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Best Method For Opioid Detoxification - Dr. Michelle Weiner

Delve into detoxification methods that are the safest and most effective with Dr. Michelle Weiner, a recognized expert in the field of pain management. The Dr. Weiner approach to the opioid dependence isn't limited to provide a medication assisted therapy alone but rather it incorporates a holistic therapy offering the patients comprehensive solution that is catered to meet the needs of each patient promote successful detoxification and recovery from opioid dependence in the long term.

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Best Method For Opioid Detoxification - Dr. Michelle Weiner

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  1. best way to detox from opioids

  2. What is an opioid Opioidsareagroupofstrongmedicinesyour doctormayprescribetohelpyoumanage yourpain. Yourdoctormightprescribeanopioidforthe short-termtreatmentofmoderatelysevere orseverepain, suchaspainaftersurgeryor aninjury. Theyalsohelppeoplemanagepain causedbycancerandterminalillness.

  3. What are opioid withdrawal symptoms? Symptomsofwithdrawalfromopiatesareunpleasanteffectsthat canoccurifyousuddenlystoporsuddenlyreduceyourdoseofopioid medicines. Theycanalsohappenifyoutakeanothermedicinethat blockstheopioidfromworking. MedicationforWithdrawalsymptomsaresimilarforallopioids. They caninclude: hotandcoldflushes, sweatingand 'goosebumps' feelinganxiousorirritable cravingsforopioids nausea, vomiting, diarrhoeaandlackofappetite tremor (shaking) wateryeyes, runnynoseandsneezing yawninganddisturbedsleep

  4. Why should I try to come off my opioid medicine? Ifyouhavechronic (longterm) painthatisnotcausedbycancer, over timeyouwillgetlessbenefitfromyourdrugsforopioidpain withdrawal, andhavemoreriskofharm. It'sagoodideatotalktoyour doctoraboutcomingoffopioids. Takingopioidscanleadto: sideeffectssuchasnausea, constipationanddrowsiness tolerance—whereyouneedlargeramountsoftheopioidtogetthe sameeffect dependence—whereyoudevelopwithdrawalsymptomsifyoustop takingthemedicine life-threateningbreathingproblems worsepain, asyourbrainbecomesmoresensitivetopain

  5. How should I stop taking my opioid medicine? It'simportanttoreviewyourmedicineswith yourdoctorregularly. Theycanhelpyoutaper youropioidmedicine. Thismeansslowly reducingthedoseunderguidancefromyour doctor. Taperingyourmedicinecanhelpreduce symptomsofwithdrawalfromopiatesor preventthemoccurring.

  6. DADE (305) 946-1813 BROWARD (954) 919-7706 Book A Consultation Tuesdays & Fridays 975 W 41st St #308 Miami Beach, FL 33140 Wednesdays & Fridays 3501 N Ocean Drive Hollywood, FL 33019 Mondays & Thursdays 712 E Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 www.drmichelleweiner.com

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