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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a Review of proposed UWB-IR Modulation schemes Date Submitted: 21 April 2005
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG4a Review of proposed UWB-IR Modulation schemes Date Submitted: 21 April 2005 Source: Philip Orlik, Andy Molisch (Mitsubishi Electric), Gian Mario Maggio (STMicroelectronics), Ian Opperman (University of Oulu) Contact: Philip Orlik Voice: +1 617 621 7570, E-Mail: porlik@merl.com Abstract: Yet another UWB waveform Purpose: To provide information for further investigation on and selection of the modulation /waveform for UWB Impulse Radio (low bit rate plus ranging) Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
IEEE 802.15.4a PHY:UWB-IR Modulation for multiple receiver types Many slides stolen from 15-05-0217-00-004a P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Definitions • Coherent RX: The phase of the received carrier waveform is known, and utilized for demodulation • Differentially-coherent RX: The carrier phase of the previous signaling interval is used as phase reference for demodulation • Non-coherent RX: The phase information (e.g. pulse polarity) is unknown at the receiver -operates as an energy collector -or as an amplitude detector P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Waveform Design (1/2) • Combination of BPPM with BPSK • Guarantee coexistence of coherent and non-coherent receiver architectures: • Non-coherent receivers just look for energy in the early or late slots to decode the bit (BPPM) • Coherent and differentially-coherent receivers, in addition, understand the fine structure of the signal (BPSK or DBPSK) • Principle: Non-coherent and differentially-coherent modes should not penalize coherent RX performance P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Waveform Design (2/2) • Two possible realizations: 1) The whole symbol (consisting of Nf frames) is BPPM-modulated 2) Apply 2-ary time hopping code, so that each frame has BPPM according to TH code • Coexistence coherent/non-coherent RX: - Special encoding and waveform shaping within each frame - Use of doublets with memory from previous bit (encoding of reference pulse with previous bit) - Proposed 20ns separation between pulses - Extensible to higher order TR for either reducing the penalty in transmitting the reference pulse or increasing the bit rate (see: 15-05-0217-00-004a for detail) - Also possible the use of multi-doublets (see 15-05-0217-00-004a) P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Rake Receiver Finger 1 BPSK symbol mapper Delay Pulse Gen. TH Seq Multiplexer Rake Receiver Finger 2 Summer BPSK symbol mapper Rake Receiver Finger Np Central Timing Control Td ( )2 Impulse Radio Modulation Scheme Coherent Receiver Hybrid Transmitter Differentially Coherent Receiver Non-Coherent Receiver P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Pros/Cons of RX Architectures Coherent + : Sensitivity + : Use of polarity to carry data + : Optimal processing gain achievable - : Complexity of channel estimation and RAKE receiver - : Longer acquisition time Differentially-Coherent (or using Transmitted Reference) + : Gives a reference for faster channel estimation (coherent approach) + : No channel estimation (non-coherent approach) - : Asymptotic loss of 3dB for transmitted reference Non-coherent + : Low complexity + : Acquisition speed - : Sensitivity, robustness to SOP and interferers P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Design Parameters • Pulse Repetition Period (PRP) • Proposed range between 40ns (first realization) and 125ns (second realization) • Channelization (In addition to FDM) • Coherent schemes: Use of TH codes and polarity codes • Non-coherent schemes: Use of TH codes (polarity codes for spectrum smoothing only) • TH code length • Variable TH code length; proposed range: 8-16 • TH code: Binary position, bi-phase Note: For first realization, higher-order TH with shorter chip duration (multiples of 2ns) may be used P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Differential Encoding: Basics b0 b2 b4 b3 b1 b5 b-1 Tx Bits 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Reference Polarity -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 Ts P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Example Signal Waveforms for data modulation (1) bi-1 = 1, bi = 1 bi-1 = 0, bi = 1 bi-1 = 1, bi = 0 bi-1 = 0, bi = 0 P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Ts Example Signal Waveforms for data modulation (2) « 11 » 2-PPM + TR base M = 2 One bit/symbol « 01 » « 10 » « 00 » 2-PPM + 16 chips 2-ary TH code or 2-PPM + 8 chips 4-ary TH code (coherent decoding possible) • Time hopping code is (2,2) code of length 8/16, can be exploited by non-coherent RX • Effectively, 28 or 216 codes to select for channelization for non-coherent scheme P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Ts « 11 » 2-PPM + TR base M = 2 (with two bits/symbol) « 01 » « 10 » « 00 » Example Signal Waveforms for data modulation (3) 2-PPM + 16 chips 2-ary TH code (coherent decoding possible) • Time hopping code is (2,2) code of length 8/16, can be exploited by non-coherent RX • Effectively, 28 or 216 codes to select for channelization for non-coherent scheme P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Band Matched Band Matched ADC ADC BPF BPF De-Spreading TH Codes TH Sequence Matched Filter r(t) Bit Demodulation LNA Case I - Coherent TH de-spreading TH Sequence Matched Filter b(t) soft info Bit Demodulation r(t) LNA Case II – Non-coherent / differential TH despreading P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Coherent Receiver: RAKE Receiver Channel Estimation Rake Receiver Finger 1 Rake Receiver Finger 2 Sequence Detector Demultiplexer Convolutional Decoder Summer Data Sink Rake Receiver Finger Np • Addition of Sequence Detector – Proposed modulation may be viewed as having memory of length 2 P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
‘Uncoded’ AWGN Performance 1.5 dB P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
‘Uncoded’ CM8 Performance 1 dB P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Advantages • Coherent RX gets additional benefit from coding inherent in the modulation • Waveform permits polarity scrambling to reduce required back-off • A single waveform for all receiver types P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Coherent view of Hybrid Modulation • Symbols consist of sequences of doublets that have 4 possible forms bi-1 = 1, bi = 1 bi-1 = 0, bi = 1 bi-1 = 1, bi = 0 bi-1 = 0, bi = 0 P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Basis functions • Symbols can be decomposed using several equivalent orthogonal basis functions (2-D) ( ) ( ) _ _ , , [1, 0] [1/2, 1/2] [-1, 0] [-1/2, -1/2] [0, 1] [1/2, -1/2] [0, -1] [-1/2, 1/2] P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Matched Filter Outputs (basis 1) Template signals constructed from these 2 basis functions Barker 13 applied to TR doublets bi-1 = 1, bi = 1 bi-1 = 0, bi = 1 bi-1 = 1, bi = 0 bi-1 = 0, bi = 0 P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Matched Filter Outputs (basis 2) Template signals constructed from these 2 basis functions Barker 13 applied to doublets _ _ bi-1 = 1, bi = 1 bi-1 = 0, bi = 1 bi-1 = 1, bi = 0 bi-1 = 0, bi = 0 P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Ranging Implications • So what does this mean for ranging? • Really nothing • If we want to transmit a barker sequence (or something else) we can still use our receiver to “look” for the ranging symbol • Basically we can use as a basis and view the compression code as a polarity code applied to the reference pulse and data pulse independently. • Barker 13 = [1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1] • Reference code = [1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ] • Data code = [1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 ] ( ) _ _ , P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman
Barker 13 transmission Correlator output Tx waveform P.Orlik, A. Molisch, G. M. Maggio; I. Opperman