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Learn how to measure Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) in pregnancy, interpret AFI values, diagnose oligohydramnios, explore its causes, investigations, complications, and management. Also, discover how to diagnose and manage polyhydramnios.
Poly-oligohydramnios Dr Matthews Anyanwu Specialist obstetrician, lecturer UTG
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) • The amniotic fluid index is measured by dividing the uterus into four quadrants • The linea nigra is used to divide the uterus into right and left halves. • The umbilicus serves as the dividing point for the upper and lower halves. • The transducer is kept parallel to patient’s longitudinal axis and perpendicular to the floor.
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) • The deepest, unobstructed, vertical pocket of fluid is measured in each quadrant • “Brief appearances of cord or an extremity are ignored, but aggregation of either one, to the exclusion of fluid, is not considered part of a fluid pocket.” • Add these numbers together and the sum represents the Amniotic fluid Index (AFI).
Interpretation of the AFl 10.1 to 24.0 cm Normal 5.1 to 10.0 cm Borderline Less than or equal 5.0 cm Abnormal Greater than 24.0 cm Abnormal
oligohydramnios • Reduced liquor volume: AFI<5cm or DP<2cm • How to make diagnosis: • Detailed clinical history • Sterile speculum examination • Refer to fetal medicine unit
Causes of oligohydramnios • Fetal : - reduced production of fetal urine (renal disease or agenesis, posterior urethral valve obstruction, adverse drug effect such as ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, diuretics and placental insufficiency -Maternal: increased loss of amniotic fluid e.g. PROM, PPROM following trauma, infection or idiopathic
Further investigation • Karyotyping • Fetal doppler studies • Intra-amniotic fluid injection • Fetal morphometry
General comments on oligohydramnios • Is a sign of underlying maternal or fetal complication • Such as PPROM or PROM, utero-placental insufficiency, fetal structural or chromosomal abnormalities and postmaturity • Prognosis is poor when it occurs in the 2nd trimester (82%) • When associated with fetal anomalies PNM is 26%
A negative sterile speculum does not exclude preterm ROM • USS can check for fetal bladder filling as this may distinguish different causes
Complications of oligohydramnios • Pulmonary hypoplasia • IUFD • Hypoxic ishaemicencephalopathy • Cerebral palsy • Compression deformities egTalipes • Termination of pregnancy is not recommended only if fetal malformation is present
Polyhydramnios • Increased AF • How to make a diagnosis: by USS -AFI more than 24cm -DP more than 8cm
Causes of polyhydramnios • Fetal: anencephaly, intestinal atresia, neuromuscular abnormalities, fetal DI, sacrococcygealteratoma, macrosomia, fetal anemia, TTTS • Maternal: DM, congenital infections • Others : placenta chorioangioma, idiopathic
Management of Polyhyramnios • Always involve: a detailed USS examination of the fetus and placenta, maternal viral studies, VDRL, OGTT • Amnio-reduction and karyotyping is not always required • Mgt depend on aetiology, gestational age at presentation,and the presence or absence of maternal symptoms relating to overdistention of the uterus
Complications of polyhydramnios • Antepartum : preterm delivery, PPROM, malpresentation, cord prolapse, abruption, PET, maternal discomfort, unexplained IUFD • Intrapartum: dysfunctional labour, increased risk of C/S, cord prolapse • Postpartum: PPH
Intervention • Amnioreduction: complications are PPROM, chorioamnionitis, abruption • Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors: -When cause is due to increased urine output and not impaired swallowing -1st was Indomethacin 50-200mg; complications include oligohydramnios, premature closure of ductusarteriosus, cerebral vasoconstrition, pulmonary hypertension, renal failure, necrotisingenterocolitis • Sulindac: is a nonsteroidal prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor with fewer side effects.