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Gynecomastia Treatment in Chd

Gynecomastia is a serious problem in which a male has abnormally big mammary glands which causes the male breast to enlarge in a particular way. You can consult with Dr. Kalia in Chandigarh that gives you best services.<br>

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Gynecomastia Treatment in Chd

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  1. Liposuction in Chandigarh

  2. Knowledge About Liposuction Liposuction is best performed for patients who have problem areas that are resistant to weight loss and exercise. It is not a substitute for overall weight loss – trying to overdo liposuction to reduce excessive body mass is impractical and can be unnecessarily risky. Liposuction is not a substitute for dieting and exercise; it is used when lifestyle changes and weight loss initiative no longer yield results and you desire something more to improve your body’s contours.

  3. Gynecomastia Treatment in Chandigarh • Gynecomastia is a condition that affects many men around the world. It is when the breast tissue in either young boys or men starts to swell. The swelling is caused in part by the overproduction of estrogen or the underproduction of testosterone, or a mixture of both. This condition is seen in newborns, in teenagers who are going through puberty and in older men who are experiencing this imbalance as the amount of testosterone their body creates is decreased.

  4. Contact US Dr. Kalia Cosmetic Surgery Clinic SCO 326, Sector 40-D, Chandigarh Mobile :+ 91-0- 81462-66227 Email: kellytait786@gmail.com Website: http://liposuctioninchandigarh.com

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