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Here is a useful technique provided by Dr Rizvi Skin Clinic for your better cure.
The Best Anti-Aging Secrets By Dr. Rizvi Skin Clinic
Anti-aging has a number of different meanings and connotations, depending on who is being questioned. • In the scientific community, anti-aging research refers exclusively to slowing, preventing, or reversing the aging process.
Anti Aging Symptoms • Symptoms of aging can often involve menopause, changes in your skin tone, premature graying of hair, getting spectacles for reading, increase in hair fall, etc. • You may even feel tired more easily and constantly lack energy.
What are the anti-aging strategies? • Successful anti-aging strategies generally take between 1 - 3 years before results can be seen. • You are doing well if you can follow 25% of the strategies within 90 to 180 days, 50% of the strategies within 1 to 2 years, and 75% of the strategies within 2 to 3 years.
Key Elements : 1) Peptides : • Peptides the small proteins that help stimulate new cells to grow are supposed to make the skin more plump and, therefore, younger looking. • Only anecdotal evidence to show peptides reduce wrinkles.
2) Alpha-hydroxy acids : • Alpha-hydroxy acids, including lactic, glycolic and citric acids, are natural ingredients found in fruits and milk sugars. • They can work as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells to make room for new ones. • Lactic acid, for example, brightens the skin by removing dead skin cells while glycolic acid makes skin look smoother by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
3) Retinol : • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and boosts the thickness and elasticity of the skin and is backed up by ample evidence. • Retinol is found in a variety of over-the-counter skin creams.
4) Resveratrol : • Studies show that drinking wine in moderation has some health benefits, but the jury it out as to whether supplements have a similar effect.
5) Antioxidants : • Antioxidants are chemicals that interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing them from causing damage. • Antioxidants are commonly thought to help protect cells from free radicals. These are unstable molecules that could hurt cells and increase the risk of cancer.
Best Anti Aging Foods • Diets are always believed to be good if you want to lose weight, or to shape up your body. Little is known about the anti-aging effects of some effective diets. • Some diets can give dieters an old man's face as well as a stressful look.
Anti Aging Food Pyramid : Some helpful food tips:
Strawberries • One of the healthiest fruits. • Have anti-inflammatoryproperties and help prevent some types of cancer. • Effects can be very beneficial for those with arthritis or other problems of the muscularity system.
Blackcurrant • Contains high levels of vitaminC and other antioxidants. • Beneficial to health both physically and mentally. • Helps improve cardiac function and the health of the veins and arteries. • Excellent for the health of the urinary system.
Blueberries • The high level ofanti-oxidants found in blueberries help fight free-radicals, protecting us from damage and illness. • Improves balance and helps boost memory power.
Avocado • Contrary to what many people believe Avocado is not a vegetable, it's a fruit. • Very good source of mono unsaturated fats, needed to fight bad cholesterol. • Rich in vitamin E, this fruit has anti aging properties that keep your skin healthy and fights premature aging. • If you are fond of salads, Avocado is a great addition to your salad dressing, or you can even add it to your breakfast.
Watermelon • Containing over 90% water, watermelon is an excellent anti-aging food and a delicious one too. • Watermelon consists of vitamins, minerals and essential fats that are a SWAT team against free radicals. • The zinc in watermelon is particularly good for cleansing toxins from the body.
What is Anti-aging Treatment? • Anti-aging treatment is a reincarnation of traditional medicine, but in this era, it incorporates the science of anti-aging. • No longer do we accept aging as inevitable or, when disease occurs. We can treat its symptoms and its consequences. • Anti-aging treatment is based on the concept that the signs, symptoms, and consequences of aging can be delayed and in many cases reversed.
Anti-aging treatment recognizes that successful therapy necessitates a healthy lifestyle including the following: • A low glycemic index diet • Appropriate nutrient supplementation • Appropriate hormone balance • The absolute need for physical exercise