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This invited plenary address at the 2014 APA Annual Meeting provides tools and discusses models that psychologists and other disciplines have used in global humanitarian work. The use of psychological principles in policy development and sustainability along with interventionism will also be discussed. Real-world stories are shared from innovative non-profits that will open new perspectives, ideas and approaches for attendees to learn from and adapt to their interests and work. There is a companion book, "Humanitarian Field Guide" available at http://tinyurl.com/StoutFieldGuide
APA 2014 Invited Plenary Innovation For Impact: Technologies, Organizations And Tools For Global Psychologists Chris E. Stout
Innovation For Impact: Technologies, Organizations And Tools For Global Psychologists Chris E. Stout Managing Director, Center for Global Initiatives College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago
…and going to other events beside TEDs and were not just psychology-based.
The for-profit work I do is my version of social entrepreneurship—by using my consulting practice and book royalties to support my non-profit Center. On the non-profit side, I use related synergies. For example, in that process I found tools and technologies that could be adapted for NGO uses as well. I then…
my experiences and either find, adapt, or make new tools to address an unmet need.
A la RSW, it’s problematic to stay on top of all your RSS feeds, ListServs, publications, etc. So, we solved it…
Half of what is taught in medical school will be wrong in 10 years’ time, the problem is we don’t know which half. Sydney Burwell, MD, former Dean, Harvard Medical School
It took an average of 17 years for new knowledge generated by RCTs to be incorporated into practice. –IOM
• 3600 statistical articles are published on average each year • Do you know how long it would take you to keep up…? Just for Coronary Heart Disease…
If you read 1 article/15 minutes You would have to read >10 articles For 2 hours/day 7 days/week Forever…
Onset Location Duration Character Aggravating/Alleviating Relieving factors Timing & severity
Got an image? Onset Location Duration Character Aggravating/Alleviating Relieving factors Timing & severity
• 75% hit rate for NEJM’s weekly puzzler via cut-and-paste • 96% if fill in the fields
EvidenceUpdates • A joint collaboration of BMJ Group and the Health Information Research Unit at McMaster University • Best new evidence tailored to your interests. • 2-step process shrinks ~50,000 articles/year (from >140 clinical journals) down to the most important 1 - 2 articles per month = "noise reduction" of over 99.9%.
I was always frustrated with the disconnect of getting evidence-based practice in real-time to the clinician while with the patient
PRN Tx Guideline Consult (brought to you by your EMR)
“If you cannot feed one-hundred, then feed just one.”
“It shouldn’t take a natural disaster for us to tap into our natural humanity.” Arianna Huffington “But it shouldn’t be a big hassle to lend a hand either.” Chris
I was also always frustrated with the disconnect of getting helpful information and tools to those that needed it.
Organizational Tools APA’s “Divisions” or sub-membership groups focused on substantive content areas have an international aspect…
Division 9, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Division 48, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division 52, International Psychology < AND > Division 13, Society of Consulting Psychology Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology Division 38, Health Psychology Division 39, Psychoanalysis …most every division!
Thank you for what you do. Please be in touch… DrChrisStout.com
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