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H uman R esource M anagement

Authored by Russell Melvin (Ver 97.3P) 26-Jul-1997 Modified by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Rev 5.0 03-Jar-2014.

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H uman R esource M anagement

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  1. Authored by Russell Melvin (Ver 97.3P) 26-Jul-1997Modified by Lt Colonel Fred BlundellTX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Rev 5.0 03-Jar-2014

  2. This Training Slide Show is a project undertaken by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell of the TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron, Fort Worth, TX for local use to assist those CAP Members interested in advancing their skills. The information contained herein is for CAP Member’s personal use and is not intended to replace or be a substitute for any of the CAP National Training Programs. Users should review the presentation’s Revision Number at the end of each file name to ensure that they have the most current publication.

  3. HumanResourceManagement • Crew Resource Management • Risk Management • Error Management

  4. What You Can Expect • Working together to promote SAFETY and EFFICIENCY in C.A.P. Mission Operations. • You will be given the tools and yard markers for effective TEAM COORDINATION • Apply these skills to the day to day C.A.P. operations and specific mission tasks.

  5. Safety Leadership Effective Communications Effective Listening Setting the tone What HRM Is

  6. What HRM Is Not • About getting along • About being nice • (-) Aggressiveness • Automatic • OPTIONAL!!!

  7. CrewResourceManagement Whether you are working with just one other member or a large group on a project, mission or duty assignment, team coordination and cooperation is the key to successful and safe task completion. CRM MUST BE YOUR CORNERSTONE


  9. Communications • Brief all mission personnel thoroughly • Clearly communicate decisions about operations of the mission. • Explicitly encourage participation • Seek information and direction from others when needed • Assert with the appropriate level of persistence to maintain a safe operation • Critique yourself and other mission members when appropriate.

  10. Team Building • Involve the entire mission personnel in the decision-making process whenever appropriate or possible • Use appropriate techniques to manage interpersonal and operational conflicts • Adapt to mission member interpersonal differences • Monitor and cope effectively with operational stress remembering that everyone reacts to stress differently

  11. WorkloadManagement • Distribute tasks to maximize efficiency • Prioritize task for effective accomplishment • Manage time for accomplishing tasks • Monitor and analyze all relevant operational factors to maintain situational awareness

  12. Technical Proficiency • Strictly adhere to FAR’s, CAP REG’s, and Standard Operating Procedures • Continually maintain mission skill to the highest degree possible • By continual education in various mission skills upgrade your qualifications • Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism in mission assignments in which you are qualified for

  13. Crew Coordination Guidelines • Test Assumptions • Ask the right questions • Clearly state your plan or intentions • Practice active listening • Fly the airplane (pilots) • Establish priorities

  14. Crew Coordination Guidelines(Continued) • Monitor Fellow Crewmembers • Delegate Tasks • Maintain Situational Awareness • Do not accept“KILLER” NORMS • Doubts? Share with all Crew Members • Be Assertive

  15. CrewEffectiveness Matters • Overall technical proficiency • BRIEFING and COMMUNICATION • LEADERSHIP and TEAMWORK • Situational awareness • Decision making • Crew self-evaluation • AUTOMATION and TECHNOLOGY

  16. Overall Technical Proficiency • Set a professional example. • Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures, FAR’s, CAP Reg.’s, Safety Policies and good judgment practices. • Demonstrate high level mission skills. • Be adept at normal and abnormal procedures. • Maintain a thorough working knowledge of your specific mission task assignment.

  17. BriefingandCommunication • Set an open tone. • Fully brief operational and safety issues. • Explicitly encourage participation. • All are obligated to seek and give information. • State how, if necessary, SOP deviations will be handled.

  18. LeadershipandTeamwork • Balance authority and assertiveness. • Promote continual dialogue. • Adapt to the personalities of others. • Use all available resources. • Must share doubts with others.

  19. Situational Awareness • Monitor developments ( fuel, supplies or other resources, weather, fatigue, personality conflicts, etc...) • Anticipate require actions. • Ask the right questions. • Test assumptions, confirm understanding. • Monitor workload distribution . • Report fatigue, stress and overload in self and others.

  20. Decision Making • Obtain all pertinent information • All key mission members state recommendations gathered by surveys • Better idea suggested? DON’T ABANDON YOURS! • Clearly State plan or intentions. • Fly the Airplane FIRST! (for pilots) • Establish BOTTOM LINES. • Resolve conflicts and doubts quickly

  21. Self-Evaluation • Debrief key events from every phase of the mission. • Continually discuss successes and mistakes. • Ask “How could we have done it better?” • Discuss what is right and not who is WRONG.

  22. Team ManagementStyle Module R E L A T I O N S H I P NURTURING (-) Gullible Submissive Passive ASSERTIVE (+) Helpful Supportive Understanding (Combines the positive aspects of all styles) A LEARNED SKILL (+) Confident Decisive Ambitious (-) Withdrawn Nit-Picking Rigid (+) Calm Analytical Cautious (-) Arrogant, Controlling, Abrasive AUTONOMOUS AGGRESSIVE TASK

  23. Desired Outcome • Enhanced safety • Cooperative teamwork. • Mission effectiveness • A genuine feeling of: increased self esteem, functional team spirit and improved personal communication skills

  24. Risk Management IS IT REALLY WORTH IT ?

  25. Ever Been Preoccupied While Taxing

  26. Everyone is at Risk

  27. The Big PictureofRisk Management • Principles • Responsibilities • Causes of risk • Bottom line • Benefits

  28. The Principles of Risk • Integrate into planning • Accept no unnecessary risk • Make risk decision at the proper level • Accept risks if benefits outweigh costs • Define the risk factor

  29. Define the Risk Factor within the Mission • Merely a hazard? • More of a risk? • Is the risk factor controllable by Risk Management? • What is you “Bottom Line Risk Decision”? • Is it risk management or risk gambling?

  30. Who is RESPONSIBLE for what? • CAP, the Corporate Organization • Unit Commanders • Unit Staff • Individual Members

  31. CAP - The Corporation Ultimately responsible for the actions of it’s membership, the Civil Air Patrol as a Corporation must continually assess the level of RISK that the Membership in general and the Corporation as a whole is exposed to. The Corporation must take decisive and appropriate actions to limit the hazards associated with Risk

  32. Commander Responsibilities • Overall unit risk level • Select or weigh the optimum risk factor from available options • Accept / reject risk based on input, sensibility and greatest benefit to all

  33. StaffResponsibilities • Assist commander by continually evaluating risk factors • Advise the commander when you observe deviations in acceptable risk levels • Implement approved risk control programs • Develop new risk management controls that are effective, benefit safety and the well being of the membership

  34. Individual Member Responsibilities • Understand, accept and implement mandated risk management guidelines and controls • Maintain constant awareness of acceptable risk levels and when they are exceeded • When ever the risk level exceeds the safety level act decisively to eliminate the risk.

  35. Causes of ExcessiveRisk Factors • COMPLEXITY of TASKING • Accelerated mission tasks • Exceeding human and asset resource limitations • Limited or inadequate training in new technologies • Physiological and psychological human factors

  36. What ShouldBe YOUR Bottom Line • First and foremost... Safety • Never accept… “killer norms” • As an individual member you are empowered to stop any event should there be a risk to the wellbeing of the membership… practice risk management

  37. Risk ManagementBenefits OVERALL SAFETY ENHANCEMENT • Fewer mishaps • Preservation of lives and assets OPERATIONAL BENEFITS • Enhances training • Improve mission effectiveness • Improved morale • Lower associated liability costs

  38. Error Management We are all just human and therefore we all make errors Effectively managing our errors is the key to successful resolution

  39. RESISTANCEThose things available to usyet we tend to resist • Checklists • Flight manual • Operations manual • Cap regulations, 60-1, 55-1 • Briefings, weather, fatigue • Other mission personnel input • Training • Standard operating procedures

  40. RESOLVEWhat You BringWith You • Experience • Common sense • Attitude • Assertiveness • Discipline • Defined skills • The ability to challenge • Barriers

  41. Barriers • Setting a negative tone • Ego • Fatigue • Health • Emotional health • Stress • Gender • Reputation


  43. HRM is somethingwe can all live with yetcan not live without

  44. Many Thanks The following individuals have spent many volunteered hours developing this program for the benefit of the CAP membership. • Dr Hiemlick, University of Houston • Continental Airlines Training Department • Maj. Mark Thompson-CAP-USAF Pacific Region • Gary Woodsmall- National CAP HQ • Major Joe Negron- Texas Wing,CAP • Major Richard Swanson- Texas Wing, CAP • Major Jim Bloomberg - Texas Wing, CAP • Captain Jim Magee - Texas Wing, CAP • Captain Jim Rhodes - Texas Wing, CAP

  45. WORKING TOGETHER WORKS !!! Questions? Always Think Safety!

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