Greekbook Xenophon Xenophon is deep in thought Biography: Not must is known about my early life. I studied under Socrates. Around 401 , I joined the Greek mercenary army of the of the Achaemenian prince Cyrus the Younger, and became involved in Cyrus’s rebellion against his brother, the Persian king ArtaxerxesII. I marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave me land and property in Scillus, where Ilived for many years. Eventually I have to move again and I settled in Corinth. Why I’m so Famous : I am a Greek Historian and Philosopher. I wrote a about my life experiences and recorded a number of dialogues from my teacher Socrates. My historical works include Anabasis, Cyropaedia, Hellenica, and Agesilaus. My Socratic works and dialogues include Memorabilia, Oeconomicus, Symposium, The Apology of Socrates, and Hiero. Liked Pages: We are Sparta, The Socratic Method Photos 1 From Attica, Greece Born 430 BCE Died 350 BCE Friends 314
Resources • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/650658/Xenophon • http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/x/xenophon/ • http://www.iep.utm.edu/xenophon/ Mrs. Schwab