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I USE / P r o f e ssio n al F o r m a t i o n o f En gi nee r s: R ev o lu t i o nizin g E n g i neerin g D ep ar t me n t s (RED). Julie P. Martin Program Director Division of Engineering Education & Centers (EEC). FY19 Solicitation: NSF 19-513 Deadline January 24, 2019.
IUSE/ProfessionalFormationof Engineers: RevolutionizingEngineeringDepartments(RED) Julie P. Martin Program Director Division of Engineering Education & Centers (EEC) FY19 Solicitation: NSF 19-513 Deadline January 24, 2019
Complex problems facing society in the 21st Century demand changes to the way engineers are educated Prior NSF investments have significantly improved the first year of engineering students' experiences, senior capstone, yet gaps in ideal senior year Need to focus on the middle two years of undergraduate engineering curricula
Focus on Revolutionary Change “radically, suddenly, or completely new; producing fundamental, structural change; or going outside of or beyond existing norms and principles”
How Can We Support Revolutionary Change? Engineering departments: Department head leadership is potential lever for change Emphasis on cultural, organizational, structural and pedagogical changes , involving students, faculty, staff, and industry in rethinking what it means to provide an engineering program. NOT curricular reform! • Faculty engagement essential to organizational change: • Faculty development • Faculty reward systems • Cultures that support faculty engagement
RED Teams Organizational Change Expert PI –Dept. Chair/Dean Eng. Ed.Researcher
Funded Projects • FY2015-2017: ENG+EHR+CISE funded 19 Revolutionizing Engineering & Computer Science Departments • The 19 RED programs are changing department culture and contributing to literature and contributing to the literature on organizational change
RED Impact • Departments are becoming change exemplars • New organizational models in departments • Fundamental shifts in approaches to course content and the way they are offered • Meaningful collaborations between education and industry • New models for supporting underrepresented students
RED Impact: Markers of Change Change doesn’t start with the syllabus, change shows up the syllabus • Engagement of department heads and deans • Resource allocation • Language in position descriptions & hiring letters • P&T policies revolutionary ideas are not “tack-ons”
RED Participatory Action Research • Rose-Hulman & University of Washington • Studying the change agents themselves to understand how to create diffusion of new ideas • Foster and support “cohort”/collective impact ethos
FY 19 Solicitation: Major Changes • An Adaptation & Implementation (A&I) track was added to foster the propagation of proven change strategies to new contexts. • Computer Science is no longer included.
IUSE/PFE: RED Two Program Tracks Innovation • Radically, suddenly, or completely new approaches and actions • Producing fundamental, structural change • Go outside of or beyond existing norms and principles Adaptation & Implementation • Evidence-based and evidence-generating change strategy approaches and actions adapted to the local context Maximum $1M Up to 5 yrs Between $1M to $2M Up to 5 yrs • Both tracks include consideration of cultural, organizational, structural, pedagogical changes needed to transform the department to one in which students are engaged, develop their technical and professional skills, and establish identities as professional engineers. Proposals outside the budgetary limits will be returned without review
Outcomes for Both Tracks • Fundprograms thatcan serveas exemplars of change • Revolutionarychangetomiddletwoyearsof undergraduatecurriculum • Connect engineeringeducation researchand practice • Contributetotheliteratureonchange • Create of a cohort of project teams with activities and collaboration within and across cohorts
Vision for Department • Describethedepartmentandthestudent professionalformationexperience“after therevolution.” • Howissuccessdefined? • Provideaconciseanswertothequestion: “Whatwill bedifferent?”
SuccessfulRED Proposals • Vision:Howrevolutionaryisthevisioninlightofawell-groundedunderstandingofthehistory,context,andcultureofthedepartment? • PITeam:IstheREDteamcomplete,withallrequiredexpertise?Iseachmemberfullyqualifiedtoperformtheproposedwork? • InstitutionalCommitment:Dotheletter(s)ofcommitmentprovideevidenceofsupportfortheprojectsufficienttoachievethegoalsand objectives? • ConnectiontoProfessionalPractice:Istherea sufficientconnection intheproposedprojecttoprofessionalpractice? • FacultyDevelopmentPlan:Isfacultydevelopmentwellplannedandproperlyincentivizedtobuilddepartmentculturesthatsupporttheholisticprofessionalformationofengineers?
SuccessfulRED Proposals • Potential forSuccessandScalability:Howachievableandsignificantare the proposedchangesinthe middletwoyearsofthetechnical core?Howresponsivearethe changes to the calltofocusonprofessionalskills?Reviewerswilltake into accountjustificationoftheresearchplanusingtheliterature, comprehensivenessofthe plan, institutionalleadershipcommitments, sustainabilityofchange(includingleadershipchangesandfinancial sustainability) • RED Innovation: Is the theoryofchangevalidand well-justified? How well-justified are the propagation roadmap/transferability of change strategies? • RED A&I: How reasonable and appropriate is the reach of the dissemination plan? • ConnectiontoResearchonEngineering Education:How well-informedare the visionandexecutionplanbythe literatureandpriorattempts,if applicable,to implementchange?Is theexpectationofsuccesswell- justified? • Adaptation & Scaling:How likelyis the newknowledgegeneratedabout howtochangedepartment culture to bereceivedandutilizedbyothers? Howwell-conceivedaretheplansforaccomplishingthese goals?
FAQs • How many proposals can be submitted by an institution? • A maximum of proposals per institution are allowed. • Does 2 proposals from each institution mean one for each track? • It’s up to your institution how you want to do this as long as no more than 2 proposals are submitted per institution. • My institution has a RED project, can I submit a proposal? • An institution that already has a RED award can submit a RED A&I proposal to the new solicitation. Institutions with existing RED awards may not submit a proposal to the RED Innovation track. • Can computer science departments submit proposals? • Computer Science departments are no longer eligible to submit proposals to the RED program. • Can proposals be submitted from engineering technology departments? • Yes! We encourage engineering technology departments with four year programs to submit to the RED program
ReadingList • WebinarDevelopingaCompetitiveREDProposalpresentedbycurrentRED awardees,https://academicchange.org/ • Journalof EngineeringEducationSpecial Issue:The Complexitiesof TransformingEngineeringHigherEducation,April 2014,103(2):183-361. • Johri,A.andOlds,B.(2014).CambridgeHandbookof Engineering EducationResearch.NewYork: CambridgeUniversityPress. • National AcademyofEngineering.(2013).EducatingEngineers:Preparing 21stCentury Leaderinthe ContextofNewModesofLearning.Washington, DC:NationalAcademiesPress. • ASEE.Transforming UndergraduateEducationinEngineering:Phase I: SynthesizingandIntegrating IndustryPerspectives,May9-10,2013. Workshop • Report.http://www.asee.org/TUEE_PhaseI_WorkshopReport.pdf
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ReadingList • Jamieson,L.,and Lohman, J.(2012).InnovationwithImpact:Creatinga CultureforScholarlyand SystematicInnovationin EngineeringEducation. Washington,DC:AmericanSocietyforEngineeringEducation. • Watson,K.(2009).ChangeinEngineeringEducation:Wheredoes Research Fit? Journalof EngineeringEducation,98(1):3-4. • Spalter-Roth,R.,Fortenberry,N.,andLovitts,B.(2007).The Acceptance andDiffusion ofInnovation:A Cross-CurricularPerspectiveon Instructional and Curricular Changein Engineering.Washington,DC: AmericanSociologicalAssociationandNational AcademyofEngineering Center forthe AdvancementofScholarshipin EngineeringEducation. • National AcademyofEngineering(2005).EducatingtheEngineerof2020: AdaptingEngineeringEducationtotheNewCentury.Washington,DC: National AcademiesPress.