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Severe arthritis (osteoarthritis) of knee or hip joint may cause restriction and disability to patients. Patients having severe knee pain with varus deformity are candidates for knee or hip replacement surgery.
KneeReplacement Surgery in India Severe arthritis (osteoarthritis) of knee orhip jointmaycause restrictionanddisabilityto patients.Patients having severe knee pain with variousdeformityare candidates forknee or hip replacementsurgery.Hip Replacementsurgerymaybecemented oruncommented type. Knee replacementsurgerymayspare the cruciate ligament or substitute it.Knee replacementmaybe unicondylar ortotal knee replacement. For effective kneereplacementsurgeryindelhi, noida, gurgaon and India,consultexperienced andreputed surgeonDr.Himangshu TyagiIn Delhi. Knee replacementsurgeryis considered as one of the commonkind ofjoint replacement surgery performedby the best andexpertsurgery experts in theworld. A numberof patientsbelong to different countiesmoves to India for thebesttreatment at affordable cost.
Dr.HimanshuTyagipromisesfor the best treatment ever. Youcancontact to the expert for moreinformationonknee surgery. ContactAddress:- Raviprit Orthopaedic and SpineClinic A-71, NearMother PrideSchool, Sector-93b,Noida -201304,U.P OPD Timing :- 6 PMTO8 PM (Monday toSaturday) 11 AMTO1PM(Sunday) Mob no-: +919654095717 Phoneno:- 01133059389 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Web:- www.drhimanshutyagi.in