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Join us at the CCI Conference to explore innovative financial instruments and learn how to maximize the impact of public funding in the cinema and audiovisual sector. Discover grants available for regional festivals, cultural bodies, private libraries, and other cinema and audiovisual activities.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND INVESTMENT FORUM OF CREATIVE AND CULTURAL INDUSTRIES (CCI) Innovative private and public financialinstruments & How to maximize the impact of public funding in CCS Friuli Venezia Giulia AutonomousRegion, IT Fabrizio Spadotto Ljubljana, Wednesday 4th October 2017
CREATIVE AND CULTURAL INDUSTRIES (CCI) IN CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL SECTOR 1) DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, SPORTS AND SOLIDARITY Aim to promote - in the field of cinema and audiovisual sector - festival, events, shows and other cultural activities settled in FVG territory
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSGrants (Regional Law 11 August 2014, n.16 – Regulation n. 17/2016) • 3-years-Grants (2016-2018) for biggest movie regionalfestivals: euro 1.200.00,00 (everyyear): • Trieste Film Festival • Far East Film Festival (Udine) • Silent Film Festival (Pordenone) • Science+Fiction Film Festival (Trieste) • «Anno Uno» Film Festival (Trieste) • «Sergio Amidei» screenplayprize (Gorizia) • «Mattador» screenplayprize (Trieste)
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSGrants (Regional Law 11 August 2014, n.16 – Regulation n.16/2016) • 3-years-Grants (2016-2018) for biggest cinema cultural bodies: euro 690.00,00 (everyyear) • «Cinemazero» (Pordenone) • «Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche (C.E.C.)» (Udine) • «Cappella Underground» (Trieste) • «Palazzo del Cinema» (Gorizia)
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSGrants (Regional Law 11 August 2014, n.16 – Regulation n.15/2016) • 3-years-Grants (2016-2018) for biggest cinema private libraries: euro 270.00,00 (everyyear) • «Cinemazero» (Pordenone) • «Centro Arti Visive» (Udine) • «Cappella Underground» (Trieste) • «Palazzo del Cinema» (Gorizia) • Cineteca del Friuli («Movie Library of Friuli»): euro 300.000,00 (everyyear)
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Grants (Regional Law 11 August 2014, n.16 – Regulation n.33/2015) • Everyyear 1 Call for other small/medium size movie regionalfestivals, special events, shows and otheractivities in cinema and audiovisualsector • In 2017 Call: euro 275.000,00 for 9 projects (ShorTS Film Festival (Trieste), DarkoBratinaprize (Gorizia), Latin-American Film Festival (Trieste), Cervignano shorts film festival, Mountain film festival Tolmezzo, etc)
HOW TO MAXIMIZE THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC FUNDING • The grant can cover up to 100% of totalprojectcosts (because of strictly «cultural» and «no profit» nature of beneficiaries) …but… • in each Call the projectproposalisconsidered more relevant when it is capable to attract private grants in addition to public ones
The aim of Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Regional Fund is to support the development of local film companies and promote the regional audiovisual works in national and international markets. The Fund operates in three main sectors: development, to cover all the activities between the idea and the production phase, from the script writing and the research, to the casting, the fund raising and the preparation of a promo; distribution, along with the promotion of the projects, this action includes a financial support to cover the production expenses, so as to create more competitive products. training, to encourage the participation of local audiovisual professional in national and international courses for directors, scriptwriters, producers, editors, camera operators, and sound engineers.
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSDEVELOPMENTThe applicant should be a regional production company or a foreigner company with operational headquarters in the region (and by the way, in case the production company is not based in Friuli Venezia Giulia the team involved in the development of the project – director, writer, etc – must be resident in Friuli Venezia Giulia). These are the support measures for the development stage: In any case the support can cover up to 50% of the total estimated budget of the development.
DISTRIBUTIONThis financial support covers production, post-production and promotional costs, but the project must already have a confirmed distribution at the moment of the application.To accept the application, the estimated budget must be already covered for at least the 40% and the distributor should cover at least the 10% of the budget. (MAXIMIZATION OF THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC FUNDING)In order to get the financial support the application should match one of these three criteria: • the majority producer is based in Friuli Venezia Giulia; • if the production company based in Friuli Venezia Giulia is the minority producer, the project should be realized thanks to a relevant participation of regional professionals and facilities. The participation will be considered relevant when obtaining 6 points out of 21 on the basis of the scheme below; • if the production company is not based in Friuli Venezia Giulia the project should be realized thanks to a relevant participation of regional professionals and facilities. The participation will be considered relevant when obtaining 11 points out of 21 on the basis of this scheme:
The support for the distribution can cover up to 30% of the eligible costs and can be maximum 100.000 €.
TRAININGto encourage the participation to national and international courses for audiovisual professionals.The application can be presented from a company (for a collaborator) or directly from a professional.Financialsupport: • Up to 50% of total costs (company for a collaborator) • Up to 90% of total costs (scholarship for a professional)
Grants (Regional Law 6 November 2006, n.21 – Regulation 22 September 2015, n.196) • 3 Callseveryyear (in everysector:development, distribution and training) • 22 Calls from June 2007 • Total amount of grants from June 2007 (1st Call) to June 2017 (21st Call): euro 5.532.201,81 • [for example, in 20th Call: totalamount of grants euro 326.734,35 (euro 179.540,66 for development, euro 127.120,00 for distribution and euro 20.073,69 for training)] • Total amount of projectsfinancedfrom June 2007 (1st Call) to June 2017 (21st Call): n. 382
The aim of Friuli VeneziaGiulia (FVG) Film Commission is to promote the FVG territory and its assets supporting movies, documentaries, TV series, music videos and commercials projects Tools: FVG Film Fund(FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT) Location Guide Production Guide on line “Zone di Cinema” magazine “fvgfilmcommission.com” web site Participation in international movie festival
Grants are given to film and audio-visual production companies working on feature films, animation films, TV fiction, TV series, web series, web fiction, documentaries, music videos. • Applications must be filed at least one day prior to the beginning of filming, with deadlines on February 28th, June 30th or September 30th. • A technical committee will be selecting eligible projects every year by March 30th, July 31st and October 31st.
The amount of grants depends on the kind of project and the number of days of filming in FVG. The total grant will never amount to more than 50% of the whole film budget. • FEATURE FILMS, ANIMATED FILMS, TV DRAMAS, TV SERIES AND WEB SERIES • more than 24 days of filming in FVGup to 200.000 euros150% expenditures in FVG (MAXIMIZATION OF THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC IMPACT) • up to 24 days of filming in FVGup to 70.000 euros150% expenditures in FVG (MAXIMIZATION OF THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC IMPACT) • DOCUMENTARIES, SHORT FILMS AND MUSIC VIDEOS • more than 10 days of filming in FVGup to 30.000 euros100% expenditures in FVG • up to 10 days of filming in FVGup to 10.000 euros100% expenditures in FVG
LOCATION GUIDE • Data base with more than 35.000 pictures of potential FVG location
PRODUCTION GUIDE ON LINE Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission offers its collaboration, and provides the following free services to movie, TV, advertising and multimedia companies: • welcome and lodgings • direct liaison with local Public Officers • introductory information about technical, logistical and bureaucratic matters • assistance with bureaucratic proceedings • general information about production resources • visits to the locations detected by the production • location scouting regarding other possible shooting sets • liaison with resident professionals offering production services
PRODUCTION GUIDE ON LINE • Film productions choosing Friuli Venezia Giulia have not only helped promoting the area and earning profits, but also increased the development of local business. crews and the local technical and logistics teams are first-class, thanks to the dozens of national and international film productions they have assisted. • Qualified and experienced professionals, casting agencies,catering and other expert staff are listed in production guide, as well as all the local human, technical and professional resources needed during production and post production.The online Production Guide is constantly updated with names, and addresses of Friuli Venezia Giulia’s film professionals available to guest production companies.
FVGFC is also a member of the Coordination of Film Commissions Italian (Italian Film Commission), which operates a joint promotion of the various regional offices, and founding member of EUFCN (European Film Commission Network) representing the Film Commission associated with the European market. • FVGFC closely involved, at regional, national and European level, with some of the most important institutions in the film and promotional: ICE, Anica, AGIS, CINECITTA ‘HOLDING, Eurimages, MEDIA SALLES, ANTENNA MEDIA, CINEREGIO, DOC IT, etc.
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Grants (Regional Law 6 November 2006, n.21 – Regulation 6 May 2015, n.86) • 3 Callseveryyear (bothfilms, animation films, TV fiction, TV series, web series, web fiction, and documentaries, short films, music videos) • 2016 Call: • totalamount of grants euro 930.000,00 • totalamount of projectsfinanced: n. 26 • days of work: n.434 (days of shooting: n.329)
HOW TO MAXIMIZE THE IMPACT OF PUBLIC FUNDING • 2016 Call: • FVG workers: n.231 localtechnicians, n.88 localactors, n.3.228 local background actors • Total spending in FVG: euro 5.581.921,00 (much more than 150% of expenditurerequired): for 1 euro of FVG public grant the production company spended in FVG 6 euros • Expendituregenerated (multiplier ratio of 1,8%*): euro 10.047.457,00) * The ratio isbetween 1,8% and 2,8% (Kelly, A and Kelly M, Impact and values, Assessing the Arts and Creative Industries in the South West, Bristol Cultural Development Partnership, Bristol, 2000)