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Ayurveda states that any drug or dietary regime etc. which alleviates Kapha and Vata, have ushna (hot or warm) property and promotes downward movement of vata, should be used in the patient of shwasa roga. Deepana- Pachana- Agnivardhaka (improvement of digestion), Chedana – Shleshmahara (expulsion of sticky mucus),Vatashamana, & Vata-anulomana Chikitsa are the line of treatment for shwasa roga in Ayurveda. Shodhana chikitsa or Panchakarma is one of the main treatment modality in Ayurveda. It is described for the diseases where dosha are vitiated in high levels. Swedana (fomentation), Vamana (therapeutic emesis) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation) are the prime pachakarma procedures indidcated in shwasa roga.<br><br>
Asthma • Over the previous few decades, extreme changes in the lifestyle of human beings lead to advancement and increased number of sufferers of various diseases. Poor health conditions, improper diet, mental stress, lack of hygiene, heightened pollution and unhealthy lifestyle are some of root causes for various diseases in this era. Diseases related to our breathing or respiratory system are outcome of such activities or changes. Appropriate breathing is essential for good health. Breathing transfers both oxygen and the vitality to each and every cell in the body. Air is inhaled through nostrils and mouth which goes down through trachea, principle bronchus and then to lungs. Lungs are the important organ of our respiratory system. Our body uses this oxygen to burn or oxidize waste products and other toxins. These gaseous toxins are also expelled out from body through the lungs. 70% of all elimination from the body occurs through the lungs in the form of gases and particles. • Bronchial asthma is a serious disorder of our respiratory system. Shortness of breath, cough is very common health problem seen in children and old persons. The percentage of asthma sufferers has been increased world-wide. As per WHO estimation, 15-20 million are asthmatics.
. • AYURVEDIC PERSPECTIVE • In Ayurveda, any abnormality in normal breathing is considered as ShwasaRoga. There are five types of Shwasaroga. The vitiated vatadosha enters pranavahasrotas(respiratory system)and escalates the level of Kaphadosha present in chest region. It leads to obstruction of pranavahasrotas and results in shwasaroga. • Tamakashwasa is one among the types of Shwasaroga. VataandKapha are the main doshas involved in the development of TamakaShwasa. It is a yapyadisorder that can be well manageable with the treatment. It is very annoying disease as it disturbs routine activity by episodic acute attacks. On the basis of causes, sign & symptoms, TamakaShwasa resembles with bronchial asthma. • MODERN PERSPECTIVE • Bronchial asthma is a disease related our lungs and respiratory system. Complains like Cough, chest tightness, wheezing during breathing and difficulty in breathing are experienced by asthmatic patients. It is an episodic disease. Most of the asthmatic patients have some type allergy towards any allergen like dust, smoke, pollens etc. Asthma also worsens with change of season or weather. This is extrinsic or allergic type of bronchial asthma.Asthma attacks all age groups but often starts in childhood. A minority of asthmatic patients (approximately 10%) have intrinsic type of asthma.
CAUSES:- • रजसा धूम वाताभ्यम – Exposure to dust, smoke and cold wind. • शीत स्थानाम्बूसेवनात् –Going to a cold/ wintry place and Intake of cold food items. • व्यायामात् –Excessive exercise. • रुक्षान्न विषमाशनत् -Intake of unctuous food items and irregular dietary pattern. • आमप्रदोषात् –Bad dietary habits leads to agnimandyaand formation of Amadosha in the body. Thus amadosha is produced due to poor digestion of food and this responsible for the development of various disorders. • दौर्बल्यात् – Due to infirmity or reediness. • मर्माघातात् - Direct injury over important body parts /lungs or respiratory system.
SIGN & SYMPTOMS • कास - Coughing. • घुरघुर शब्द - Wheezing or whistling sound during breathing. • श्वासकष्ट- Difficulty in breathing. • पार्श्व शूल – Gripping pain in chest or chest tightness. • पीनस - Stuffy or running nose. • कंठोद्धवंस - Itching in throat or sore throat. • ग्रीवा-शिरसो संग्रह - Stiffness in neck and head region. • कृच्छ्र करोति भाषितं - Difficulty in speaking. • मेघशीताम्बुप्राग्वातविवर्धते – Aggravation of disease symptoms on climatic changes, due to intake of cold drinks & other cold food items and on exposure to cold wind. • श्लेष्मणम विमोक्षणते सुखं – Relief in symptoms on expulsion of mucus or sticky sputum. • आसीनो लभते सौख्यम – Relief in symptoms in sitting position. • अनिंद्रा – Loss of sleep. • प्रमोह - Fainting and shock.
Line of treatment • Ayurveda states that any drug or dietary regime etc. which alleviates Kapha and Vata, have ushna (hot or warm)property and promotes downward movement of vata, should be used in the patient of shwasaroga. Deepana- Pachana- Agnivardhaka(improvement of digestion), Chedana – Shleshmahara(expulsion of sticky mucus),Vatashamana, & Vata-anulomanaChikitsaare the line of treatment for shwasaroga in Ayurveda.Shodhanachikitsa or Panchakarmais one of the main treatment modality in Ayurveda. It is described for the diseases where dosha are vitiated in high levels. Swedana (fomentation), Vamana (therapeutic emesis) andVirechana (therapeutic purgation) are the primepachakarma procedures indidcated in shwasaroga.
Lifestyle • Take healthy and nourishing diet. • Regular breathing exercises or pranayama. • Take proper care during rainy and winter season. • Green leafy vegetable and fiber rich diet. • Be cautious during change of season or weather. • Direct exposure to cold wind. • Exposure to allergen like dust and smoke. • Psychological problems like stress, anxiety and depression. • Alcohol intake and smoking. • Oily and spicy food. • Fast food items like burger, pizza etc.
YOGA/ ASANA/ PRANAYAMA • Bakasana • Dandasana • Sutavajrasana • Pawanmuktasana • Sarvangasana • Tadasana • VipreetkarniMudra • Anuloma-Vilomapranayama • Nadishodhanapranayama • Ujjayipranayama