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FOR BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. Health Workforce Initiative. Doing What Matters for Business & Industry. Mission Statement. To promote the advancement of California’s health care workforce through quality education and services. Services.
FORBUSINESSANDINDUSTRY HealthWorkforce Initiative Doing What Matters for Business&Industry
Mission Statement To promote the advancement of California’s health care workforce through quality education and services
Services • Foster partnership/collaboration to leverage resources among educators, government and health care providers. • Job analysis. • Technical assistance for curriculum development and revision, staff development and testing. • Coordinate regional activities to identify and meet workforce development needs. • Develop creative alternatives in educational delivery. • Provide curriculum and program information/referrals. • Offer professional educational workshops and events. • Free curriculum and video products.
TheHealthWorkforceInitiativeprovideseducationand trainingprogramstomeetemergingdemandsforhealth careindustryworkers.Weareinbusinesstofacilitatea CaliforniaCommunityCollegeresponsetothelabormarket andtrainingneedsofthehealthcareindustry
RegionalTEAMS Northern Coastal Northern Inland • The Doing What Matters campaign is comprised of seven macro regions to identify with regional industry specialists. • Macro regions are subdivided into 15 economic regions. Greater Sacramento North Bay Mother Lode East Bay Mid Peninsula Silicon Valley Central Santa Cruz & Monterey South Central Inland Empire Los Angeles Orange County San Diego/Imperial
Meet our Team
Sector Navigator (SN) Statewide specialized industry expert Serve as first contacts in a sector for employers and the community college system. Have in-depth subject matter expertise. Familiarity with the assets for the California’s community college system. SNs operate with a statewide focus and align community college and other workforce development resources with the needs of industry.
Linda L. Zorn, RD, MA Sector NavigatorHosted by Butte College Statewide Priorities • Coordination of Statewide HWI Advisory Committee and 3CNAC. • Represent the CCCCO as the nursing and allied health statewide subject matter expert. • Coordinate the California Community College implementation of the California Workforce Investment Board Health Workforce Development Council recommendations and findings. • Maintain http://ca-hwi.org/ website. • Support Statewide Medical Assistant faculty convenings. • Support the CCCCO Baccalaureate Degree Task Force, focusing on the BSN. • Provide Nursing faculty development training for implementation of the HWI Ambulatory Care RN curriculum. • Provide nursing professional development.
Linda L. Zorn, RD, MA Sector NavigatorHosted by Butte College Statewide Priorities • Provide Broadband continuing education for RN faculty and incumbent RNs for curriculum integration into ADN programs. • Provide technical assistance to each Regional Consortia selecting health as a priority or emergent sector in the formation of workforce development networks to respond to the healthcare labor market needs of each individual region. • Coordinate HWI Deputy Sector Navigator activities including data reporting, professional development, skills panels, connections with industry including advisory committees, curriculum and new program development, collaboration with Regional Consortia, and other essential tasks. • Partner with the California Hospital Association, Centers of Excellence, and UCSF on a statewide project for data collection and labor market information. • Assist each region in meeting workforce needs based on the identified regional priorities.
Deputy Sector Navigators (DSN) Local specialized industry expert Serve as in-region contact. DSNs work with the region’s colleges and employers to create alignment around and deliver on workforce training and career pathways. Operate at the macro-region level. *in certain geographies, there may be two DSNs providing coverage
San Diego Ann Durham, MSN, FNP, Esq.Hosted at Grossmont College • Work closely with all Nursing and Allied Health programs in the 9 Community Colleges in the region. • Meet with healthcare industry professionals in a variety of venues [advisory committees, professional organizations, focus groups, etc.] so HWI can help to ensure that the community colleges are meeting the workforce training needs of the healthcare industry. • Support the San Diego Welcome Back Center, which helps internationally trained health professionals get licensed to work in California, thereby increasing cultural and linguistic competency of healthcare providers, leading to improved compliance, satisfaction, and outcomes for our diverse patient population. • Collaborate with the Health and Science Pipeline Initiative [HASPI] to: • Increase healthcare career awareness • Improve performance in high school and college science courses • Strengthen transition and retention rates in college programs • Provide incumbent worker training/professional development to: • Healthcare professionals • Nursing and Allied Health faculty members • Facilitate DACUM job analyses and curriculum development, as needed • Work with Regional Consortium and with Regional and Statewide Health Advisory Committees to meet identified Health Sector needs. • Collaborate with Health Sector Navigator and Deputy Sector Navigators to continue successful work throughout the State.
Linda L. Zorn, RD, MA Statewide 530.879.9069 • zornli@butte.edu • Trudy Old Region A • Northern Inland Region • Northern Coastal Region • T: 530.879.9049 • E:oldtr@butte.edu • Sue Hussey, M.S., OT/L Region A • Greater Sacramento Region • T: 916.650.2767 • E: husseys@scc.losrios.edu • Cynthia Harrison, RN, MS Region B • Mid-Peninsula Region • Silicon Valley Region • Santa Cruz/Monterey Region • T: 408.855.5340 or 408.855.5215 • E: cynthia.harrison@wvm.edu • Barbara Gammon Brock, BS, MPA • Region B • North Bay East Bay • Mid-Peninsula Region • T: 707.815.5733 • E: barbara.brock@solano.edu • Valerie Fisher, RN, MA Region C • Mother Lode Region • Central Valley Region • T: 559.737.6252 • E: valerief@cos.edu • John Cordova, RN Region D • South Central Region • T: 562.505-4409 • E: john.cordova@canyons.edu • Shari Herzfeld, RN, MN Region G • Los Angeles Region • T: 562.463.7004 • E: sherzfeld@riohondo.edu • Mary O’Connor, RN, MSN Region G • Orange County Region • T: 714.895.8975 • E: moconnor@gwc.cccd.edu • Avante E. Simmons, RD Region F • Inland Empire/Desert Region • T: 760.636.7945 • E: asimmons@collegeofthedesert.edu • Ann Durham, MSN, FNP, Esq. Region E • San Diego/Imperial Region • T: 619.644.7057 • E: ann.durham@gcccd.edu Visit Our Website: www.DoingWhatMatters.cccco.edu
Perspective Statewide • Health Workforce Initiative Statewide Advisory Committee Meetings. • 3CNAC Nursing Advisory Committee to the CCCCO. • CA Community College Academic Senate, Faculty Discipline Review Group (FDRG) process for the “Spirit of SB 1440” Statewide ADN Model Curriculum.
Continue to represent the CCCCO as the Nursing and allied health subject matter expert on the following boards/committees: • California Action Coalition. • California Workforce Investment Board, Health Workforce Development Council. • Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) • California Hospital Association (CHA) • California Primary Care Association(CPCA) • California State Rural Health Association (CSRHA) • California Health Workforce Alliance (CHWA) • California Advanced Primary Care Institute (CAPCI)
Coordinate the CA Community College implementation of the California Workforce Investment Board Health Workforce Development Council recommendations and findings (January 2013 Report on Health Workforce Development Needs; Findings and Recommendations, CWIB)
Strengthen and Invest in California’s Primary Care Capacity Leveraging Existing Programs and Aligned with Population Needs • Provide Medical Assistant faculty development through implementation workshops for the revised HWI statewide curriculum model to include the new role of the medical assistant in the team model of care. • Provide Nursing faculty development training for implementation of the HWI Ambulatory Care RN curriculum. • Increase the current educational capacity of Nursing schools, Physician Assistant and Medical Assistant programs in California.
Increase capacity in diagnostic services to ensure access, quality and cost effectiveness • Increase the number and distribution of radiologic technologists and those trained in special modalities (such as MRI, CT, Ultrasound) to increase diagnostic access and capability. • “Imaging” regional training centers for the technician level needs: CT, Nuclear Medicine, MRI, PET, SPECT, Mammography, and Neurodiagnostic Technologists.
Legislative Updates • AB 1559 – Multicriteria Screening Process • Nursing • Allied Health • CCCCO Baccalaureate Study Group
Affordable Care Act New Areas of Programming
Partnership Based Projects • Partner with OSHPD and EMSA of the Community Paramedic Pilot Projects for site specific curriculum development and on-site regional training. • In partnership with the Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) and Skyline College, convene a Patient Navigator Summit to discuss the definition and training of Navigators and subsequently develop curriculum. • Based on a request from the CA Hospital Association, develop modules for nursing and allied health programs based on the new models of health care including topics such as: • Health manager • Patient navigator • Utilization management • Chronic disease management • Team model of care
Statewide Labor Market Data Project • California Hospital Association • University of CA – San Francisco, Center for the Health Professions • Centers of Excellence • Acute Care • Ambulatory Care • Long Term Care
Curriculum • Development of the RN Care Coordinator Curriculum based on the DACUM Job Analysis completed in August 2013. • Dissemination of the Sacramento City College Allied Health Learning Community through development of curriculum and training materials. • Revise the Health Information Coding Curriculum to include ICD-10.