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Discover the theory of Multivariate Analysis, including Normal Distributions, Contour Plots, and Transformations. Learn about Marginal and Conditional distributions, Linear Transformations, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multivariate Normal distribution.
[x1, x2, … xp]is said to have a p-variate normal distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix Sif
Scatter Plots of data from the bivariate Normal distribution
Trivariate Normal distribution - Contour map x3 mean vector x2 x1
Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1
Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1
Trivariate Normal distribution x3 x2 x1
Theorem: (Marginal distributions for the Multivariate Normal distribution) have p-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix Then the marginal distribution of is qi-variate Normal distribution (q1 = q, q2 = p - q) with mean vector and Covariance matrix
Theorem: (Conditional distributions for the Multivariate Normal distribution) have p-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix Then the conditional distribution of given is qi-variate Normal distribution with mean vector and Covariance matrix
is called the matrix of partial variances and covariances. is called the partial covariance (variance if i = j) between xi and xj given x1, … , xq. is called the partial correlation between xi and xj given x1, … , xq.
is called the matrix of regression coefficients for predicting xq+1, xq+2,… , xpfrom x1, … , xq. Mean vector of xq+1, xq+2,… , xpgiven x1, … , xqis:
Note: two vectors, , are independent if Then the conditional distribution of given is equal to the marginal distribution of If is multivariate Normal with mean vector and Covariance matrix Then thetwo vectors, , are independent if
The components of the vector, , are independent if s ij = 0 for all i and j (i ≠ j ) i. e. S is a diagonal matrix
Theorem Let x1, x2,…, xn denote random variables with joint probability density function f(x1, x2,…, xn ) Let u1= h1(x1, x2,…, xn). Transformations u2= h2(x1, x2,…, xn). ⁞ un= hn(x1, x2,…, xn). define an invertible transformation from the x’s to the u’s
Then the joint probability density function of u1, u2,…, un is given by: where Jacobian of the transformation
Theorem Let x1, x2,…, xn denote random variables with joint probability density function f(x1, x2,…, xn ) Let u1= a11x1+ a12x2+…+ a1nxn + c1 u2= a21x1 + a22x2+…+ a2nxn + c2 ⁞ un= an1x1+ an2x2 +…+ annxn + cn define an invertible linear transformation from the x’s to the u’s
Then the joint probability density function of u1, u2,…, un is given by: where
Theorem Suppose that The random vector, [x1, x2, … xp]has a p-variate normal distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix S then has a p-variate normal distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix
Theorem (Linear transformations of Normal RV’s) Suppose that The random vector, has a p-variate normal distribution with mean vector and covariance matrix S Let A be a q × p matrix of rank q ≤ p has a p-variate normal distribution then with mean vector and covariance matrix
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Multivariate Normal distribution
The Method of Maximum Likelihood Suppose that the data x1, … , xnhas joint density function f(x1, … , xn; q1, … , qp) where q = (q1, … , qp) are unknown parameters assumed to lie in W(a subset of p-dimensional space). We want to estimate the parametersq1, … , qp
Definition: The Likelihood function Suppose that the data x1, … , xnhas joint density function f(x1, … , xn; q1, … , qp) Then given the data the Likelihood function is defined to be = L(q1, … , qp) = f(x1, … , xn; q1, … , qp) Note: the domain of L(q1, … , qp) is the set W.
Definition: Maximum Likelihood Estimators Suppose that the data x1, … , xnhas joint density function f(x1, … , xn; q1, … , qp) Then the Likelihood function is defined to be = L(q1, … , qp) = f(x1, … , xn; q1, … , qp) and the Maximum Likelihood estimators of the parameters q1, … , qp are the values that maximize = L(q1, … , qp)
i.e. the Maximum Likelihood estimators of the parameters q1, … , qp are the values Such that Note: is equivalent to maximizing the log-likelihood function
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Multivariate Normal distribution
Summary: the Maximum Likelihood estimators of are and
Summary The sampling distribution of is p-variate normal with
The sampling distribution of the sample covariance matrix S and
The Wishart distribution A multivariate generalization of the c2 distribution
Definition: the p-variate Wishart distribution be k independent random p-vectors Let Each having a p-variate normal distribution with Then U is said to have the p-variate Wishart distribution with k degrees of freedom
The density ot the p-variate Wishart distribution Then the joint density of U is: Suppose where Gp(·) is the multivariate gamma function. It can be easily checked that when p = 1 and S = 1 then the Wishart distribution becomes the c2 distribution with k degrees of freedom.
Theorem Suppose then Corollary 1: Corollary 2:
Theorem are independent, then Suppose Theorem are independent and Suppose then
Summary: Sampling distribution of MLE’s for multivatiate Normal distribution Let be a sample from then and
Note: where
Tests for Independence Test for zero correlation (Independence between a two variables) The test statistic If independence is true then the test statistic t will have a t -distributions with n = n –2degrees of freedom. The test is to reject independence if:
Test for non-zero correlation (H0: r = r0 ) The test statistic If H0 is true the test statistic z will have approximately a Standard Normal distribution We then rejectH0 if: