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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Welcome to. ONE STOP SHOPPY. Vision: “To become one of the leading consumer company for innovative products, quality services for life & to create a more inspiring world.”. H.O. Office: 8193/6, ARAKASHAN ROAD, PAHAR GANJ, NEW DELHI - 110055. www.onestopshoppy.com
Welcome to ONE STOP SHOPPY Vision: “To become one of the leading consumer company for innovative products, quality services for life & to create a more inspiring world.” H.O. Office: 8193/6, ARAKASHAN ROAD, PAHAR GANJ, NEW DELHI - 110055 www.onestopshoppy.com Contact: +011-40006000 (100+ lines) 011-43538594 E-Mail: info@onestopshoppy.com
Introduction ONESTOPSHOPPY is a young, dynamic, professionally managed business organization. ONESTOPSHOPPY is managed by a Core Team of Professionals from diverse fields having more than 10 years of strong experience in the field of Information Technology, Human Resources, Insurance and Financial Services. Our business is completely automated and online with strong support team dedicated and committed for success. We at Ones Stop Shoppy are with the right support system, with the right products for the right people. Our proven system enables osshoppy Members to gain and maintain their financial independence so they can achieve their dreams. We value our Customers, members and employees. We focus on achieving the highest standards of business excellence by offering people an opportunity to grow and excel with it. We believe in helping people change their today into a better tomorrow, to create equal opportunity for every individual without discrimination of cast, class or religion to the common man all over and provide them earning opportunity.
To start with this wonderful opportunity, be an authorized associate Member of One Stop Shoppy. How to join us ? You will be registered on company’s website and also you will get your user id & password to manage your account and to track your turnover margin and add new agents to your panel. What will you get ? You will get attractive commission on every product. What is your Role? Appoint agents across your assigned area. Transfer the fund limit to the agents. How to Start ?
INVESTMENT AND RETURN MASTER PARTNER MASTER PARTNER INVESTMENT : 50000 @100 logins 1 lakh @200 logins ROI (Revenue of Investment)- If master partner sale 1 login on 1000 he can earn 1lakh from mkt 1000@100=100000 1000@200=200000 AGREEMENT : Authorization Letter Certificate I
Make Your Own Web portal with us • why we make own web portal ??? • Promote own brand. • 24hours technical support. • You can increase your sale with worldwide. • Today all business are connect with internet,its part of our life so everybody who want to start and increase own business should be own website its online visiting card for us. • So we are making your online visiting card with all products (Air/hotels/packages/Volvo/recharge etc )so join us and get BTOB and BTOC panel with us. • API model are also avail here and much more are also in pipeline for grow ur business............... • So join us and increase your business with us…………… • For more info do just call on 011-40006000(100+lines) • Or 8860604712/9215250617 • amit@onestopshoppy.com/info@onestopshoppy.com
Contact us www.onestopshoppy.com H.O.- 8193/6, ARAKASHAN ROAD, PAHAR GANJ, NEW DELHI - 110055 Ph. No. 011 – 40006000/43538594 ONE STOP SHOPPY 8860604712,8860604713,9871867920 Email: info@onestopshoppy.com, support@onestopshoppy.com Branch offices:- Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Ahmedabad, Kanpur, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Indore