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SUPPORT FOR BUILDING STUDENTS’ PORTFOLIO: THE ROLE OF DIVERGENT AND START-UP THINKING IN CREATIVITY Dr. Ferenc Kiss - Dr.Vilmos Vass Budapest Metropolitan University fkiss@metropolitan.hu vvass@metropolitan.hu. Why Portfolio?. Portfolio.

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  1. SUPPORT FOR BUILDING STUDENTS’ PORTFOLIO: THE ROLE OF DIVERGENT AND START-UP THINKING IN CREATIVITY Dr. Ferenc Kiss - Dr.Vilmos Vass Budapest Metropolitan University fkiss@metropolitan.hu vvass@metropolitan.hu

  2. Why Portfolio?

  3. Portfolio • a large, thin case used for carrying drawings, documents, etc. • a collection of drawings, documents, etc. that represent a person's, especially an artist's, work: She's trying to build up a portfolio of work to show during job interviews. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/portfolio

  4. Portfolio The portfolio is a useful assessment tool for evaluating student learning and a process-oriented approach that encourages critical reflexive thought and self-directed learning. http://www1.uwindsor.ca/criticalsocialwork/portfolio-based_teaching_learning

  5. Why career portfolio? • Work and education • Constructivelearningtheory • Competency-based • Self-directedlearning • Outcome-based • Learningoutcomes • Changinglearning and teaching

  6. Supporting system • Vision, concept, project plan • Curriculum template • Mentorship • Personalizedadvisorysystem • Workshops, trainings • Talentededucation

  7. Creative thinking

  8. Creativity

  9. Mozart vs Salieri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ciFTP_KRy4&t=90s

  10. 1. Why is creative productivity a relatively infrequent phenomenon? 2. How can we discover creative promise in our children and our youth? 3. How can we promote the development of creative personalities? (J.P.Guilford: Creativity Research: Past, Present and Future. The Presidential Address to the American Psychological Association) 2019.12.20.

  11. „Creative industries represent highly innovative companies with a great economic potential and are one of the Europe’s most dynamic sectors, contributing around 2.6% to the EU GDP, with a high growth potential, and providing quality jobs to around 5 million people across EU-27.” (Green Paper. Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries. European Commission, Brussels. 2010) 2019.12.20.

  12. Culture (symbols) Person (domain) Experts (validation) 2019.12.20.

  13. Creative process Preparation (curiosity) Incubation (unusual connections) „Aha” moment (legos) Evaluation (internalized criteria of the domain) Elaboration (harder work) (Csíkszentmihályi, 2008) 2019.12.20.

  14. Conclusion Creativity takes more than originality Combination of originality and task appropriateness There are different levels of creativity Context matters (environment) Creativity comes at a cost (work, effort, risk) Creative metacognition (self and contextual knowledge) (Ronald A. Beghetto-James C. Kaufman, 2013)

  15. Thank you very much for your attention!

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