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South African Weather Service Overview: 2003/4 Annual Report

This presentation outlines the rationale behind the South African Weather Service (SAWS), its value chain, strategy map, income and expenditure, and governance structure. It highlights the importance of weather services in disaster management, poverty relief, and development. Key focus areas include research, international liaison, commercialization, and public service. The report also covers achievements in income diversification, technology deployment, and international collaborations. The SAWS aims to improve weather service products and mainstream its offerings for societal benefit.

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South African Weather Service Overview: 2003/4 Annual Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. South African Weather Service (SAWS) Overview of the 2003/4 Annual Report Presented by Jerry Lengoasa (CEO), Grace Kelobonye, Laurie Less and Gaborekwe Nkambula. 15 February 2005

  2. Presentation Overview • Rationale • SAWS Value chain • SAWS Strategy Map • Thrust 1 to 5 • Income and Expenditure • Questions

  3. OUR RATIONALE: Severe weather is the single most destructive natural hazard in South Africa. It can have catastrophic impacts on a country’s economy. Rural communities are 500 times more vulnerable to severe weather than urban communities.


  5. Poverty relief and underdevelopment Thrust 3: Research And Development Disaster management Government’s Strategy Thrust 2: International Liaison BBBEE Thrust 1: Corporate Governance Unemployment HIV/Aids Health Malaria Thrust 4: Commercial and Service Deliver y Thrust 5: Mainstreaming of SAWS service products

  6. Thrust 1: Corporate Governance • Board and Committees: (meet 4 times per annum) • 8 members and CEO as executive member • 5 operational committees for period under review: Programmes, EXCO, Finance and Commercial, HR and Remuneration, Risk and Audit • Board emoluments totals: R208 686 GB Brundrit R 9 997 L Maasdorp R18 024 VP Maluleke R43 395 NP Maqubela R40 345 S Rensburg R49 914 L Sangweni-Siddo R30 298 DI Swartz R15 663 I Robinson R 1 050

  7. Corporate Governance cnt’d • Development of a Corporate Strategy • PWCoopers appointed as internal auditors

  8. Corporate Governance: HR

  9. Employee statistics for period under review • New appointments – 27 (25 x black) • Promotions - 10 (6 black and 4 white) • Terminations - 5 (1.3%) • Retirements - 3 (1x black and 2 white) • Resignations - 15 (8 x white and 7 black) • Deaths - 2 (black males)

  10. Thrust 2: International Liaison • CEO elected as a member of the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). • SADC and NEPAD collaboration is driven by technological deployment to enhance Global Observation Systems: • - SAWS trend setting in terms of Commercialisation – lessons learnt. • - Rainfall enhancement project in UAE • - Installation of AWS’s in Lesotho, Namibia and Radar collaboration work in Botswana and Mozambique. • Voluntary Contribution Programme: Installed a Dobson spectrometer in Botswana on World Met Day. • Strategic alignment: SCOM meeting of heads of Meteorological services at a sub regional level. • Meetings: hosting of international meetings, SAWS employees represented at various forums - capacity development. • Assist government in meeting its international obligations: WMO, SOLAS, ICAO. • Monitoring of greenhouse gasses.

  11. Thrust 3: Research and Development • Prediction Research and Development • Remote sensing systems selected as a test site by EUMETSAT for MSG 8. • Receipt of a Radar from WRC – deployed one to Umtata (Highbury) – closing of gaps with respect to radar coverage. • Climate Data Base: meteorological data capturing system software was developed in house to capture data from weather stations.

  12. Radars are used to detect rainfall intensity [PMG note: photograph not included]

  13. Thrust 4: Commercial and Public Good • Diversification of income streams: consolidated aviation clients built a client base from 0 to +200. • Technological developments: assembly and deploy of 10 Automatic Weather Station’s (AWS) to Namibia. • Multichoice contract concluded channel 57. • Cointel SMS service contract concluded - weatherline 082162. • Climate data enquiries charged – insurance sector, attorneys, litigation. • Public Good: training (knowledge centre), data bank management.

  14. Or, more recently… Sea-Land Express, ran aground in Table Bay 18-20 August 2003. Daily weather forecasts were issued to prevent possible further disaster.[PMG note: photograph not included]

  15. Exhibition Stand at the African Aerospace Defence Show[PMG note: photograph not included]

  16. Thrust 5: Mainstreaming of SAWS products • Amended SAWS logo and strengthened branding on SABC. This • includes the 10 years of freedom logo. • World Parks Congress: presentations and exhibition stand. • WSSD: • Grahamstown Science Festival: outreach to +3000 youth. • World Met Day 23rd March 2004 – address by then Chair of • Portfolio committee. • Training of agricultural extension offices in 3 provinces N Cape, W • Cape and KZN in interpretation of seasonal forecasts. Rural communities are 500 times more vulnerable to severe weather than urban communities.

  17. Do we really need weather guidance on holiday?[PMG note: photograph not included] South Africa is a sought-after tourist destination : “Soak up our sunny skies and bask in the heat”

  18. Financial Report We boast two consecutive unqualified audits ! A shift from R1.8million losses in 2002/3 to a surplus of R17million in 2003/4 • Matters of Emphasis: • Irregular expenditure – finance lease agreement IBM. • Investment policy and surplus accumulation. • Post engagement medical aid contribution. • Internal control weaknesses: S&T advances were not reconciled to claims submitted, policy doc’s still in draft awaiting formal approval, transfer letters for employees not on file.

  19. Income and Expenditure over last three years.

  20. CAPEX

  21. Expenditure 2003/04

  22. Enkosi Thank You Siyabonga Re a leboga

  23. QUESTIONS ???? ELINE FEB 2000

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