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Systemic Change Academy: Leveraging and Planning Change Efforts

This academy is designed to help leaders identify levels of systemic change, develop strategies for leveraging change, and analyze the structural and human aspects of leading change efforts. Participants will also explore and edit a survey tool to gather evidence and identify targets for change.

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Systemic Change Academy: Leveraging and Planning Change Efforts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction

  2. Leadership Academies

  3. Roles

  4. Academy 2: Gauging Your Systemic Change Effort

  5. Academy Outcomes • Identify levels of systemic change • Explore and edit a survey tool for gathering evidence for current status at their site • Identify targets within the levels of systemic change • Develop strategies for leveraging change • Analyze the structural and human side of leading change efforts

  6. Agenda 15 min Introduction and Overview 40 min Activity 1: Systemic Change 20 min Lecturette 1: Leveraging Change through Strategic Planning 30 min Activity 2: Leveraging Change 10 min Break 20 min Lecturette 2: Planning Change 25 min Activity 3: Planning and Surveying Change 30 min Leave-taking and Feedback

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