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Solon’s solutions. Seisachtheia = “shaking-off of burdens” (cancellation of debt) and elimination of debt-slavery Law-giver, he gave to the Athenians: Four classes based on wealth Pentakosiomedimnoi : > 500 bushelmen = aristocrats Hippeis : “horsemen”: 500 > x > 300 = cavalry
Solon’s solutions • Seisachtheia = “shaking-off of burdens” (cancellation of debt) and elimination of debt-slavery • Law-giver, he gave to the Athenians: • Four classes based on wealth • Pentakosiomedimnoi: > 500 bushelmen = aristocrats • Hippeis: “horsemen”: 500 > x > 300 = cavalry • Zeugitai: “yokemen”: 300 > x > 200 = hoplites • Thetes: “rowers”: 200 > x = oarsmen • Sortition for holding the archonship. Archonship open to top two classes. Result? • Boule (“council”) of 400, 100/tribe: prepared business for the ekklesia (“assembly”) • Areopagus (“Hill of Ares”) = ex-archons, power to punish and protect the polis • Legal redress for wrongs done against oneself • Right of appeal to a dikasterion (“jury-court”) • Returned exiles to the polis • Solon Egypt, Athens anarchia (“lack of archon”) factionalism, dissent, tension
Solonian political changes • Political power based on wealth not birth • Political decisions no longer in hands of Areopagus only: boule (“council”) of 400 (100/tribe) and hence the demos (“people”) • Post-Solonian Athens: discontent, civil war, the rise of a tyrannos
For Wednesday • Was the Peisistratid tyranny inevitable, or did the Athenians have any other choice? • When the tyranny came to an end, what choices did the Athenians have?
Athenian tyrannos: Rise of the Peisistratids: Land and Resources • topography of Attica (Landsat) • reconstruction of Athens (Sikyon.com) Archaic Athens images: • composite plan (Acropolis, Athens) • model (classical Athens)
Peisistratus’ rise to power • anarchia, 590/89 and 586/5 BCE • Damasias, 582/1-580/79 BCE • Sources for Peisistratus: • Herodotus, Thucydides, Atthidographers, Archon lists, Athenaion Politeia = "Constitution of the Athenians" • Map of Attica • Factions: • "men of the plain" = pediakoi including Philaidai and Lykourgos (conservative) • "men of the coast" = paraloi including Alkmaionidai and Megakles (moderate) • "men of the hills" = hyperakrioi or diakrioi including Peisistratus (appeal to the masses) • Peisistratos as demotikotakos = "friend to democracy" • Peisistratos: home at Brauron, owns land in Thrace at Strymon River
Peisistratus’ tyrannies • 561/0 BCE with the club-bearers • 556/5 BCE with Phye of Paiania • 546/5 BCE with Battle of Pallene - 528/7 BCE
Peisistratus’ patronage • City Dionysia - 534/3 BCE (Dionysos and Satyrs) • Greater/Lesser Panathenaia - 566BCE(?) (Panathenaic Amphora: one obverse; one reverse) • Codification of Iliad and Odyssey • Temple of Athena on Akropolis (ca. 529 BCE) • Reconstruction • Temple of Olympian Zeus • Fountainhouses (510 BCE Vase)
Tyranny: The Next Generation • Hippias, 528-510 BCE • Hipparchos, 528-514 BCE • Tyrannicides: Harmodius and Aristogeiton, 514 BCE • Overthrow of Hippias: 511/0 BCE
Assessment of Solon and Peisistratids • What did Solon do for Athens? • What did Peisistratus do for Athens? • What did his sons do for Athens? • On balance, how do you view the political system of Athens in the 6th century BCE?