protons next to the CERN BOOSTER beam in simulating NuFACT target power densities. PSI: Higher CW proton beam power and target experimental areas. A network of know how on molten PbBi target technology within the MEGAPIE collaboration Recent results Some activity on simulation of thermal expansion waves in solids using laser technique. MEGAPIE target under construction and collaboration with ISOLDE on measurement of radiogenic gas production in Pb targets. EMCOG Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02
Relies very strongly on the CERN-ISOLDE target development program and was interested in joing the CERN-NuFACT high power target development. Strong collaborating partners in ORSAY GANIL and GSI: Interest in molten Li cooled high power targets for heavy ions. Draft of EU-EURISOL report available on the web: http://www.ganil.fr/eurisol/index.html Adopted the Hg-Jet target as scenario for a spallation neutron driven production of intense beams of fission fragments. 25 Papers on Radioactive beam production in 2002 ISOLDE/EURISOL Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02
Brookhaven Grenoble magnet laboratory LMH-EPFL ESS SNS JSNS Consulting firms Part of Adrians thesis work Part of Adrians thesis work Diploma work on cavitation in Hg continues as thesis Network of laboratories with the largest knolwledge base on high power Hg targets to whom contact was established and joint experiments discussed. Expensive and/or time not ripe to define objectives with sufficient precision. OTHERS Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02
Future plans • Are: • To terminate the NuFACT program by finish up a number minor details of the Hg target tests. • To organise the CERN-ISOLDE-EURISOL future especially within the planned number of initiatives to the 6th. EU Framework? • Should be: • Define a mandate for continuing the high power Hg-jet target development and join efforts with EURISOL. • Intensify the contacts to the Spallation Neutron Source community in view of joint experiments. • Build a 20m/s Hg-jet and make extensive tests the hydro/magneto dynamics off-line and in strong magnetic fields at Grenoble. Helge Ravn/CERN EMCOG 10/12/02