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Proyecto de vídeo – 2 Mi colegio en el futuro. Today is your 2 nd chance to make a video using www.animoto.com Username = bvgstraining5@gmail.com password = ask me in lesson
Proyecto de vídeo – 2Mi colegio en el futuro Today is your 2nd chance to make a video using www.animoto.com Username = bvgstraining5@gmail.com password = ask me in lesson Your task today is to make a video description of what your school will look like in 50 years time. This is a culmination of our work on future tense and a revision of the topic on school that we did last year. You may wish to include any of the following things: buildings (shape/size/number) lessons description of students/teachers + what they will do Uniform Facilities Travel to and from school Special features IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU READ THE NEXT 2 SLIDES ON HOW TO WRITE IN FUTURE TENSE. EVERYTHING YOU WRITE TODAY SHOULD BE IN THIS TENSE. WHEN YOU LOG IN TO ANIMOTO, YOU CAN WATCH AN EXAMPLE VIDEO CALLED ‘FUTURE SCHOOL’. IT ALSO APPEARS ON SLIDE 5.
FUTURE TENSE The 4 most important phrases today are : habrá – there will be (use with nouns) This lets you say what facilities/features the school will have se podrá - you will be able to (use with verbs) This lets you say which activities/actions the people in the school will be able to do. Será - he/she it will be This lets you describe the school or parts of the school. serán– they will be This lets you describe the teachers/students or plural objects. Los profesores serán robots En el futuro mi colegio será enorme!! La directora será un mono Se podrá llegar en cohete espacial
HOW TO MAKE the Future tense…. If you want to talk about what the students and teachers will do then you’ll need to use the future tense. Take a verb from the dictionary/word reference …….ANDAR – to walk and add –án to make it ‘They will walk’ - Andarán However the following are exceptions…… Tendrán – They will have Sabrán – They will know Pondrán – They will put Saldrán – They will go out Podrán – They will be able to Harán – they will make/do This is a list of the verbs you conjugated in class. correrán – they will run comerán– they will eat encontrarán – they will find llegarán– they will arrive usarán – they will use ayudarán – they will help jugarán– they will play verán – they will see mirarán – they will watch crearán – they will create llevarán– they will wear dibujarán – they will draw bailarán – they will dance beberán – they will drink escribirán – they will write Escucharán a – they will listen to oíran – they will hear tomarán – they will take Irán a – they will go to compartirán – they will share montarán – they will ride dormirán – they will sleep elegirán– they will choose volarán – they will fly Se reunirán – they will meet tendrán que – they will have to aprenderán – they will learn If you want to know how to make future tense with word reference – click on this link….
Make the most of your vocab Holamisestudiantes, Make sure you use the vocabulary on slide 3 and the video on how to make the future tense. Be creative and don’t steal any of my ideas!!! Remember – this is an imaginative piece of work so the possibilities are endlessssssssssssssss. Los profesoresno beberáncafé: beberán los batidos de proteína. Los alumnosescucharán a música rock en el patio. Soy super fuerte! Wowowowo dulce chiquilla mía
Sample video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMpsfZfiO_I Click link if video doesn’t stream
REMINDER OF GRADE BOUNDARIES 20/20 – A video project with no mistakes and at least 1min 30 seconds long. It will make excellent use of the vocabulary needed for the project as well as containing vocabulary that you have found yourself. It will be unique and show an excellent understanding of the task. 17-19 An excellent project with excellent use of vocab and a definite sign that you have thought for yourself and tried to include something unique. You may have 1 or 2 mistakes but you have clearly made corrections from 1st draft and your video is 1 min 30 seconds at least. 14-16 A good project with good use made of topic vocabulary including some of your own vocabulary as well. There may be a few mistakes but most or all have been corrected from 1st draft. Good understanding of task and the length will be around 1 minute 30 seconds at least. 11-13 A good effort although there may be mistakes still uncorrected or the video may be missing some parts of the task. You have good use of the vocabulary for the task and begun to successfully include your own phrases. Should be around 1 minute 10 seconds long or more. 7-10 Quite a few errors still present and maybe the comments on your 1st draft have not been read properly. Some use of the correct vocabulary; although the video doesn’t show a lot of your own ideas/imagination. Should be around one minute long. 4-6 Lots of errors and the video is less than a minute in length – there is little sign of independent work and some of the topic vocabulary is incorrect as well. Some parts are ok but the majority needs improving and the video is likely to be incomplete. 1-3 A poor project which is less than 30 seconds long and only has the minimum of vocabulary used. No independent working shown and most of the sentences have errors. You ahven’t read the comments on your 1st draft and the video is incomplete.
1. La educación física 2. El inglés 3. El español 4. El alemán 5. La física 6. La informática 7. La geografía 8. Las matemáticas 9. La historia 10. La religión 11. La tecnología 12. La química 13. La música 14. El dibujo 15. La biología 16. El francés ¿Qué asignaturas estudias? 13 2 14 7 10 6 3 16 11 8 9 1 12 5 15 4
En el colegio • Una cancha de tenis • Un laboratorio • Una biblioteca • El despacho de la • directora • 5. Una sala de • profesores • 6. Un comedor • 7. Un patio • 8. Un gimnasio • Un campo de deportes • 10. Una sala de • ordenadores • 11. Una parada de • autobús • 12. Una aula • 13. Un vestuario 1 8 11 13 2 12 6 7 9 10 5 4 3