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Jeopardy!. World History CST Edition!!. Begin. Democratic Influences. Revolution. Industry & Imperialism. WWI. WWII. Cold War. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400.

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  1. Jeopardy! World History CST Edition!! Begin

  2. Democratic Influences Revolution Industry & Imperialism WWI WWII Cold War $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  3. Democratic Influences- $100This “Great Charter” was the first written document to limit the power of the British monarch. C1-$100 Magna Carta

  4. Democratic Influences- $200Established in the Greek city-state of Athens, this form of government was led by citizens and majority rule. C1-$200 Direct Democracy

  5. Democratic Influences- $300Established by the Romans, in this form of government citizens elected representatives to vote for them. C1-$300 Republic

  6. Democratic Influences- $400His ideas regarding natural rights such as life, liberty, and property had a major impact in Britain, the United States, and France. C1-$400 John Locke

  7. Democratic Influences- $500This French philosopher believed that in order to prevent abuse of power in government, power must be divided amongst three branches. C1-$500 Baron de Montesquieu

  8. Revolution - $100This French leader rose to power after a successful military career, but suffered a devastating defeat to the Russians. C2-$100 Napoleon Bonaparte

  9. Revolution - $200This document, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, led to the start of the American Revolution. C2-$200 Declaration of Independence

  10. Revolution - $300This was the largest social class in France. They would take the Tennis Court Oath and create the National Assembly. C2-$300 Third Estate

  11. Revolution - $400 This bloodless revolution resulted in the adoption of the English Bill of Rights. C2-$400 Glorious Revolution

  12. Revolution - $500 Clemens von Metternich of Austria led this series of meetings that established a balance of power and resulted in 100 years of relative peace in Europe C2-$500 Congress of Vienna

  13. Industry & Imperialism- $100Due to their large population, natural protection, and abundance of resources such as coal and water, this country was the first to industrialize. C3-$100

  14. Industry & Imperialism- $200This invention of James Watt would power factories, trains and ships. C3-$200 Steam Engine

  15. Industry & Imperialism - $300This movement was a result of crop rotation and led many wealthy landowners to create large, fenced in farms therefore forcing many peasant farmers off their land. C3-$300 Enclosure

  16. Industry & Imperialism - $400In The Communist Manifesto he stated, “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains…Working men of the countries, unite.” C3-$400 Karl Marx

  17. Industry & Imperialism - $500 This African nation effectively fought off Italian Imperialist efforts. C3-$500 Ethiopia

  18. WWI - $100This is what NARM stands for. C4-$100 Nationalism, Alliances, Rivalries, Militarism

  19. WWI - $200Germany’s invasion of this country caused Britain to join the conflict. C3-200 Belgium

  20. WWI - $300Strategy adopted by Germany in order to avoid a two front war. Germany would attack France first and Russia second. C3-$300 Schlieffen Plan

  21. WWI - $400 The sinking of this British liner enraged the United States and encouraged them to support the Allies. C3-$400 Lusitania

  22. WWI - $500This was Woodrow Wilson’s plan to promote peace in Europe following WWI. C3-$500 14 Points

  23. WWII- $100 Policy adopted by Neville Chamberlain in order to avoid war with Germany C4-$100 appeasement

  24. WWII- $200 This conflict was considered a “dress rehearsal” for WWII. Hitler used his planes to bomb the city of Guernica. C4-$200 Spanish Civil War

  25. WWII- $300On December 7, 1941 the United States was drawn into WWII because of this event. C4-$300 Bombing of Pearl Harbor

  26. WWII- $400This was the American General who devised the “island hopping” campaign. C4-$400 Douglas MacArthur

  27. WWII- $500Operation Overlord, or D-Day, was the Allied attempt to regain this country from Nazi control. C4-$500 France

  28. Cold War - $100 Line of latitude used to divide Korea. C4-$100 38°

  29. Cold War - $200 Winston Churchill’s description of the division of Europe following WWII. C4-$200 Iron Curtain

  30. Cold War - $300 Following their defeat to Mao’s communist forces, Jiang and the Nationalists fled to this island. C4-$300 Taiwan

  31. Cold War - $400 Communist leader in Vietnam who fought French imperial rule and later American intervention. C4-$400 Ho Chi Minh

  32. Cold War - $500 The Truman Doctrine was established to prevent these two countries from falling to communism. C4-$500 Greece and Turkey

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