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Preschem, established in Australia in 1988, offers remedial wood preservatives and technical support for utility poles worldwide. Key benefits include extension of pole life, reduction in failures, and lightweight solutions. The management of wooden poles trends towards reliability-based maintenance, maximizing asset lifecycle. Preschem products utilize diffusion principles for effective treatments. Storage is easy, with trials confirming effectiveness and environmentally friendly practices. Cost savings result from effective pole management plans. Preschem assists in program implementation through trials, product registration, and training programs.

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  1. INTRODUCTION TO PRESCHEM • Over 5 million poles treated with Preschem products around the world • Accredited to ISO 9001:2000 • Technical expertise includes Chemical Engineers, Electrical Engineers and Wood Scientists • Established in Australia in 1988 • Manufacturing base in Melbourne with support offices in other states and South Africa Largest manufacturer of remedial wood preservatives in Australia

  2. Preschem Organisation COMPANY STRUCTURE Pole Management & Technical Support service Manufacturing Division Remedial Treatments for Utility Poles Pole Inspection IT Systems Clear timber finishes Training Quality Radial sawn timber Standards

  3. Major export to South Africa USE OF PRESCHEM REMEDIAL PRODUCTS • Consistently used by Utilities for in excess of 10 years • Preliminary performance trials in Uruguay, Greece and Hong Kong Supplied to all major Electrical Utilities in Australia

  4. Reductions in pole replacement BENEFITS RESULTING FROM USE OF PRESCHEM REMEDIAL TREATMENTS Extension of inspection cycles Reduction in unplanned pole failures

  5. Relatively lightweight USE OF WOODEN POLES IN OVERHEAD NETWORKS • Most versatile • Renewable resource Lowest cost

  6. MANAGEMENT OF WOODEN POLES (World wide trends) • Improved control of pole failures and supply reliability • Change from cyclic to reliability based maintenance • Managing poles preferred to replacing poles Increasing focus on maximising life of assets

  7. Alignment of inspection, treatment and data collection MANAGEMENT OF WOODEN POLES (continued) • Increased use of pole reinstatement systems • Management of poles is no monkey business

  8. HOW PRESCHEM CAN ASSIST THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS Provide a broad and balanced perspective Experience in most aspects of pole management • Ongoing technical support Treatment Process Quality Control Standards Training IT Systems

  9. Target critical zone immediately below groundline KEY ASPECTS TO EFFECTIVE POLE INSPECTION • Detailed external probing • Managed use of boring holes for internal inspection to minimise strength reduction to poles Visual inspection and sounding

  10. Evaluation of pole strength KEY ASPECTS TO EFFECTIVE POLE INSPECTION (continued) • Capture of information • Use of auditing to standardise and improve Critical analysis of shavings from drilling

  11. USE OF REMEDIAL TREATMENTS • Diffusion occurs at critical moisture levels for decay • Internal treatment uses chalk type rods • External treatment uses a bandage containing solid pills Barrier and diffusible types Preschem products utilise diffusion principle

  12. Insert several Polesaver rods per hole • Plug with suitable tapered plug APPLICATION METHOD FOR POLESAVER RODS • Screwed plastic plugs and other accessories available from Preschem Drill treatment holes around pole circumference

  13. Clean soil and excess decay from outside of pole APPLICATION METHOD FOR BIOGUARD BANDAGE • Measure pole circumference and cut length of bandage • Wrap around circumference of pole and tape top section • Backfill and consolidate Excavate around pole to 300mm deep

  14. Minimum protective equipment required BENEFITS OF SOLID TREATMENTS • No specialist application equipment • Slow release provides longer term effectiveness • Minimal environmental contamination Safe and easy to handle

  15. STORAGE AND HANDLING • Require dry, cool and well ventilated area • Clean and can be stored in original boxes • Indefinite shelf life Not classified as a dangerous good for storage and transport

  16. Trials confirm the effectiveness of the diffusion process used to distribute the actives in Preschem treatments PERFORMANCE TRIALS • Field conditions are always simulated even to the extent of installing pole caps Many trials already conducted throughout Australia and other countries

  17. Trials also extend to investigating product improvement • Most trials have been independently assessed by Government Research Organisations PERFORMANCE TRIALS(continued) • Preschem committed to ongoing long term Research and Development program

  18. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS • Inaccessibility to public and animals • Preschem utilises an Environmental Management plan which incorporates aspects from production through to the end use of products Preschem products are already registered for safe commercial use in several countries Controlled release of actives into wood Minimisation of waste

  19. COST CONSIDERATIONS Effective management of the pole population will lead to significant capital replacement savings

  20. COST CONSIDERATIONS(continued) Minimal equipment needed to install treatments Low cost of inspection Poles can have extended service life of >50 years Pole inspection can assist in effective maintenance planning of other assets Reduction in expensive pole failures and other unplanned failures

  21. HOW PRESCHEM CAN ASSIST IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A POLE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Use of pilot studies and trials Product registration Development or refinement of standards and procedures Training programs Technical support

  22. SUMMARY A pole management program will extend the life of poles Managed wooden poles are cost effective Data from pole inspection is an aid to maintenance planning Make use of Preschem support

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