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Information about the most abused drugs.
(800) 409-1819 10 Most Abused Effects and symptoms Drugs.
10. Oxycodone • This drug, Oxycodone, is used primarily to deal with pain in a medically supervised setting. But it has become a common thing for people to buy these drug illegally and abuse them. W H A T I S I T ?
W H A T I S I T ? • Methadone is commonly used to help people come off of opiate addiction. It blocks the euphoric effects of heroin, and reduces the desire of the user to go back on heroin for about 24 hour. But the drug has been known to be used and abused by certain users, and thus it is sold in illegal markets. 9. Methadone
8. Barbiturates W H A T I S I T ? This sort of drug belongs to a set of prescription hypnotic-sedative depressants that interact with the central nervous system. But because of their problems of becoming easily addicted to, and because they are dangerous in high doses, they have been replaced by other less invasive drugs.
7. Phencyclidine W H A T I S I T ? Phencyclidine, or what it is more commonly referred to as, PCP, is illegally made, is an hallucinogen. What began as a surgical anesthetic in the 1950s has become an easily addicting drug, that was eventually ended from the market as a anesthetic because patients would suffer from hallucinations.
Amphetamines are considered psychostimulants. They act on the central nervous system to increase the person’s level of alertness and metabolism. 6. Amphetamines Well known prescription amphetamines include Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Provigil. As an illicit substance, they are easily obtained because of their prevalence in homes and used by youth and adults alike. Their addictive possibility is considered to be high. W H A T I S I T ? • The effects of amphetamines have proven useful in treating obesity, ADHD/ADD, narcolepsy and some forms of depression and mania.
Ecstasy, methylenedioxymetham-phetamine (MDMA), is a psychotropic drug that is a stimulant and hallucinogenic. It was originally developed as a potential medication for depression but because of its hallucinogenic properties was deemed inappropriate for clinical use. L O V E D R U G 5. Ecstasy
W H A T I S I T ? • Common opiates are morphine, codeine and heroin; they all produce a narcotic effect on the user meaning they relieve pain and cause intense feelings of euphoria. • Opiates are created from opium plants through an intensive process of distilling the drug from the plant petals and leaves. The most common sign of someone under the influence of an opiate is their inability to stay awake and impairment in cognition and mobility. Their speech will be slow and their pupils will be very small. On users that inject, there will be injection marks on their body. 4. Methamphetamine
W H A T I S I T ? • Opiates are created from opium plants through an intensive process of distilling the drug from the plant petals and leaves. • Common opiates are morphine, codeine and heroin; they all produce a narcotic effect on the user meaning they relieve pain and cause intense feelings of euphoria. 3. Opiates The most common sign of someone under the influence of an opiate is their inability to stay awake and impairment in cognition and mobility. Their speech will be slow and their pupils will be very small. On users that inject, there will be injection marks on their body.
2. Cocaine • Cocaine can come in a powdered or solid form. The powder may be snorted or mixed with baking soda and water and then heated to be used for an injection. Cocaine powder can also be sprinkled onto tobacco and the liquid mix can also be used to soak rolling papers to provide a high when smoking. W H A T I S I T ? Cocaine is derived from the coca leaf. Indigenous tribes have long chewed the leaves of this plant to use its narcotic effect but modern drug users convert the leaf to a crystalline powder by combining it with other chemicals.
1. Marijuana grass, Jane, Mary Jane, herb, pot, weed, bud and buzz • Users claim that usage of the drug relieves anxiety and stress. Medical grade marijuana is used to relieve symptoms associated with terminal and chronic illness treatments such as nausea and pain. Marijuana is derived from the cannabis plant. Its leaves are harvest and then dried. The leaves can be smoked by themselves, added to other substances or ingested as an ingredient in a baked item.
C o n t a c t u s : (800) 409-1819 info@drugabusecontrol.com • https://www.facebook.com/drugabusecontrol