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Learn about Likoria, What is the treatment, and much more.
Everythingyoumustknowaboutlikoria Likoriaorvaginaldischargeisclear,off-whitecolouredfluidthatcomesoutfrom the vagina. Thecervix, uterusand vaginaall togetherproduce the vaginal discharge, whichiscomposedofbacteriaand cells.Thevaginaldischargehelps cleanandlubricate thevagina,eliminatingthebadinfectionandbacteria.Vaginal discharge is a normaland naturalprocess.However,changes inthe discharge mightsymbolizeabnormalvaginaldischarge,andyoumustcarefullylookat it. • What is meant by the colour of the vaginaldischarge? • Thecolourofthevaginaldischargecansignifythatthereissomeproblem. • Yellow,GreenorGrey:Thesethreecoloursmight signifythatyouhave a sexually transmittedinfection.
BrownorRed:BrownorReddischargemightsignifyirregularmenstruation or pregnancy.If youhavebrowndischargeand itis notyourmenstruation, it mightstatethatyouhavea problem. It mightbe a sign ofvaginal infection. • Clear or White:Normal likoriais clearand white.However,if youobserve a whitedischargethatisthicker anditching,itmightmean thatyouhave a yeast infection. • If youseeanyofthe aboveproblemsorvaginitissymptoms,youshouldconsult a doctorbeforethingsworsen.The bestsexologistinGurgaoncanhelpyousolve yourproblemsandprovidepropermedicationsfortreatingirregularvaginal discharge. • Treatments forvaginaldischarge • Likoriasymptomsandtreatmentsmightvary.Severalprescriptionmedicinescan support the treatment ofvaginaldischarge sincemost of them aren’tserious. • However, if youdo nottakeproperaction early, thesymptomsmightworsen, and you mightfaceproblems in the future. • Sexuallytransmittedinfectionsarea bit morecomplicated and aredifficultto treat.Also,they canspreadtootherpeople ifnot properlycaredfor.Therefore,if youdevelopanysexuallytransmitted disease,youshould consultthe doctorsoon and getmedicationsas required.Moreover,it isadvisedthatsexuallyactive women must visit the health careprovideratleast once every year.
Whatare thedifferent typesof infectionswhich canlead yourvaginaldischarge to change? • The color ofyourvaginaldischarge or itssmell mightchange due toseveral infections. Theseinfectionsmightbe acquiredafterhavingsexwith someonewho already has the infection in them. Some of those infectionsare: • Yeast Infection. • Trichomoniasis. • BacterialVaginosis. • Gonorrhea. FinalWords Having a white discharge before periods is normal, or any other time is also normal. A vaginal discharge is a method for the vaginaltostaylubricatedand clean all the time. However, changes in the colour and consistency might show signs of symptoms,and youmust consulta doctor soon once you see anysymptoms of vaginaldischarge. Thenormal dischargemightvarythroughoutyourmenstrualcycle.Evenifyouhaveany change in thesmell of thevaginaldischarge, donot use anyperfume or any deodoranttoalter itssmell. Rather than doingany good, it willharm you. Visiting asexologist in Lucknowwho can help you with the problem is better.