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Psychology of Coaching. Unit 1 VCE PE. Coaches. All coaches need a good understanding of sports psychology to ensure their athletes: Maximise performance Reach their potential Are motivated Can concentrate Are optimally aroused (inverted “U”) . Coaches. Are not too stressed or anxious
Psychology of Coaching Unit 1 VCE PE
Coaches All coaches need a good understanding of sports psychology to ensure their athletes: • Maximise performance • Reach their potential • Are motivated • Can concentrate • Are optimally aroused (inverted “U”)
Coaches • Are not too stressed or anxious • Receive appropriate feedback • Have confidence • Can manage their time • Accept responsibility for their actions • Can use mental imagery
Coaches • Have positive self- talk • Use appropriate goal setting techniques • Can bond as a team and work together
Motivation Motivation= an athlete’s reasons for participation There are 2 types of motivators: • Intrinsic (internal) • Extrinsic (external)
Motivation Intrinsic motivation= • Fun • Social/ feeling of belonging • Skill development • Feel good • Satisfaction • Fitness & health • Stress release & relaxation
Motivation Extrinsic motivation= • Money $$$ • Prizes & trophies • Fame & recognition
Arousal Arousal= an athlete’s physical and mental readiness to perform. It can be demonstrated by the inverted “U” curve *Arousal levels of individuals in teams need to be monitored closely by the coach as eachindividual athlete has a different optimal level of arousal
Stress • Stress is the result of a threatening situation. • Stress causes and elevated physical state in order to combat the stressor. Stress causes: Increased heart rate, increased respiration, increased body temp., increased blood pressure and sweating
Anxiety Anxiety is an emotional reaction to a situation or event • Anxiety causes: • Uneasiness • Confusion • Worry • Panic in the mind
Adrenalin • Adrenalin is a hormone introduced to the bloodstream in times of stress • It usually causes an elevated state of arousal • It can also inhibit judgement and control
Attention • Attention is the ability to focus on a particular task or skill • Coaches can improve and athlete’s attention by instructing them as to the important cues to focus upon • This ensures optimal levels of arousal, confidence and control over stress & anxiety
Attention Two Types of Distractions: • External= • Umpires’ decisions • Opponents’ sledging • Weather • Spectators
Attention 2. Internal= • Negative self- talk • Dwelling on previous mistakes • Over- analysing technique
Types of Attention 1. Broad External: Assessing the environment to understand things like the defence being used by the opposition team or player, or field positioning, etc
Types of Attention 2. Broad Internal: Assists in analysing the current situation and devising a strategy or plan of action 3. Narrow External: Ability to pay attention to the necessary cues at the right time with the right response
Types of Attention 4. Narrow Internal: An athlete’s performance is enhanced by the ability to mentally rehearse a specific skill involved in the task at hand. **This includes: self talk and the ability to psych yourself up or calm yourself down
Mental Imagery • Thinking about or rehearsing physical skills or situations in your mind • The athlete imagines themselves performing and tries to familiarise themselves with the environment they will compete in
Mental Imagery • This can provide a sense of confidence in the actual physical situation when or if it arises • Ideal for closed sports (darts, ten pin bowling, archery, etc…)
Mental Imagery • Can be used just before a performance as a method of preparation Eg: A pole vaulter or high jumper visualising just before a jump
Mental Imagery • Good for controlling arousal (psych up or calm down) • Need to picture actual and possible situations Fact: Visualisation performed in colour is said to be more effective than in black and white!
Common Sayings “The vision of a champion is someone hunched over, drenched in sweat at the point of exhaustion at 6am whilst no- one is watching…” “If you do the same as you’ve always done, you’ll stay the same athlete you always were!”
Common Sayings “Failing to plan is planning to fail” Don’t forget the 6 P’s… Piss Poor Preparation = Piss Poor Performance
How do I set goals? • Goal List- Make a list of general goals • Goal Selection- What is important to you? • Goal Priorities- Rank your goals • Plan Of Action- How will I achieve my goals? • Commit Yourself • Dream your Dreams • Constantly Review Your Goals
Goals Must Be • Positive (“I will….”) • Challenging • Realistic • Achievable • Believable (No doubts) • Observable • Measurable
Obstacles • Having firm goals will enable you to over come setbacks along the way • You will be able to turn setbacks (poor weather, injury, etc…) to your advantage and learn from them • A focus on your goals will keep you on track, even though there may be small failures along the way