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Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python: A Multimedia Approach 4ed

Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python: A Multimedia Approach 4ed. Chapter 10: Building Bigger Programs. Chapter Objectives. How to Design Larger Programs. Building something larger requires good software engineering .

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Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python: A Multimedia Approach 4ed

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  1. Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python: A Multimedia Approach 4ed Chapter 10: Building Bigger Programs

  2. Chapter Objectives

  3. How to Design Larger Programs • Building something larger requires good software engineering. • Top-down: Start from requirements, then identify the pieces to write, then write the pices. • Bottom-up: Start building pieces you know, test them, combine them, and keep going until you have your program • Debugging: Programming is “the art of debugging a blank sheet of paper.” • Testing: Because nothing complicated and man-made is flawless. • Maintenance: By far, the most expensive part of any program.

  4. Top-Down Design • Start from a problem statement.What are you trying to do? • Refine the problem statement.Use hierarchical decomposition to define subparts. • Refine until you know how to write the programs. • Use procedural abstraction so that higher-level functions are written in terms of lower-level.

  5. What's an Adventure Game? • Text-based, interactive fiction. • Dates back to 1970's: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_Cave_Adventure • See Zork at https://youtu.be/1q9Q2gwqw7U • Play Zork at http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/5zyoqrsugeopel3ffhz_vq/zork • There are new and updated tools for making interactive fiction like Inform, http://www.inform-fiction.org

  6. Example Top-Down Design:An Adventure Game Top-level function: • Tell the user how to play the game. • Describe the room. • Get the player's command. • Figure out the next room. • Return to Step 2, until the user Quits.

  7. Two new functions • printNow(): Takes a string as input, and prints it on the Command Area immediately. • Print waits until the program is done. • requestString(): Takes a prompt string as input, accepts a string from the user in a dialog window, then returns the user's input.

  8. An important new loop • How do we keep going, indefinitely, until the user says “quit”? • A while loop repeats a block until a test becomes false.

  9. Writing the top level function This function makes sense, even without knowing the lower level functions. It is decoupled from the lower-level. def playGame (): location = "Porch" showIntroduction () while not (location == "Exit") : showRoom(location) direction = requestString("Which direction?") location = pickRoom(direction , location) Working directly from our earlier outline.

  10. Writing the subfunctions def showIntroduction (): printNow("Welcome to the Adventure House!") printNow("In each room , you will be told which directions you can go.") printNow("You can move north , south , east , or west by typing that direction.") printNow("Type help to replay this introduction.") printNow("Type quit or exit to end the program.") def showRoom(room ): if room == "Porch": showPorch () if room == "Entryway": showEntryway () if room == "Kitchen": showKitchen () if room == "LivingRoom": showLR () if room == "DiningRoom": showDR ()

  11. pickRoom() def pickRoom(direction , room ): if (direction == "quit") or (direction == "exit"): printNow("Goodbye!") return "Exit" if direction == "help": showIntroduction () return room if room == "Porch": if direction == "north": return "Entryway" if room == "Entryway": if direction == "north": return "Kitchen" if direction == "east": return "LivingRoom" if direction == "south": return "Porch" return "LivingRoom"

  12. Rest of pickRoom() if room == "Kitchen": if direction == "east": return "DiningRoom" if direction == "south": return "Entryway" if room == "LivingRoom": if direction == "west": return "Entryway" if direction == "north": return "DiningRoom" if room == "DiningRoom": if direction == "west": return "Kitchen" if direction == "south": • return "LivingRoom"

  13. Each room (function) describes itself defshowPorch(): printNow("You are on the porch of a frightening looking house.") printNow("The windows are broken. It's a dark and stormy night.") printNow("You can go north into the house. If you dare.") defshowEntryway(): printNow("You are in the entry way of the house. There are cobwebs in the corner.") printNow("You feel a sense of dread.") printNow("There is a passageway to the north and another to the east.") printNow("The porch is behind you to the south.")

  14. Running our program (so-far) >>> playGame () Welcome to the Adventure House! In each room , you will be told which directions you can go. You can move north , south , east , or west by typing that direction. Type help to replay this introduction. Type quit or exit to end the program. You are on the porch of a frightening looking house.

  15. Testing our program • Try both expected,and unexpected input. We should return something reasonable in response to unreasonable input.

  16. Returning a reasonable response to unreasonable pickRoom() input def pickRoom(direction , room ): if (direction == "quit") or (direction == "exit"): printNow("Goodbye!") return "Exit" if direction == "help": showIntroduction () return room … if room == "DiningRoom": if direction == "west": return "Kitchen" if direction == "south": return "LivingRoom" printNow("You can't (or don't want to) go in that direction.") return room #Stay in current room

  17. Now we handle unexpected input better >>> pickRoom('north ','Porch ') You can't (or don't want to) go in that direction. 'Porch ' >>> pickRoom('Entryway ','Porch ') You can't (or don't want to) go in that direction. 'Porch '

  18. Tips on Debugging • Learn to trace code • Print statements are your friends • Don't be afraid to change the program • Use comments to “remove” parts temporarily when testing.

  19. Seeing the Variables: showVars()

  20. Stepping through makeSunset() with the Watcher

  21. Improving the Adventure Game • When testing, we discover: • It's hard to tell which room was which when playing the game. • We can't figure out what we typed where.

  22. Improving showRoom() def showRoom(room ): printNow("===========") if room == "Porch": showPorch () if room == "Entryway": showEntryway () if room == "Kitchen": showKitchen () if room == "LivingRoom": showLR () if room == "DiningRoom": showDR ()

  23. Improving playGame() def playGame (): location = "Porch" showIntroduction () while not (location == "Exit") : showRoom(location) direction = requestString("Which direction?") printNow("You typed: "+direction) location = pickRoom(direction , location)

  24. Better game play

  25. Running programs outside of JES • Once you make a larger program, you may want to run it in Jython directly. • Import sys • Insert the JES sources into your sys.path • From media import * • That's it!

  26. How could we have done this differently? • Store room descriptions and directions in a list. • Easier or harder to change in the future? • Let each room “remember” (store in a data structure) where the exits and other rooms are. • Easier or harder to change in the future? • Let each room be an object that knows how to “show()” and “listExits()” • Easier or harder to change in the future?

  27. Let’s add an NPC ghost! • Non-Player Character: Shows up in some rooms, and moves around. • Create a ghost variable at the top of the file, before the playGame function. ghost = 0 defplayGame(): location = "Porch" showIntroduction() while not (location == "Exit") : showRoom(location) direction = requestString("Which direction?") printNow("You typed: "+direction) location = pickRoom(direction, location)

  28. Adding the ghost to the Entryway def showEntryway(): global ghost printNow("You are in the entry way of the house.") printNow(" There are cobwebs in the corner.") printNow("You feel a sense of dread.") if ghost == 0: printNow("You suddenly feel cold.") printNow("You look up and see a thick mist.") printNow("It seems to be moaning.") printNow("Then it disappears.") ghost = 1 printNow("There is a passageway to the north and another to the east.") printNow("The porch is behind you to the south.")

  29. Adding the ghost to the kitchen def showKitchen(): global ghost printNow("You are in the kitchen. ") printNow("All the surfaces are covered with pots,") printNow(" pans, food pieces, and pools of blood.") printNow("You think you hear something up the stairs") printNow(" that go up the west side of the room.") printNow("It's a scraping noise, like something being dragged") printNow(" along the floor.") if ghost == 1: printNow("You see the mist you saw earlier.") printNow("But now it's darker, and red.") printNow("The moan increases in pitch and volume") printNow(" so now it sounds more like a yell!") printNow("Then it's gone.") ghost = 0 printNow("You can go to the south or east.")

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