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DSC offers a 2 year Integrated Marketing Communications programme. Founded in 1995, DSC pioneered the concept of Marketing Communication on one hand and integration of work experience alongside academic study on the other. This is a 2 year broad band programme encompassing critical aspects of mass media, mass communication technology alongside business and competitive strategy perspective in marketing communication planning and implementation.
TheDelhischoolofcommunication MOVE UPFROM MASSCOMM TO MARCOMM
The DSCEthos Aninstitution,bydefinition,isacreatureofitsownenvironment.Itmakesits contribution in relation to the needs of society both for today and for our tomorrow’s.Globalsocietyhasthusfarprogressedfrombeingmanualworksto knowledge workers and today, we witness a transition from knowledge to information workers. This demands a significant change in the mindset of tomorrow’sleadersinindustryandcommunication.
Brand Associated A point of reference for various Communicationjobopportunitiesin areassuchasAdvertising,PR,Media Planning, Event, Digital, Content Writing; a place to network and sharenews,viewsandopinions!
DSCisnowofficiallyaMedia& EntertainmentSkillCouncilof India(MESC)affiliatedpartner. MESC has been setup under the National Skills Development Mission, Government of India under the aegis of National SkillsDevelopment Corporation (NSDC) and promoted byFICCI.
KEEP INTOUCH TheDelhischoolofcommunication MAILINGADDRESS 321/2,IGNOURoad,NebSarai, NewDelhi-110068 EMAILADDRESS admissions@dsc.edu.in PHONENUMBER 011-29531556,011-29531559