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Enhancing Web Content with HTML5 Multimedia Elements

Learn about HTML5 audio and video elements, digital audio basics, encoding formats for audio, playing videos, video containers, and embedding PDFs. Explore using HTML tables for organizing data effectively.

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Enhancing Web Content with HTML5 Multimedia Elements

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  1. Audio,Video,andMoreHTML5 (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  2. AudioandVideofortheWeb • PriortoHTML5,therewasnostandardwaytodeployaudioor videoinawebpage. • Usersneedtoinstallplug-instoplaydifferentmedia. Itwas hardtogetmediatoplaycorrectlyondifferentbrowsers. • HTML5 introducestheelementsaudioandvideoprovidinganeasywaytoplacestandardsoundandvideoinwebpagesthatwillworkonallplatforms. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  3. DigitalAudio • Anaudiosignalisnaturallyacontinuouswaveoffrequencyandamplitude. Analogaudiomustbedigitizedtoplaybackonacomputer. • Ananalogaudiosignalisdigitizedbysamplingandquantization. Thecontinuoussoundwaveissampledatregular timeintervals,andthevaluesateachsamplingpointarequantizedtodiscretelevels. Theresultingdataarestoredinbinaryformatasadigitalaudiofile. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  4. AudioEncodingFormats Advancesindigitalaudiobringincreasinglysophisticatedcompressionanddecompression(codec)schemestoreduceaudiofilessizewhilepreservingsoundquality. FilenameSuffix,Format Type audio/x-aiff audio/midi audio/mpeg audio/x-realaudio audio/amr audio/ogg audio/x-wav audio/x-wma aif(f),AIFFAIFC mid,MIDI mp3 raorrm,RealAudio amr oggorogaVorbis wav,WAVE wma,WindowsMediaAudio (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  5. TheaudioElement <audio attributes src="url"></audio> <audio src="files/Bob_sinclar_love_generation.mp3" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"></audio> Demo: Ex: Audio Audioformatssupporteddependonthebrowser. But.ogg,.mp3, and.wavarelikelytobesupported. Youcanincludealternative formatswiththesourceelement: <audioattributes > <source src="file.ogg" /> <source src="file.mp3" /> ... </audio> Abrowserwillplaythe1stsupportedformat. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  6. PlayingVideo • Avideoisasequenceofimagesdisplayedinrapidsuccessionthatisusuallyalsoplayedinsynchronywithasoundstream. • Forsmoothmotion,aframeratecloseto30fpsisneeded. • DigitalvideoformatsincludeDVD,Blu-ray ,HDTV,DVCPRO/HD,DVCAM/HDCAM,andsoon. • AvideofilefortheWebusuallysuppliesvideotracks,audiotracks,andmetadata. Tracksinavideofilecanalsobeorganizedintochaptersthat • canbeaccessedandplayeddirectly. Suchfilesareknownasvideocontainersandtheyfollowwell-designedcontainerformats,whichgoverntheinternalorganizationofavideofile. TM (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  7. VideoContainers • MPEG4—Asuiteofstandardaudioandvideocompression formatsfromtheMovingPicturesExpertsGroup(contenttypevideo/mp4;filesuffixmp4,mpg4). • Mobilephonevideo—A3GPP-definedcontainerformatusedforvideoformobilephones(contenttypevideo/3gpp;file suffix3pg). • AVI—AudioVideoInterleavedformatfromMicrosoft(content typevideo/x-msvideo;filesuffixavi). • RealVideo—AnaudioandvideoformatbyRealNetworks. For historicalreasons,itusestheseeminglyincorrectcontenttypeaudio/x-pn-realaudioandthefilesuffixrm. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  8. ThevideoElement <video attributes src="url"> </video> <video controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" src="files/Jai_ho.mp4"></video> Demo: Ex: Video (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  9. EmbeddedPDF (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  10. <object style="border: thin solid black" type="application/pdf" data="html5.pdf" width="420" height="300"> <a href="files/ICTExpressPaper.pdf">Paper.pdf</a> </object> Demo: Ex: PDF (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  11. HTMLTables • Presenttabulardatasuchasanorderreceipt • Organizeentriesinfill-outformsforuserinput (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  12. TableBasics <table border="1"> <caption>My Contacts</caption> <tbody> <tr><th>Name</th><th>email</th> <th>phone</th></tr> <tr><td>Joe Smith</td><td>jsmith@cnn.com</td> <td>432-555-1000</td></tr> <tr><td>Mary Jane</td><td>mjane@ibm.com</td> <td>123-555-3020</td></tr> </tbody></table> Demo: Ex: SimpleTable (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  13. ABasicTable and more examples (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  14. ThetableStructure Atableelementcontainsthefollowingchildelementsinorder: Anoptionalcaption Anoptionalcolgroupforgroupingtogethercolumnsofthe table Anoptionaltheadforgroupingtogetherrowsforthetable header Oneormoretbodyelementscontainingrowsforthetable Anoptionaltfootelementforgroupingtogetherrowsforthe tablefooter (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  15. CellContentAlignments Demo: Ex: Align (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  16. SampleShoppingCartTable Demo: Ex: Cart (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  17. CenteringTables <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"> Demo: Ex: CenteredTable (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  18. TableLayout • style="width: wd"—Setsthewidthoftheelementtowd, whichcanbeafixedlengthorapercentageoftheavailablehorizontalspace. • style="height: • fixedlengthht. ht"—Setstheheightoftheelementtoa Demo: Ex: TableWidth (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  19. RowandColumnSpans (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  20. <table style="width: 120px; text-align: center"> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="2" style="background-color:red; height:40px">A</td> <td rowspan="2" style="background-color: cyan">B</td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="2" style="background-color: yellow">C</td> <td style="background-color: green; color: white; height: 40px">D</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" style="background-color: blue; color: white; height: 40px">E</td></tr> </tbody></table> Demo: Ex: Spans (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  21. RulesbetweenCells • Theborder="1"attributeofthetableelementgivesrules separatingallcells. • Foronlyverticalrules,onlyhorizontalrules,orsomeother designforatable,usetheborderstylepropertyonindividualcellstopiecetogetherthedesiredrulesinatable. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  22. Table Nesting Demo: Ex:TableNest (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  23. Table Based Layout Demo: Ex:TableLayout (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  24. WebpageCharacterEncoding • ASCII,supportedbyregularEnglishkeyboards,containsonly128characters. • HTMLusesUniversalCharacterSet(UCS),orUnicode, definedinISO10646. • UCScontainscharactersfrommostknownlanguagesarrangedintoalinearsequence. Eachcharacterhasacodeposition. ASCIIcharactersareassignedpositions0–127. • AnHTMLdocumentcontainingUCScharacterscanbeencodedindifferentwayswhenstoredasafileortransmittedovertheInternet. • UTF-8isabyte-orientedUnicodetransformationformatthatispopularbecauseofitsASCIIpreservingquality. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  25. UTF-8Encoding • UTF-8represents • ASCIIcharacters(codepositions0–127)withthelower7bitsof1byte(single-bytecode) • Codepositions128–2047with2bytes • Codepositions2048–65536with3bytes • UTF-8istherecommendedencodingforwebpages. • <meta charset="utf-8" /> (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  26. NumericandNamedCharacterReferences • Onacomputer,itishardertoenternon-ASCIIcharactersintoadocument. • Withalternativeinputmethods,andsomelearning,characterfromdifferentlanguagesandUNICODEcharacterscanbe enteredintodocuments. • HTMLNumericandNamedCharacterReferencesprovideacharacter-set-independentwaytouseUNICODEcharacters. • Anumericcharacterreferencespecifiesthecodepositionwith thenotation • &#decimal; or &#xhex; (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  27. NumericCharacterReferenceDisplay Demo: Ex: Chinese Demo: Ex: Korean (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  28. CommercialSymbols Demo: Ex: Symbols (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  29. CharacterAccents Demo: Ex: Accents (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  30. GreekCharacters Demo: Ex: Greek (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  31. MetadataandHeadElements • base—forpagelocation • style—forin-pagestylesheet • link—forlinkstorelateddocumentssuchasfaviconsor externalstylesheets • script—forin-pageorexternalscriptssuchasaJavaScriptprogram • meta—forvariouspage-relatedinformationsuchascharacter encoding,keywords,andasummarydescription • <meta name="somename" content="sometext” /> (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  32. LinkTargets • Thetargetattributecanbeusedinanyelementthatprovidesalinkurl. Ifthetargetisthenameofaniframe,thenthe referenceddocumentisdestinedtothatiframe. Intheparent pageorachildpage,thelink • <a href="index.html" target="f_one">homepage</a> • displaysindex.htmlinaniframenamedf_onewhenclicked. • Withoutanexplicittarget,thedefaulttargetforalinkisthe pageoriframecontainingthelink. Thetargetattributeinthe baseelementcansetthedefaulttargetforalluntargetedlinksinapage. (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

  33. Pre-definedTargets • Inadditiontonamedframes,therearealsoknowntargets: • _blank—anew,unnamedtop-levelwindow • _self—thesameiframeorpagecontainingthelink,overridinganybase-specifiedtarget • _parent—theimmediateparentoftheiframe • _top—thefull,originalwindow (C) Prof. Paul Wang - CS Kent University, Pravin Pawar - SUNY Korea

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