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I hope you find this issue to be informative and helpful in your work. Please send me any information you’d like posted in upcoming issues. The embedded links may not work in SlideShare, so please feel free to email me for a copy at DrChrisStout@gmail.com to be added to our email list. You can join our Facebook Group and interact with over 1200 likeminded individuals at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CenterForGlobalInitiatives/ Any recommendations to improve this communique would be most appreciated! And if you’d like to support the Center’s work with a tax deductible donation, that would be fantastic(!) and do a great deal: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/donateNow.cfm Cheers, and thank you for your work, Chris
Greetings and welcome to the latest edition of our growing newsletter! Volume 2, Number 4 April 2015 _____News, Tools, Reports and Shout-Outs______ You must check out HealthMap, built by a team of researchers, epidemiologists and software developers at Boston Children's Hospital founded in 2006, is an established global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real- time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site at 1
http://www.healthmap.org/ and mobile app 'Outbreaks Near Me' deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers. HealthMap brings together disparate data sources, including online news aggregators, eyewitness reports, expert-curated discussions and validated official reports, to achieve a unified and comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health. Through an automated process, updating 24/7/365, the system monitors, organizes, integrates, filters, visualizes and disseminates online information about emerging diseases in nine languages, facilitating early detection of global public health threats. Thanks for the great interview! https://t.co/nYAcy0B2 Wj pages 18 – 20. I just learned of LinkedIn for Nonprofits, here's the site http://nonprofit.linkedin.com 2
The Politics of Fear Brian Alston (profalston@gmail.com) and his team are building a Resource page for local and state politicians, national leaders and parliaments around the world. He notes “…We’re looking for Articles (some books) dealing with the politics of fear: religion, race, gender and sexuality, nationality, culture, etc… The primary purpose of the Visions in Conflict series is to express much of the good work being done in the field of conflict resolution and peace building around the world. This is especially relevant in the arenas of acknowledgement and understanding of the "other" (including interfaith dialogue), and communication through conflict and forgiveness. This series also aims to open up the field in order to invite dialogue with other practitioners engaged in similar work. The works of practitioner- scholars have been published as a means of illustrating practical, in-the-field operations and processes that have been successful, so that others working in such arenas may be more effective in the creation and building of peace and understanding within and between the diversity of peoples.” Please forward any references to Brian. For more information, check out: http://www.apa.or g/international/pi/201 1/07/visions-in- conflict.aspx and www.visionsinconflict.c om _____Grant and Funding Opportunities_____ Learn more at: http://www.elhibrifoundation.org/peace_education/nomination 3
Call for Applications: Funding for Master’s and Certificate Programmes at the Institute for Conflict, Transition, and Peace Research (ICTPR) at the University of Aberdeen Deadline: May 15, 2015 The Institute for Conflict, Transition, and Peace Research (www.abdn.ac.uk/ictpr) is a research and teaching institute consolidating the University of Aberdeen's rich expertise in the study of conflict, transition, and peace. Funding Opportunities The College of Arts and Social Sciences has made a number of scholarships available specifically for ICTPR Master’s students for the 2015/2016 academic year. These scholarships will be awarded based on merit. For further information please contact:socscipg@abdn.ac.uk. Why ICTPR, University of Aberdeen Interdisciplinary faculty from across the Social Sciences A focus on the nature of complex transitions between conflict and peace Innovative research-led teaching in a dynamic learning environment Preparation to work in international settings Training for potential continuation to PhD research Study at an ancient Scottish university founded in 1495 Funding Available for (apply now for 2015/2016) Global Conflict and Peace Processes International Relations International Security Post-Conflict Justice and Peacebuilding Radicalization and Resistance Refugee and Displacement Studies Sex, Gender and Violence: Contemporary Critical Approaches Strategic Studies Strategic Studies and Law International Research Award for Graduate Students in Psychology Call to students engaged in international psychology research! 4
Division 52, International Psychology, is offering an International Research Award for graduate students in psychology. This award has been established to encourage and recognize promising graduate student research in international psychology. On or before Sunday midnight (PST), May 3th, 2015, interested students should submit: Four page double-spaced summary of research that describes the purpose, method, analysis, results, and discussion of your international research (excluding references and one table or figure). Please also exclude all identifying information on research summary document. Curriculum Vitae. One-paragraph email endorsement from faculty research advisor/sponsor providing: oEndorsement for the award; oConfirmation that research was an independent project, thesis, or dissertation effort conducted during graduate program; and oAssurance of student’s good standing in the graduate program. Two-paragraph cover email from the student: oFirst paragraph should provide: contact information (email & phone), name of graduate program and research advisor, year in the program, expected graduation date, as well as member status with Div. 52. Student must be a member of Div. 52 as of application deadline. oSecond paragraph should assure the committee that student’s independent research project, thesis or dissertation is nearing completion and that student is not applying simultaneously for another similar APA research award. At least preliminary analysis and results must have been completed by May 2015. Please note that submissions exceeding the paragraph or page limits will be disqualified. Email all application materials BEFORE MIDNIGHT, Pacific Standard Time, on MAY 3, 2015, to the Chair of the Division 52 Student International Research Award: Daria Diakonova-Curtis, PhD St. Petersburg State University daria.diakonova@gmail.com The two-tiered blind rating process is designed to will evaluate the award applications under double- blind review based on: (a) the degree of relevance to international psychology, (b) progress to completion, (c) adherence to APA Style, (d) originality of research, (e) clarity of design and method, (f) complexity of analysis, (g) quality of findings, (g) recognition of limitations, (g) insight in the discussion, and (h) brevity and clarity. Awardees will be notified no later than Monday June 8, 2015, awarded in person at the Division 52 APA Convention awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada, and featured in an issue of the International Psychology Bulletin. 5
Division 52/Psi Chi International Conference Travel Grant $1,500 US Call to students living outside the US and Canada who are interested in the field of international psychology and plan to attend the 2015 APA Convention in Toronto, Canada! APA Division 52, International Psychology, and Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, have collaborated through the D52 Building Bridges Committee to offer the inaugural Division 52/Psi Chi International Conference Travel Grant. The 2015 grant will provide assistance with travel costs to Psi Chi students who live outside the US and Canada, are interested in international psychology, and plan to attend the APA convention in Toronto, Canada 6-9 August, 2015. Eligibility: 1.Must be a current undergraduate psychology major or a student in a graduate psychology program outside the US and Canada; or within 6 months (at the time of submission) of having completed an undergraduate psychology degree in any country. 2.Must be currently living, working, and/or studying outside the US and Canada. 3.Must be a member of Psi Chi at the time of submission. 4.Must be a member of D52 at the time of submission (students may join at any time). 5.Must be able to cover any travel expenses over the amount of grant funding. 6.Must agree to attend and present at the D52 Awards Ceremony at the convention. 7.Must not apply simultaneously for any similar D52 travel grant 8.There is no requirement to submit or present research at the convention. 9.Must agree to attend the D52 Awards Ceremony at APA on 8 August, 2015. Description of Interest: 1.A description of your interest in international psychology and how your participation at the APA Convention will strengthen your professional interest in the field of international psychology (maximum 500 words, double-spaced). 2.Curriculum Vitae (resume). 3.An email from the student providing: a.Full name b.Contact information (email & phone), c.University/college and name of the undergraduate/graduate department/program, d.Full name and title of faculty mentor, 6
e.Faculty mentor email f.Year in the program, g.Expected graduation date, h.Member status with D52, and i.Psi Chi member ID. 2.A separate email endorsement sent directly from the student’s faculty research advisor or faculty mentor providing: a.A brief statement endorsing you for the travel grant; b.Confirmation that your interest and academic efforts in international psychology will be enhanced by attending the APA convention, and c.Assurance of your good standing as a student in the undergraduate/graduate psychology program. Deadline: Before midnight (Eastern Standard Time) April 30th, 2015. Email and address all application materials to the following: Mercedes A. McCormick, Ph.D. Chair of APA Div. 52 Committee on Building Bridges With Psi Chi 2013 President of APA Div. 52 Pace University, New York 10038 mmccormick2@pace.edu Learn more at: http://ww w.crin.org/ en/library/ news- archive/fun ding- opportunit y-projects- support- advocacy- and- communica tions- related-post 7
_____Upcoming Conferences and Events_____ The Huddle for Global Change is a five-day online forum for professionals seeking a fulfilling and impactful career in the international arena. Interactive sessions will take place from May 18-22, 2015. http://www.huddleforglobalcha nge.com/ Call for Proposals 4th Annual Intl. Conf. on Transgenerational Trauma is being held in Amman Oct. 21-24. http://cbiworld.org/home/conferenc es/tt-e-notice/ 8
_____Ebola, Infectious Disease, and More…_____ Aggregated News Reports from: Global Health NOW is an initiative of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, www.jhsph.edu. Views and opinions expressed in this email do not necessarily reflect those of the Bloomberg School. Created by Brian W. Simpson, MPH, Dayna Kerecman Myers, Maryalice Yakutchik, Jackie Frank and Salma Warshanna-Sparklin. You can connect with them at: bsimpso1@jhu.edu EBOLA Safe Sex, Indefinitely, for Survivors Survivors of Ebola should practice safe sex indefinitely, the Liberian government said last weekend, pending more research on the time that the virus can remain present in body fluids. Earlier research suggested that 3 months of abstinence or condom use among male survivors would suffice. But an Ebola patient in Liberia who died last week had just one known risk factor: her boyfriend was an Ebola survivor, treated last September. Scientists detected the genetic material of Ebola in a semen sample from her boyfriend, but they emphasized that detecting traces of the virus in the man’s semen does not prove that it contained active virus particles, or that is how his girlfriend was infected. Additional tests outside Liberia will be conducted on the sample to learn more. The development has troubling implications for survivors, who already face stigmatization. There is a need to inform the public about the uncertainties, while taking great care to avoid further stigmatizing survivors, said Philderald E. Pratt, assistant representative in Liberia of UNFPA. The New York Times MSF’s Joanne Liu: The Ebola Year Ebola proved to be the defining global health issue of the past year, and among the earliest to sound the warning was Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Just 6 months before the initial cases were confirmed in West Africa, Joanne Liu, MDCM, started her tenure as president of MSF International. The need to fight Ebola in West Africa soon overwhelmed her initial focus on conflicts in Syria and elsewhere. Liu has not been shy about shaking the world into action—as MSF's report, Pushed to the Limits and Beyond, released March 23, makes quite clear. In Part I of GHN's exclusive Q&A, Liu shares the behind-the-scenes decisions that shaped MSF’s response. “When you lookback, we had some early clues that this outbreak was different,” she said. What About the Kids? Almost 8 in 10 confirmed and probable Ebola cases were patients ages 16 and older. What about the kids? In a letter to The New England Journal of Medicine WHO Ebola Response team found that Ebola incidence among children was significantly lower than that of adults in Guinea, Liberia and 9
Sierra Leone. The team also found that the mean incubation period was shortest in the youngest children (mean of 6.9 days in 14 children younger than 1 year of age) and 9.8 days in 184 children ages 10-15. It also found the case fatality rate (CFR) was lowest among children 10-15 and highest among those 4 or younger. The New England Journal of Medicine Related: How Did Ebola Volunteers Know Where To Go In Liberia? Crowdsourcing! –NPR Goats and Soda Related: Ebola cases drop as progress shown in Guinea, Sierra Leone – CIDRAP Related: Could Sex Have Brought Ebola Back to Liberia? – NBC Related: Police fire tear gas on crowd during Sierra Leone Ebola lockdown – Reuters Related: Ebola rapid diagnostic kit developed by UK scientists in Sierra Leone – The Guardian Related: Ebola crisis points to wider global threat on a par with al-Qaida, warns UK medic – The Guardian DENGUE Rain’s Relief… and Woe After last year’s record-busting drought in Brazil’s southeast, recent rainfall brought relief to residents— but also gave a helping hand to dengue-transmitting mosquitoes. Last year’s dry spell deprived the mosquitoes of their favored breeding ground—stagnant puddles—and kept the fever at bay. By early March of this year, in contrast, Brazil had already reported at least 224,000 cases of dengue—162% more than in the same period in 2014. The situation is especially bad for São Paulo, and many of this year’s worst-hit towns in that area had been spared during previous dengue outbreaks. Thus, fewer inhabitants have had a chance to develop natural immunity. The Economist POLIO Fatwa in Favor Pakistan’s Ulema Mashaikh Council, a leading religious organization, issued a fatwa last week to endorse immunization drives—especially for polio—in the country. After polio immunization workers have been targeted and killed in Pakistan recently, the fatwa encouraged religious figures, and all Pakistanis, to support and cooperate with polio volunteers and staff working to make Pakistan polio free. “After necessary consultations with scholars from all major sects both within the country and abroad, and in light of the information collected from health experts, we came round to the conclusion that all vaccines provided in Pakistan including polio are of the same quality and standard as in Saudi Arabia, 10
Turkey, UAE, Iran, Egypt and the rest of the world,” wrote Council Chair Allama Hussain Ahmed Saeedi. Daily Times (Pakistan) MALARIA More Eau de Plasmodium Malaria parasites in blood release mosquito-luring odors in much the same way that flowers make their sweet fragrance, according to a new study in mBio. "You can basically think of a malaria parasite as a plant in the dark," says Washington University molecular microbiologist Audrey Odom who led the study. The findings could help scientists develop a breathalyzer test for malaria, making it easier and cheaper to test people for the disease. NPR Goats and Soda NUTRITION Two-Faced Malnutrition in Kenya A hungry child and an obese mother in the same Kenyan household represent a problem growing in complexity—malnutrition. The poorest rely heavily on cheap foods that are high in fat but low in nutrients, which can cause both obesity and stunting, explains Elizabeth Kimani, who works with Nairobi’s African Population and Health Research Center. The Center found that 43% of women who are overweight have children whose growth is stunted. "In the past, people used to die of infectious diseases, but now we are realizing that a lot of people are dying from metabolic diseases,” says Kimani, “We are in a transition where this is happening all over Africa." VOA News Related: The research implications of the Global nutrition report – SciDevNet 11
__________________________________________________________ Thanks! I hope you have found this issue to be informative and helpful in your work. Please send me any information you’d like posted in upcoming issues. This Newsletter and mailing are a manual process, so if you would no longer like to receive this Newsletter, just send me an email. Any recommendations to improve this communique would be most appreciated! You can join our Facebook Group and interact with over 1200 likeminded individuals at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CenterForGlobalInitiatives/ And if you’d like to support the Center’s work with a tax deductible donation, that would be fantastic(!) and do a great deal: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/donateNow.cfm All past issues are available via a Pinterest Portal: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/257831147393441584/ If any of the URLs do not work in that format, just email me for the desired back-issue, or visit our website: http://centerforglobalinitiatives.org/newsletters.cfm Cheers, and thank you for your work, Chris http://DrChrisStout.com Founding Director, http://CenterForGlobalInitiatives.org LinkedIn Influencer: http://www.linkedin.com/influencer/3055695 American Psychological Association International Humanitarian Award Winner, http://www.apa.org/monitor/dec07/rockstar.html 12