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American History Chapter 15: Crash and Depression

American History Chapter 15: Crash and Depression. IV. The Election of 1932. Objectives. Find out how President Hoover responded to the Great Depression. Learn what Roosevelt meant when he offered Americans a “new deal”

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American History Chapter 15: Crash and Depression

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  1. American History Chapter 15: Crash and Depression IV. The Election of 1932

  2. Objectives • Find out how President Hoover responded to the Great Depression. • Learn what Roosevelt meant when he offered Americans a “new deal” • Realize why the election of 1932 was a significant turning point in American politics.

  3. Bell Ringer • Why are elections important? • Give me a specific example of how elections are an avenue of change. • Have you ever heard the Democrat theme song, “Happy Days are Here Again?” • Written in 1929 - lyrics relate to the 30s.

  4. A) Hoover’s Limited Strategy • Hoover at first took no action – have “confidence” • Voluntary Action Fails: business voluntary leave wages up – lasted a year • The Government Acts: Tried to stabilize farm prices – failed – lost $150 million. Spent money on projects – Boulder Dam, roads, parks, and so one • Hawley-Smoot Tariff: highest tariff in history – Europe responded – stopped trade • Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC): money to businesses, banks, and mortgages • People thought government supporting big business

  5. Hoovers Unpopularity Grows: he believed that state and local governments handle relief. – no direct government involvement • John Meynard Keynes (British) – massive government spending should help a collapsing economy and encourage growth – not widely accepted • Bonus Army: 20,000 WWI veterans and families camped outside of White House wanting their 1945 pensions now. • Hoover called in the army to remove the ex-troops – got violent – their shacks burned – hurt Hoover in next election

  6. B) A “New Deal” for America • “I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people” FDR - Franklin Delano Roosevelt • Harvard grad – Senator – Assistant Secretary of the Navy • Eleanor – niece of Teddy Roosevelt – distant cousins – experienced political worker and social reformer • Wealthy – but cared for poor – polio – wanted to close gap between rich and poor

  7. C) The Election of 1932 • Contest of philosophies • Hoover did not want a big powerful government • Roosevelt – “a reappraisal of values” • Optimistic – won by 7 million votes • At oath Roosevelt addressed the crowd – “This nation asks for action and action now” – hope moved through the crowd • “So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” • Having overcome fear in his own live many times, Roosevelt spoke with conviction and confidence, reassuring a frightened nation.

  8. Review • How did President Hoover respond to the Great Depression? • What did Roosevelt mean when he offered Americans a “new deal”? • Why was the election of 1932 a significant turning point for American politics?

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