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Project name: Construction of factory for production of ecologically clean mineral-organic fertilizers, feed additives, compound feeds, premixes and inert filler for them b ased on sapropel from Beloye lake of the Tatarstan Republic Project initiated by: Kamskiy sapropel
Project name: Construction of factory for production of ecologically clean mineral-organic fertilizers, feed additives, compound feeds, premixes and inert filler for them based on sapropel from Beloye lake of the Tatarstan Republic Project initiated by: Kamskiysapropel Trading & Manufacturing LLC
Project essence Building the factory fitted with up-to-date, hi-tech equipment for manufacturing ecologically clean products based on sapropel which are: - Kama Eco+ mineral-organic fertilizer; -Kama Eco NPK new mineral-organic fertilizer based on peat, sapropel with addition of well-balanced mineral fertilizers; - sapropel inert filler for premixes production; -feed additives of the following types : - Sapromix+ amido vitamin-mineral concentrate; - Sapromix+ Energoamidoprotein and vitamin-mineral concentrate; - Sapromix vitamin-mineral concentrate; - sapropel-based premixes; - complete combination fodders. Sapropel is a golden bottom of Beloye lake! Sapropel is a unique natural material that is a multi-century bottom deposits originated from fresh water lake called Beloye which is located in the Tukaevskiy region of the Tatarstan republic. Sapropelisthematterofbiologicorigingeneratedatthebottomoffreshwaterlakesfromremainsoffloraandfaunaas a resultofbacterialprocessesrunningat a smallaccessofoxygen. Sapropelconsistsofsiltsolution, organicandashcomponentsandcolloidcomplex. Thebaseofsapropelisundecomposedremainsofplantoriginwhilecolloidsetiscomplexorganicmatterswhichformjelly-likeconsistencyofsapropel. Wealthofdifferentcompoundsinsapropeliscreatedbythevarietyofsimplestorganismsofanimalandplantorigin.
Sapropel from Beloye lake is rich in diverse macro and microelements which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, ferrum, sulfur, argentum, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, nickel, vanadium, zinc and many others. All vital macro and microelements necessary for animals and plants are provided in optimal biological ratio, lightly soluble and easily accessible condition. Valuable group of biologically active matters is formed by vitamins B (В1, В2, В3, В6, В12), C, E and others. In protein content 17 types of amino acids were revealed. Supplementaryfeedmadewiththeadditionofsapropelprovidebiogeneticstimulationandfacilitatemoreintensivegrowth, parturiating, lactation, resistibilityandotherprocessesinorganismaimedatimprovingtotalphysiologicalstateofanimals. Thus the unique composition of sapropel having mineral and organic parts makes it possible for application in such fields as: - plants growing – as a universal fertilizer and soil improver ; - farm animals and birds breeding – as a feed additive; - production of various feed products – as a basic component for compound feeds and concentrates, as inert filler for premixes; - production of sorbents for cleaning water and soil from oil products and heavy metals – as the basic component.
Picture 1.Sapropel extraction and distributing over storage ground
Picture 4.Sapropel packaging Picture 5. Pelleted (granulated) sapropel
Innovation The innovation of the given project consists in development and of new products having no world analogues by using unique properties of sapropel with their subsequent field testing. Innovation in the production of ecologically clean feed additives and the development of new mineral-organic feed additives based on sapropel and sapropel inert filler involves the following: - feeding value of granular sapropelhas been determined on the basis of its testing for chemical composition, content of nutrients, macro and microelements; - such properties of granular sapropel as subchronic, cumulative, embryotoxic and teratogenic have been studied for the first time on laboratory animals; - they have developed the series of Sapromix protein and vitamin-mineral concentrates adapted to biogeochemical conditions of feed production in Tatarstan republic and revealed their productive effect and economic expediency for application in the diet of dry and milking cows as well as their influence on offspring quality; - concentrates of Sapromix line allow to reduce portion of corn in the content of compound feed and corn mixtures up to 4-5% - in Sapromix+ concentrate the portion of urea, a substitute of feeding protein is 9% of the total weight or 77% of raw protein; Large-scale application of Sapromix concentrates in the Tatarstan republic allows to replace from 50 up to 100 thousand tons of fodder-grain material providing the equivalent productivity.
Innovation in the production of eco-friendly granular fertilizer and development of new organo-mineral fertilizers based on sapropel consists in the following: - accounting agrochemical properties of soil and specific properties of sapropel which ensure goal-oriented formation of soil processes and reduced barrier for transformation of sapropelhumic matters into soil humus; - new organo-mineral fertilizers with long-term effect contain up to 20% of calcium, optimal for plants quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements like copper – up to 60 mg/100 g, manganese – up to 3500 mg/100g, cobalt – up to 350 mg/100g, nickel – up to 100 mg/100g, vanadium – up to 200 mg/100g and biologically active matters like vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes, hormones, carotenoids, antioxidants which serve as natural growth stimulators; - new organo-mineral sapropel-based fertilizers can be applied to all types of soil and all kinds of plants supplying yield increase for various crops from 30 up to 150%.
Protection of intellectual rights (patenting, certification) 1) Application for patenting Sapromix vitamin-mineral concentrate was filed under the registered No. 2012142236 dated the 4th of October, 2012; 2) Application for state registration of Kama Eco+ trade name was filed under the registered No 2011722035/71(Z11007911) dated the 11th of July, 2011; 3) Application for state registration of Sapromixtrade name was filed under the registered No 2012742702 dated the 7thof December, 2012; 4) International certificate of conformity No. А-2012-01573/2012-03688-03689/0579 dated the 10th of August, 2012 for Kama Eco+ product (sapropel fertilizer) was received. According to the certificate Kama Eco+ is permitted for application in organic agriculture in compliance with the following standards: - National Organics Program of U.S. Department of Agriculture (NOP/USDA) - Japanese agricultural standard for products used in organic agriculture (JAS). 5) Certificate of Kama Eco+ product registration at the Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan under No. 1872 dated the 8th of September, 2011.
Research studies and field tests in 2011-2013 1. Field and production tests. Finished tests: 1) Toxicological evaluation of sapropel from Beloye lake and Sapromix vitamin-mineral concentrate. Accomplished by specialists of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy using the laboratory at the chair of tocology and pathology of small animals of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E. The research is headed by Shakirov Sh. K. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor at the Research & Development Center of Animal Breeding of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy, Bagmanov M. A. – Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E. Conclusions: - results of the conducted experiments show an extremely low toxicity of sapropel; - during the research it was found that sapropel does not have any carcinogenic effect; - when used as a feed additive sapropel improves morpho-biochemical factors of blood and has a positive effect on metabolic status of animal organism. • 2) Testing of Sapromix vitamin-mineral-concentrate in the diet of milk cows. Accomplished by specialists of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy at the cattle farm of Dusym LLC situated in the Atninskiy region of the Tatarstan republic. The testing is headed by ShakirovSh. K. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor at the Research & Development Center of Animal Breeding of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy.
Conclusions: - optimal quantity of Sapromix concentrate in the diet of cows is 4% per 1 kg of combination fodder; - milking productivity if calculated into basis fat status grows by 14.4%; - expense of exchange energy to produce 1 kg of milk with basis fat status is reduced by 4.9% and that of crude protein – by 4.2%; - loss of live weight of cows to the end of the first month after calving lowers by 10.9%; - average daily gain in live weight of calves born by cows fed with Sapromix is increased by 11.2%; - frequency of different diseases among cows within the postpartum period is reduced as follows: for endometritis – by 3 times, for mastitis –by 2 times, for subinvolution of uterus – by 4 times; - length of service period (from calving to fecundation) is shortened by 18.5%; - economic effect calculated into 1 rouble for additional charges equals to 5.72 roubles. 3) Testing of pelleted sapropel in the diet of geese of Hungarian breed. Accomplished by specialists of the Bashkirian state agricultural university at the poultry factory of Bashkirskayaptitsya LLC. The testing is headed by Farrakhov A.R. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor of the Bashkirian state agricultural university. Conclusions: - Optimal quantity of sapropel in the diet of geese is 6% of the total feed weight; - viability of birds rises by 2%; - egg-laying capacity of one average laying bird is increased by 1 piece; - hatching eggs yield grows by 2%; - total number of eggs is increased by 750 pieces; - Quantity of one-day-old goslings rises by 2177 heads; - output of feather-and-down material after one picking from one head is enlarged by 3.6-10 g; - self-cost of one head of a day old goslings is reduces by 4 roubles; - production profitability grows up by 13.6%.
4) Wide-scale field testing of granular sapropel for cultivating various vegetable and fruit crops both on open and closed areas having sandy soil with low content of humus and moisture shortage. Accomplished by medium and large farmers guided by specialists of Modern Agricultural LLC and Kamskiysapropel LLC at different plantations in Jordan. Place of testing: Jordan, Mafraq province and valley of Ephrat river. Date of testing: February-October, 2012. Conclusions: - Sapropel when applied into soil in the ratio of 2-3 liters per 1 sq. m provides yield increase by 20-40% depending on a crop kind; - sapropel improves soil structure; - sapropel extends water-holding capacity of soil that lowers watering consumption; - sapropel speeds up plants growth and development; - strengthens resistance of plants to fungi diseases; - improves stability of plants to frosts; Current tests: 1) Testing of Sapromix+ and Sapromix+ Energo feed concentrates in the diet of milking cows. Still accomplished by: specialists of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy at the cattle farm of Dusym LLC situated in the Atninskiy region of the Tatarstanrepublic. The testing is headed by ShakirovSh.K. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor at the Research & Development Center of Animal Breeding of Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy Scheduled end date of the testing : spring, 2013.
2. Laboratory tests, research studies. Finished tests: 1) Determination of chemical composition of sapropel with 20% humidity to verify the compliance with requirements of Specifications No. 9296-001-72640395-2010 – Sapropel natural feed additive.Executed by Tatar interregional veterinary laboratory. Test report No. 19 dated the 27th of January, 2011. Conclusions: - According to organoleptic, physical and chemical values sapropel feed meets the requirements of Specs. No. 9296-001-72640395-2010 completely; - sapropel can be applied as ecologically clean feeding additive for farm animals and birds. 2) Determination of chemical composition of pelleted and desintegratedsapropel to verify the compliance with basic requirements applied to organic fertilizers and to study different physical and chemical values which define fertilizing ability of sapropel. Executed by testing center of soil and ecological researches of the Moscow agricultural academy named after Timiryazev K.A. Test reports No. 031/12.1, 031/12.2 dated the 29th of March, 2012 and No. 126/12.1, 126/12.2 dated the 17th of September, 2012. Conclusions: - according to all examined physical and chemical values pelleted and desintegratedsapropel comply with requirements of GOST R No. 54000-2010 – Organic fertilizers. Sapropels. General technical conditions; - according to all examined physical and chemical values pelleted sapropel meets the requirements of Specifications No. 0392-002-72640395-2011 – Organic sapropel fertilizer. Natural pelleted sapropel;
- Sapropel milling by desintegrator results in increased content of the following nutrients: total nitrogen - by 94%, calcium – by 37%, ferrum – by 76%, sulphur – by 30%, manganese – by 38%, copper – by 342% and zinc – by 83%; - in desintegratedsapropelcation exchange capacity is enlarged by 54%. 3) Determination of chemical composition of a new fertilizing mixture based on desintegratedsapropel, peat added by mineral fertilizers and studying its application possibility as eco-friendly fertilizer and sorbent-ameliorant. Executed by test laboratory in China. Test report No. TFW120337 dated the 22nd of October, 2012. Conclusions: - new fertilizing mix conforms to main requirements of Chinese GOST No. NY525-2012 according to the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter; - compared with pelleted sapropel the new fertilizing mixture has the increased content of organic matter – by 2.5 times, total nitrogen – by 2 times, total phosphorus – by 14 times, potassium – by 2.9 times; - the new mix can be applied as a universal organo-mineral fertilizer. 4) Determination of chemical composition of pelleted sapropel and studying its application possibility as eco-friendly fertilizer. Executed by test laboratory U&A Consult in Berlin, Germany. Test report No. 090812 dated the 15th of August, 2012.
Conclusions: - according to basic physical and chemical values (pH, salinity, content of organic matter, nutrients and toxic elements) pelleted sapropel meets the norms and standards applied to organic fertilizers in Germany; - pelleted sapropel can be applied as a universal eco-friendly fertilizer. 5) Studying the possibility to apply pelleted and desintegratedsapropel for removal of oil products from water and soil. Executed by test laboratory of All-Russian research institute of hydrotechnics and melioration named after Kostyakov A.N. in Moscow. The research is headed by Kireycheva L.V. – Doctor of Techinical Sciences, professor of All-Russian research institute of hydrotechnicsand melioration named after Kostyakov A.N. Period of testing: June – October, 2012. Conclusions: - with regards to oil products sapropel has sorption properties; - under static conditions i.e. when adding sapropel into soil polluted with oil products pelleted sapropel can absorb up to 70% of oil contaminations diluted in soil solution; - under static conditions sapropel absorbs more than 80% of the initial ions content of such heavy metals as copper, zinc, lead; - sapropel can absorb heavy metals which are found together with oil products that is important when cleaning soil contaminated with both oil products and heavy metals. 6) Determination of chemical composition of the new fertilizing mixture based on desintegratedsapropel, peat added by mineral fertilizers. Executed by testing center of soil and ecological researches of the Moscow agricultural academy named after Timiryazev K.A. Test report No. 167/12 dated the 19th of November, 2012.
Conclusions: - new fertilizing mix conforms to main requirements of Chinese GOST No. NY525-2012 according to the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic matter; - compared with pelleted sapropel the new fertilizing mixture has the increased content of organic matter – by 2.5 times, total nitrogen – by 2 times, total phosphorus – by 14 times, potassium – by 2.9 times; - new fertilizing mix meets the requirements of Specifications No. 9841-001-0066732-93 applied to fertilizing mixtures in Russia; - the new mix can be used as a universal organo-mineral fertilizer. 7) Development of composition of the new organo-mineral fertilizer based on pelleted and desintegrated (powder) sapropel, peat added with mineral fertilizers and evaluation of its efficiency. Executed by specialists of All-Russian research institute of hydrotechnics and melioration named after Kostyakov A.N. in Moscow. The research is headed by Kireycheva L.V. – Doctor of Techinical Sciences, professor of All-Russian research institute of hydrotechnics and melioration named after Kostyakov A.N. End date of testing: the 26th of December, 2012. Conclusions: - the offered fertilizing mixture based on peat and sapropel presents a complete organo-mineral fertilizer; - the new fertilizer has pH acidity 6.7 close to neutral, contains 57.6% of organic matter, 2.5% of nitrogen, 1.57% of phosphorus, 2.1% of potassium and microelements; - the new fertilizer is meant for the basic application to all kinds of agricultural crops; - the fertilizer does not contain any toxic components and additives exceeding the allowed norms;
- the results of analytical control confirm the compliance of the mixture content with normative characteristics; - conducted model pot experiments displayed the efficiency of the new fertilizer based on different types of sapropel(pelleted and powder ones) applied in the ratio of 4 g per 1 kg of soil that is equal to 10 tons per hectare; - application of the new fertilizing mixture in the ratio of 4 g per 1 kg of soil lead to gain in sprouts of tested crop (barley) by 60% in the variant based on pelleted sapropel and 66% in the variant based on powder sapropelcompared with control variant without any fertilizers applied; - when applied the new mixture in the ratio of 4 g per 1 kg of soil the highest productivity was obtained in the variant based on powder sapropel that might be explained by improved water and air conditions of soil; - application of the fertilizing mixture contributed to the improvement of physical properties of soil increasing its friability and water-holding capacity. Current tests: 1) Determination of chemical composition of desintegratedsapropel and studying of the possibility to apply it as inert filler for premixes production at premix factories of DSM Dutch company located in Russia. Still executed bytest laboratory at the DSM branch in Hungary. Scheduled end date of testing: April, 2013.
The list of articles published in academic periodicals: 1. Studying of embryotoxic and teratogenic properties of sapropel from Beloye lake of the Tukaevskiy region of Tatarstan republic. / Faizrakhmanov R.N. [and others] // Proceedings of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E., 2011. – Vol. 208, p. 253-256. 2. Determination of sapropel toxicity and cumulative properties. / Faizrakhmanov R.N. [and others] // Proceedings of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E., 2011. – Vol. 208, p. 256-260. 3. Toxicological evaluation of the sapropel-based feed additive. / Faizrakhmanov R.N. [and others] // Proceedings of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E., 2012. – Vol. 211, p. 307-311. 4. Studying of local irritant effect by the feed additive and its influence on feed edibility and intensity of young rats growth. / Faizrakhmanov R.N., Shakirov Sh. K. // Proceedings of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E., 2012. – Vol. 211, p. 311-315. 5. Influence of Sapromix feed additive on metabolism of young laboratory animals. / Faizrakhmanov R.N., Bagmanov M.A., Faizrakhmanov R.N., Shakirov Sh. K. // Materials of All-Russian research and practice conference dedicated to the memory of Gareev R.G. – Kazan, 2012 – p. 473-477. 6. Development of organic vitamin-mineral feed additive Sapromix and studying of its toxicological properties. / Faizrakhmanov R.N., Bagmanov M.A., Faizrakhmanov R.N., Shakirov Sh. K. // Materials of All-Russian research and practice conference dedicated to the memory of Gareev R.G. – Kazan, 2012 – p. 477-482. It is planned to conduct research studies in future as well. In financial feasibility study annual charges for research activities are provided. Table 1. Expenses for research activities
Manufacturing lines and equipment To choose a producer of processing equipment the process scheme and formulas of the products to be manufactured were sent to main producers of equipment for compound feed making which are Melinvest Plc., All-Russian research institute of compound feed industry, SovokrimJsc., VanAarsenInternational company, Technex engineering company, Dosa-Agro company. Based on the careful analysis of the received offers we made conclusions on each of the above companies. Here the following persons were involved as independent experts: - Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor of the Bashkirian state agricultural university, Farrakhov A.R.; - Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor of the Tatar research institute of agriculture of the Russian agricultural academy, head of research & development center of animal breeding, laureate of state prize of the Tatarstan republic, Shakirov Sh. K.; - Commercial director of Naberezhnochelninskiy grain elevator Plc., Safin V.H.; - Director of KaMP LLC, Samodurov D.V. (KaMP LLC is the official representative of such companies as SHILS B.V., FONTANKA, (Netherlands), HEIN (Germany), PERSTORP (Switzerland), ALPHATECH (France), KUBUS (Spain), DLF Trifolium(Denmark), Magnitogorskiy SITNO, Koudais M-Feeds (Moscow) in Volga federal district). Among manufacturers of processing equipment we chose the next companies: - Technex engineering company - process line for production of feed additives based on sapropel and processing line for production of sapropel inert filler; - Chulman LLC – process line of a separate production shop for sapropel freezing, pelleting and drying.
- SovokrimJsc. – process line for manufacturing new mineral-organic fertilizer Kama Eco NPK based on sapropel, peat with addition of well-balanced mineral fertilizers. To lower risks connected with the lines mounting, start-up and commissioning of the feed additives production factory the package contract with Technexengineering company providing for the turnkey facility has been concluded . Picture 6.Process line for manufacturing feed additives, premixes and complete compound feeds based on sapropel
Picture 7.Process line for making sapropel inert filler Picture 8.Drum drier
Picture 9.Process line for manufacturing mineral-organic fertilizers based on sapropel
For main buildings of the sapropel processing factory light metal structures were chosen. These metal structures present covers made of cold-formed closed fabricated sections having rectangular cut applied for production buildings with spans of 18, 24 and 30 m and height of 4.8-18 m till the bottom of trussed rafters. The supplied set includes trussed rafters, binding pillars, shaped steel sheets with fittings, chief beams. The factory has two buildings joined together by operation passage. In the first building seized 24 x 30 m and 6 m high till the bottom of trussed rafters the following workshops are located: - sapropel drying unit; - sapropel inert filler production unit; - unit producing new mineral-organic fertilizer Kama Eco NPK; The second building seized 24 x 18 m and 12 m high till the bottom of trussed rafters the following workshops are placed: - unit producing feed additives Sapromix, Sapromix+, Sapromix+ Energo; - warehouse for storage of finished products made in one working shift. To perform design and survey works Chelnyproekt-2 LLC was selected . Baring structures for the factory building are made by TEMPO company. Storage rooms will be located in the building made of light metal structures having seize of 24 x 18 m and 6,5 m height till the bottom of carrying structures. In order to reduce charges for construction of storage rooms to keep manufactured products and raw material as well it was decided to use shelve stands produced by Kifato MK company. These rack structures are designed to arrange pallets of types FINN (1000 x 1200 mm) and EUR (800 x 1200 mm). Maximum load on one tier i.e. on two beams is 4800 kg while load on frame can reach up to 24000 kg. It is planned to store up to 5 tons of the products on 1 sq. m of the front racks.
Picture11 Racks for storage of finished products and raw material. Picture 12.Administration building of the factory. To meet all production needs of the factory that is being built now the area of administration building should be not less than 260 sq. m. The building is planned to be constructed of quick-erect modular sections using containers by Conteinex company. Complex modular buildings Jsc. located in Kovrov of the Vladimir region was chosen for the supply of the sections.
Fields of application and sales Sales of the manufactured products are to be fulfilled in two ways: - through dealer network under dealer contracts to sell 60% of the scheduled products volume; - by own efforts through sales department of Kamskiysapropel LLC to sell 40%of the scheduled products volume. Feed additives scheduled for manufacture are as follows: - Sapromix vitamin-mineral concentrate is a uniform dry mixture of dried sapropel, macro and microelements, vitamins and other biogenic components selected according to scientifically grounded rates of animals need. Application rate is not less than 4-5% of the weight of compound feed or grain mixture. Ingredients:sapropel, boiled fodder salt, monocalcium phosphate, vitamin-mineral premix P-60-1 (P-60-3). - Sapromix+ amidovitamin-mineral concentrate is a uniform dry mixture of dried sapropel, extruded feed urea, rye and rape, macro and microelements, vitamins and other biogenic components selectedaccording to scientifically grounded rates of animals need. Application rate is not less than 10-15% of the weight of compound feed or grain mixture. The concentrate makes a grain mixture completely balanced with protein, macro and microelements, vitamins and other biogenic elements. Ingredients:sapropel, boiled fodder salt, monocalciumphosphate, vitamin-mineral premix P-60-1, extruded components: feed urea, rape and rye.
- Sapromix+ Energoamidoprotein and vitamin-mineral concentrate is a uniform dry mixture of dried sapropel, extruded feed urea, rye and rape, extraction cake or oilseed meal, macro and microelements, vitamins and other biogenic components selectedaccording to scientifically grounded rates of animals need. Application rate is not less than 10-20% of the weight of compound feed or grain mixture. The concentrate makes a grain mixture completely balanced with protein, macro and microelements, vitamins and other biogenic elements. Ingredients:sapropel, boiled fodder salt, monocalcium phosphate, vitamin-mineral premix P-60-1, extraction cake or oilseed meal, extruded components: feed urea, rape and rye. For the project realization a special attention will be paid to sales of the sapropel-based feed additives by own sales department. The main consumers of the above products are: - compound feed factories; - poultry factories; - animal breeding complexes; - mini compound feed factories; - farms (with account of feed base they have). That is why the key part of sales process is not the shipment of goods but the support system that includes the following services: - selection of complete feed compound depending on present conditions for herd keeping; - scientific consulting and recommendations for every farm in questions of animals feeding and using sapropel-based feed additives; - bringing application of sapropel-based feed additives to real economic effect for each farm.
Due to the above said as chief advisors providing scientific and technical support it is planned to involve the following specialists: - Shakirov Sh. K. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor of the Tatar research institute of agriculture of the Russian agricultural academy, laureate of state prize of the Tatarstan republic, head of research & development center of animal breeding of Tatar research institute of agriculture; - Bagmanov M.A. – Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E.; - Farrakhov А.R. – Doctor of Agricultural Science, professor of the Bashkirian university of agriculture; - Faizrakhmanov R.N. – docent at the chair of economics and company organization of the Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E - FaizrakhmanovR.N. – junior research assistant of research & development center of animal breeding of the Tatar research institute of agriculture. Dealer contracts to be concluded : -Bashikirskayaptitsya LLC, Ufa; - Vega-2000-Siberian organics LLC, Omsk; - ALLWE foreign trade company Jsc., Moscow. Sales of fertilizers and other goods; - Bashinkom LLC, Ufa. Production of bio additives for poultry; - ADISSEO, Moscow - France. Production of premixes and vitamins; - Bioagro LLC, Tbilisi. Sales of fertilizers and feeds; - Modern Agricultural LLC, Jordan. Nowadays KaMP company is willing to conclude dealer contract for sales of sapropel-based feed additives in amount of 6000 (six thousand) tons.
Capacity of feed products market Production volume of albuminous vitamin-mineral additives (AVMA) in the Russian Federation in 2011 was equal to 181 063 tons while the demand for AVMA in 2011 according to the volume of produced combination fodders was about 900 000 tons. It means that the process line to be purchased manufacturing 5 tons of AVMA with different formulas per hour will produce only 6% of the AVMA production volume in 2011 and only 1.2% of the AVMA amount required in 2011. One should pay attention to the fact that there is not any factory manufacturing AVMA in the Tatarstan republic. To produce the amount of compound feeds used in the Tatarstan republic in 2011 it required to apply about 140 thousand tons of feed additives purchased in other regions. The factory for sapropel processing is equipped with operation line able to manufacture up to 12 000 tons of feed additives based on sapropel and thus working at full one-shift load Kamskiysapropel LLC will produce not more than 9% of the required quantity of feed additives in the Tatarstan republic. Cost of feed additives given by different manufacturers vary from 21 to 58 roubles per 1 kg. When calculating economic efficiency of the project the market value of the feed additives scheduled for production equals to the following:
Table 2. Scheduled production volumes of sapropel-based feed additives in different package
Capacity of mineral-organic fertilizers market Consumers of ecologically clean mineral-organic fertilizers Kama Eco+ and Kama Eco NPK based on pelleted sapropel are: - large and small agricultural producers; - gardeners; - wholesale and retail networks; - organizations dealing with landscaping of different areas; - manufacturers of eco clean products. Running dealer contracts with the following companies: - Regionagroservice LLC, Izhevsk. Chain of gardening stores; - Malanina individual businessman, Samara. Chain of gardening stores; - Demetra LLC, Kazan. Production and sales of feed additives and fertilizers. - EM-Chas-Eco LLC, NaberezhnyeChelny; - Benefit Eco, Moscow; - Modern AgriculturalLLC, Jordan. Dealer contracts to be concluded with the following companies: - Koris LLC, Moscow. Sales of fertilizers and other goods; - ESKA, Ras-Alhaim, UAE. Consulting and juridical services; - Vendita MenagementGmbH, Germany.Construction, sales of biological material and organic fertilizers; - Eurocam Srl., Italy. Trading company.
Supply contracts to be concluded with the following companies: - Agromax, Neftekamsk. Grain crops growing, sales of feed additives for cattle and poultry; - SeDek-Semena LLC, Moscow. Chain of gardening stores; - Stroylandia LLC, NaberezhnyeChelny. Sales of building materials and fertilizers. - Rostovagroleasing LLC, Rostov-on-Don. Wholesale and retail of fertilizers; - Kostromskoy chemical factory Jsc., Kostroma; - ALLWE Jsc. foreign trade company, Moscow. Sales of fertilizers and other goods; - Selgros supermarkets chain, Moscow – Kazan; - Optovik LLC – Essen supermarkets chain, Elabuga; - Jilin provincial Xucheng Mechanization Imp & Exp. Co., LTD, China. Sales of sapropel-based mineral-organic fertilizers Kama Eco+ and Kama Eco NPK are focused on manufacturers of eco-friendly (organic) agricultural products. Such producers are united into various organizations and associations. For example, The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) joins 750 organizations in 108 countries worldwide. Database of only one IFOAM member, Iporex SA company lists 14 000 manufacturers of organic eco clean products. The International Ecological Association of the Russian Federation unites more than 4 000 organizations producing eco-friendly goods. Therefore market for sales of ecologically clean mineral-organic fertilizers Kama Eco+ and Kama Eco NPK is practically unlimited.
Table 3. Scheduled production volumes of Kama Eco NPK in different package Table 4. Production volumes of Kama Eco+ in different package
At the present time Kamskiysapropel LLC has received requests for supply of fertilizers Kama Eco+ and Kama Eco NPK from Modern Agricultural LLC, JordanandDemetra LLC, Kazanfor the total volume of 2100 CBM in 2013. Capacity of sapropel inert filler market Sapropel inert filler was offered and developed for premix production by Kamskiysapropel LLC and Chulman LLC in cooperation with research & development center of animal breeding of Tatar research institute of agriculture of Russian agricultural academy and Kazan state academy of veterinary medicine named after Bauman N.E. Trial batch of the sapropel inert filler and premixes P-60-1 and P-60-3 based on it were produced in the feed additives workshop at the research & development center of animal breeding of Tatar research institute of agriculture. Value and effectiveness of the sapropel filler has been tested and verified not only by the scientists from the Tatar research institute of agriculture but also with independent studies performed by scientists of Siberian research institute of poultry farming of Russian agricultural academy located in Omsk, Russia. Consumers of the sapropel inert filler are factories manufacturing premixes and feed additives. Running supply contracts with the following companies: -Bashkirskayaptitsya LLC, Ufa; - Vega-2000-Siberian organics LLC, Omsk;
Supply contracts to be concluded with the following companies: - ALLWE Jsc. foreign trade company, Moscow. Sales of fertilizers and other goods; - BashinkomLLC, Ufa. Production of bio additives for poultry; - FarmaxJsc., Kirov. Production of veterinary preparations; - DSM factory, Tatarstan republic. Premixes production by technology of DSM Dutch company; - ADISSEO, Moscow - France. Production of premixes and vitamins; - Bioagro LLC, Tbilisi. Sales of fertilizers and feeds; - ModernAgricultural LLC, Jordan; - KaMP company, Kazan. Market capacity: Production volume of premixes in the Russian Federation in 2011 was equal to 217 500 tons. Premix composition includes about 75% of inert filler which means that the amount of used inert filler in 2011 was 163 125 tons. Thus when manufacturing from 1 500 to 2 800 tons annually Kamskiysapropel LLC will produce only 0.9-1.7% of the required amount of inert fillers in 2011. For the moment Kamskiysapropel LLC has received requests for supply of the sapropel inert filler from Vega-2000-Siberian organics LLC and BashkirskayaptitsyaLLC for the total volume of 1880 CBM in 2013.
Commercialization period: - for Kama Eco+ mineral-organic fertilizer – 2010; - for Kama Eco NPK mineral-organic fertilizer – March, 2013 г; - for Sapromix feed additive – October, 2013; - for Sapromix+ feed additive – October, 2013; - for Sapromix+ Energofeed additive – October, 2013; - for sapropel inert filler – May, 2013. Table 5. Volume of sales in natural units
Table6. Volume of sales in value terms Table 7. Volume of tax proceeds
Calculations of financial feasibility study were made with the following assumptions: - project start date – January, 2013; - planning horizon – 60 months; - main currency for calculations – thousand RUR; - discounting rate – 20.12 % ; - method of calculations – annually changing prices for raw material, tare, package, energy carriers and goods to be sold; - reserve of funds to cover current expenses is not provided; - frequency of salary payments – 15 days; - required investments – 166 738 (one hundred and sixty-six million and seven hundred and thirty-eight thousand) RUR.
Table9. Commercial expenses - planned amount of borrowed funds – 130000000 (one hundred and thirty million) RUR ; - total value of the project – 202 900 000 (two hundred and two million and nine hundred thousand) RUR; - credit form– credit line with allocation of funds according to the following schedule: - 65 000 000 (sixty-five million) RUR – March, 2013; - 45 000 000 (forty-five million) RUR – June, 2013; - 20 000 000 (twenty million) RUR – September, 2013; - planned credit percent – 8% in a year; - percentage fees are effected every month since the moment of funds allocation; - primary loan settlement is effected every month by equal portions of 5 417 000 (five million four hundred and seventeen thousand) RUR from January, 2016 till December, 2017 included; - invested own funds – 72900000 (seventy-two million and nine hundred thousand) RUR.
Table10. Invested own funds Basic factors of the project efficiency Simple payback period: 2.35 years; Net present value (NPV): 420 811 thousandRUR; Discounted payback period (DBP): 2.73 years; Internal rate of return (IRR): 87.7% (nominalwith account of inflation); Rate of discounted expenses return (PI): 3.17 times. Table 11. Project profitability for each year As a result of the project realization 113 new jobs will be created. At that the average salary at the factory with account of motivation will be 27000 RUR.