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Get the most out of your fruits with Commercial Fruit Dehydrator Machine! This energy-efficient machine is easy to use and can dehydrate any type of fruit quickly and evenly. The adjustable thermostat and automatic timer make it simple to dehydrate a variety of fruits, from apples to grapes, so you can enjoy the freshest dried fruits at any time. Don't wait - get your Commercial Fruit Dehydrator Machine today and start making delicious snacks and treats that are sure to please the whole family!
CommercialFruit Dehydrator Machine DynamicDryersinternationalspecialisesinmechanicalandthermodynamic design.OurdedicatedteamofqualifiedBEng(Mechanical)engineersensures quality,efficiencyandeffectiveness throughoutourproductrange. ClickHere www.dryersinternational.com
AboutUs Dynamic Dryers International will provideyouwiththe best possibleandpracticalfruitand vegetabledryingsolution.The fruit dehydratorisdesignedso thatthedrying timeforeach product is ataminimum.
AncillaryEquipment The conveyor line consists of a cutting line on the top and a waste line at the bottom. The cutting line is fitted with anadjustablecutterassemblyatthe end of the cuttinglinetocutthepreparedmangocheeksinto strips.Allthecomponentsaremade fromcorrosion resistant stainless-steel(304)andfoodgradeplastics. Highinnutrition butlowin fat PreservativeApplicator Thepreservativeapplicatorconveys drying racks, placed manually on the conveyor,underneathnozzlesthat preciselysprayliquidpreservative ontotheproduct.Eachtray consistently receives a predetermined volumeofpreservatives.The trays are then manually removed at the end oftheconveyor. ReadMore
Get the most out of your fruits with Commercial Fruit Dehydrator Machine! This energy-efficient machine is easy to use and can dehydrate any type of fruit quickly and evenly. The adjustable thermostat and automatic timer make it simple to dehydrate a variety of fruits, from apples to grapes,soyoucanenjoy thefreshestdried fruitsat anytime.Don'twait-getyour CommercialFruit Dehydrator Machinetoday andstart making delicioussnacksandtreats thataresuretoplease thewhole family!
Contact Us OurFruitdryers/dehydratorsproducetopqualitydriedproductwith reduceddryingtimesandincreasedthermalefficiency. ClickHere www.dryersinternational.com E-Mail-drikus@dryersinternational.com PhoneNo-+27713648533