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The ability to move and walk without painful, ongoing pain is the main advantage of having a hip replacement. After getting a hip joint replacement, many of these people find new life by being able to resume activities like walking, swimming, cycling, and golf.
Themainbenefitofhipreplacementsurgeryis the ability to walk and move without experiencingexcruciatingandchronicpain. Hip pain can cause many individuals to stop participating in activities and hobbies they onceenjoyed.Manyoftheseindividualsare abletoresumeactivitiessuchaswalking, swimming, cycling, and golf after hip joint replacement,givingthemanewleaseonlife. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Lesseninghip pain Duetothewearingdownofthebones,even theslightestmovementcausespain,whichis alleviated after surgery and the recovery period. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Correctionof bonedeformity Artificial hips will ensure the correctionofdeformitiesandthe eliminationofanyresultingpain. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Returntonormal activities This is possibly one of the most significantadvantagesofthissurgery, despitethelengthyrecoveryperiod. However,themajorityofpatientscan return to their normal activities and resumeapain-freeexistence.
After the surgery and recovery period, they are able to resume normalfunctionsandhabits,allowing themtosleepadequately. Possibilitytosleep pain-free www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Increaseinlegstrength Many patients experience an increase inlegstrength,asonesideofthehip tends to become very weak before surgery due to bone problems. After surgeryandrecovery,theimplanttends to increase the strength of the same side. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Inmostcasesa lifelongsolution tohipproblems Ifthehipreplacementprosthesisismade ofmetal,iftheoperationissuccessful,it tendstolastuntiltheendofaperson's life, and this area of the body typically doesnotexperienceproblemsagain.
Higherstandardof living Themajorityofpatientsreportthathip replacement significantly improves their quality of life. The reduction of painhasasignificantimpactonthe improvementofsleep,aswellasthe amelioration of associated issues such asdepression. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Excellent probabilityof success The success rate of hip replacement surgery is among the highest, with over 95 percent of patients experiencing relief from hip pain. This is alsoreflectedinthelong-termsuccessrates,which remainbetween90and95percentafter10years and80to85percentafter20years. Additionally, mortality rates associated with the procedureareextremelylowandhavedecreased evenfurtherinrecentyears.
Additionaladvantages Theriskofchronichealthconditions suchasheartfailure,diabetes,and depression is reduced by hip replacementsurgery. www.drvikasmehra.co.in
Contactus ContactDr.VikasMehra,thebesthip replacementsurgeoninChandigarh.