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Lana Comeaux is a remarkable professional recognized for her incomparable leadership style and distinguished personality. She has managed to accomplish a number of milestones in her career. Find out more about her at her official site http://lanacomeaux.net
Dr. Lana L. Comeaux D e v e l o p m e n t S t a t e o f S a b i n e C o l l e g e S t e p h e n | E x e c u t i v e C a r e e r | I n d e p e n d e n t O f f i c e r , F . A u s t i n D i r e c t o r A n g e l i n a W r i t e r U n i v e r s i t y A r e a C e n t e r , G r a n t
Lana Comeaux is an empirical person and is also into camping, fishing, riding four-wheelers with her husband.
Dr. Lana L. Comeaux is a versatile expert known for having a long list of undertakings as a principal and instructional leader. She has worked as a counselor for various people and has remained connected to great organizations.
Lana Comeaux is celebrated for her amazing roles while working for a number of organizations. She is affording her unmatched abilities at Stephen F. Austin State University as a Development Officer.
Dr. Lana L. Comeaux manages a number of duties like fund-raising for the college by getting in touch with and connecting with sundry organizations and businesses.
Dr. Lana L. Comeaux completed her graduation from Stephen F. Austin State University and earned Doctorate of Educational Leadership from SFA back in August 2009.
Lana Comeaux is serving as an Instructor at the University of Phoenix for the previous 8 years and is in authority for teaching and helping upper-level educational law class online.
Lana Comeaux is interested in the creation and development of a support group for parents of Autistic children. Right now, she is in the early stages of creating an Adult Day Center for Autistic Adults.
T TH HANK ANKS S F FO OR R Y YO OUR UR A ATT TTE ENTI NTIO ON N Find out more about her at her official site http://lanacomeaux.net