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WIPO Project Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers

WIPO Project Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers. Dar es Salaam 19 October 2011. Andrew Czajkowski Head, Innovation & Technology Support Section. Overview. Context: WIPO Development Agenda Access to Technological Knowledge Patent Information

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WIPO Project Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers

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  1. WIPO Project Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers Dar es Salaam 19 October 2011 Andrew Czajkowski Head, Innovation & Technology Support Section

  2. Overview • Context: WIPO Development Agenda • Access to Technological Knowledge • Patent Information • ASPI: Access to Specialized Patent Information • ARDI: Access to Research for Development and Innovation • Technology and Innovation Support Centers • Promotion and Access to Databases • Training • Networking

  3. Context WIPO Development Agenda “…despite the important scientific and technological advances and promises of the 20th and early 21st centuries, in many areas a significant ‘knowledge gap’ as well as a ‘digital divide’ continue to separate the wealthy nations from the poor.”

  4. Concept • WIPO Development Agenda Recommendation 8 “…facilitat[e] the national offices of developing countries, especially LDCs, as well as their regional and sub-regional intellectual property organizations to access specialized databases…”

  5. The Patent System Encourages innovation and consequently economic growth by: rewarding investments made in developing a new invention  protection publishing and making known technical information of a new invention  disclosure

  6. Differences : Protection & Disclosure Patent protection is territorial in nature Patent information is global Patent protection is limited by claims in scope Patent information includes all information contained in patent documents Patent protection is time-limited Patent information remains permanently available Patents give their owners a right to prevent others from carrying out the invention (manufacturing or marketing) Patents do not prevent others from learning from the invention

  7. Patents : A unique source of information About two-thirds of the technical information revealed in patents is never published elsewhere Over 70 million patent documents have been published to date Many patent collections are now available online in digital format Many search services and tools are available for free!

  8. New Technical Information Worldwide Source: WIPO Statistical Database (patent families); World Bank, World Development Indicators (journals)

  9. Project Objectives Reinforce the capacity of developing countries to participate in the global knowledge economy Support researchers in creating and developing new solutions to technical challenges faced on a local and global level Foster the development of appropriate, effective and sustainable technology and innovation support services for national stakeholders in developing countries

  10. Objectives: In detail Appropriate: Adapted to local needs and conditions Effective: Delivers desired benefits to stakeholders and the country Sustainable: Can ultimately be maintained using locally available resources  Cooperation between WIPO and its partners is essential

  11. Project structure Facilitating access to databases to: Patent (free-of-charge and commercial) Non-patent (scientific and technical journals) Capacity Building Establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Training TISC staff

  12. Access to Patent Databases 2 types of patent databases: Free-of-charge Commercial Need to know specific advantages of each database of each type, e.g. coverage of documentation, full-text, search & analysis tools, etc. Search strategy using keywords, patent classification (e.g. IPC), etc.

  13. Access to Free-of-Charge Databases Many different free-of-charge patent databases Regional and international organizations (e.g. PATENTSCOPE, espacenet) National offices (e.g. USPTO, JPO, DPMA, etc.) Private sector providers (e.g. Google Patent, etc.)

  14. Access to patent data: ASPI(Access to Specialized Patent Information) • Partnership with 6 patent database service providers • LexisNexis • Minesoft • ProQuest • Questel • Thomson Reuters • WIPS • Access to advanced patent search and analysis tools

  15. Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI) http://www.wipo.int/aspi

  16. ASPI: Eligibility • Group 1: Least Developed Countries • for industrial property offices + academic and research institutions • access for free • Group 2: Middle income countries • for industrial property offices + academic and research institutions • access at nominal cost (per service) • one-year free trial period • Group 3: Certain other developing countries • for industrial property offices • access at nominal cost (per service) • one-year free trial period

  17. Access to non-patent data: ARDI(Access to Research for Development and Innovation) Partnership with 12 publishers Access to over 200 key journals in various fields of research, including: applied physics engineering chemistry traditional knowledge Subscriptions regularly valued at over 500 000 dollars

  18. ARDI: Eligibility Group 1: Least Developed Countries for industrial property offices + academic and research institutions access for free Group 2: Certain developing countries for industrial property offices (+ academic and research institutions from January 2012) access at nominal cost three-month free trial period

  19. ARDI: Portal www.wipo.int/ardi

  20. ARDI: Research4Life Programs World Intellectual Property Organization World Health Organization Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations United Nations Environment Programme

  21. Capacity Building Establishment of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Access to patent and non-patent data Assistance for local users from trained staff Services based on staff capacities and user needs

  22. TISCs: Joint engagement Local ownership Staff Facilities WIPO support Facilitating access to databases Training of TISC staff WIPO Academy Distance Learning Courses Provision of information & training materials Support awareness-raising activities

  23. TISCs: Users • Individual inventors • Small and medium enterprises • Industry • Researchers in technology centers and universities • Academia (ranging from schools to universities), etc.

  24. TISCs: Services Core services Access to patent and non-patent databases Assistance in using databases Additional services (based on user need and office capacity) Technology search services Patent analytical services Awareness-raising and training services

  25. Possible Additional Services • Advice on IPRs • Training (e.g. for local SMEs) • Development of IP Strategies – information on filing patents, trademarks, etc. (when, where, what, how much, etc.) • Advice on IP aspects of product commercialization • Advice on licensing • Technology and competitor monitoring • Assistance in IP valuation • Search for business partners and essential know-how • Market and competitor analyses • Support for raising funds • Support for establishing business plans • General knowledge of IP laws • Other (to be specified)

  26. Implementation: Supporting activities Review of patent and non-patent databases (+ user needs assessment) Study Paper regarding Recommendation 8 Guide to Technology Databases E-learning modules on patent information Provision of publications

  27. TISCs: Resources www.wipo.int/tisc/resources

  28. TISCs: Location National/regional patent offices and branches Universities and academic institutions Science and technology parks Chambers of Commerce Other appropriate institution  National TISC network

  29. TISCs: Networks National Network Central focal point: National Patent Office (NPO) or institution designated by NPO Peripheral focal points: Institutions coordinated by NPO Regional Network NPOs/Institutions from region Regional conferences

  30. Example: PIZnet (Germany) 24 centers throughout Germany

  31. Example: PATLIB network (Europe) 340 centers (including patent information units of national offices) across 37 member states IS3 FI 16 SE 1 NO 1 EE 2 LV 2 DK 1 IE 1 GB 14 LT 5 NL 1 PL 27 DE 25 SK 5 BE 10 CZ 11 AT 8 LU 2 HU 4 FR 28 CH 1 RO 17 BG 6 PT 25 ES 25 IT 61 TR 20 GR 4 MT 1 HR 1 AL 1 MK 1 CY 1 MC 2 LI 2 SM 1 SI 3

  32. TISCs: Network Universities National IP Office Research centers Tech parks … WIPO National IP Office … National IP Office

  33. TISCs: Benefits Allow users to benefit effectively from increased accessibility offered by internet searches through direct personal assistance To strengthen the local technological base by building up local know-how To increase technology transfer, e.g. by investigating the possibilities of licensing, joint ventures, etc. To assist local users to create, protect, own and manage their intellectual property rights

  34. Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact: tisc@wipo.int

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