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Have you ever heard that the placenta could eat? Check out this presentation by Dr. David Frederick Hepburn and find out what it is.<br>
Placentaphagia A story by Dr. David Frederick Hepburn…
Dr. David Hepburn: Ithadbeen a dark and stormynight and I hadbeenonmaternitycallforroughly 478 hours. I was minutes awayfromcatchinganotherbaby in theLabour and Deliveryroom, this time courtesy of a womanfromGabriola Island. Gabriolais a gorgeouslittlepearl in theGulf Island necklacethatadornsthewatersbetween Vancouver Island and the BC mainland. Itis home to many a free spiritincludingmanyAmericanswhospiritedthemselves free of thedraft. Itremainsthehappy hippie home of gumboots, granola and good guano. Itistheland of tie-dye, bandanas, VW vans and peace.
Thegivebirth Thebirth of thisfreshestGabriolanwasgoingwell, though a nakedfour-yearoldprancingabouttheroomstickinghisnoseintotheactionsite (to checkforhis new sib) was a taddistracting. Fifteen minutes afterthepleasantentranceintothisworld of MoonshadowRaccoonNosehair, camethe placenta (afterbirth).“Couldyousavethatforusplease, doctor?” “Why?” I inquired. “Well, we plan to cookit up and eatit,” theyreplied.
Placentaphagia Honestlybelievingthattheywerekidding, I thenletloosewith a wisecrackthatsubsequentlylanded me in hospital hotwater. “So, what do youcookitwith, Placenta Helper?” Suchwasmyfirstexposure to placentaphagia (theeating of placenta). According to the Julia Childproducts’ cookbook Quick and Easy Human Organs, the placenta can be fried, sauteed, fricasseed and evenbaked (half-baked?). TheFebruary 1999 edition of Harper’s Magazine actually describes some popular recipesfor placenta. Various cultures are known to spread the placenta in gardens. Otherswillburyitwith a palmseedling, whichuponmaturing as a tree, can be a reminder to thechildthatpart of themis in part of thatcoconut.
Placenta´s uses In addition to beingused as a dietarydelicacy, protein and hormone-rich placenta isused in healthcareproductsrangingfromshampoos to Chinese remedies forimpotence, menopause and general anti-aging. Thosewithan extra $25,000 and wish to feelyounger, maywish to undergoplacentalinjections. Placenta, whichisderivedfromthesamestemcells as thebaby, istheonly non-diseasedliveorganthat can be removed fromthebodyforstudy. Most folks resenthaving a liverorbrain removed forscientificstudy. Placentologists are able to use thisorgan to test drugsorpoisons, extract hormones, investigatedisease (genetic) and even use theplacentalmembraneforhealingburnwounds.
Itisremarkable to realizethat, be itaninnyoranoutie, theweelintcollector in themiddle of ourbellywas once ourlifeline. We can be bornsansvariousappendages and evenorgans, buteveryone (withtheexception of Adam and Eveperhaps??) has a navel base. The placenta doesnotactuallytransmitmother’sblood to baby, butratheritacts as a barrierpreventingherbloodfrommixingwiththat of thefetus. Itselectivelyallowsthepassage of substancesrequiredfor fetal developmentincludingnutrients, oxygen, and Snickersbars. Itisalsotheconduitforreturningwasteproductslikeammonia and broccoli back to themother. Ifthis 500g organgetsinfected, has a diminishedbloodsupply, iscontaminated by alcohol ortobacco, orisnotsitting in itsproperlocalewithinthewomb, thenthefetusis at risk of havingbirthdefects.
A new dish By examiningthe placenta, known as the “diary of life”, muchaboutlife in thewomb can be determined. Cerebral palsy (braindamagecaused by a “botched” birth) is a majorreasonthat 80% of obstetricianshavebeensued. Much to thechagrin of lawyers, theremaynotnecessarily be anyone to blame in many of these cases. The placenta ratherthanthe doctor may be theculpritoritmayrevealananswer as to whatwasthe real cause of braindamage. Ifnot, surpriseyourdinnerguestswith a new casserole.
For more healthy tips visit: • https://davidfrederickhepburntips.wordpress.com • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXgR9QtbtDlFbK1GUqZw8A