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2017 Attachment O True-Up Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois

This meeting will review the ATXI 2017 Transmission Rate True-Up calculations, including protocol timeline, template changes, ROE complaint cases, and total revenue requirement comparison. An additional meeting will be held for the 2019 projected transmission rate calculations.

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2017 Attachment O True-Up Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2017 Attachment O True-Up Stakeholder Meeting Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois August 6, 2018

  2. Agenda Purpose is to review ATXI 2017 Transmission Rate True-Up Calculations • Protocol Timeline • Attachment O Template Changes • ROE Complaint Cases and Impact on True-up calculations • 2017 True Up Calculation • Total Revenue Requirement Comparison – Projected vs Actual • Attachment O/Schedule 9 True-up • Attachment MM/Schedule 26-A True-up • 2017 MVP Spend • 2017 Significant Projects Placed In Service An additional meeting will held to review the 2019 Projected Transmission Rate calculations. Tentatively set for September 25, 2018.

  3. Protocol timeline

  4. ATXI Attachment O tariff Changes • Docket ER17-2323 • FERC Order on May 31, 2018 • Effective January 1, 2018 for ATXI • Approved additional lines in the Income Tax Section (Page 3, Lines 24a/24b and 26a/26b) • Modification to return to (or recover from) customers excess (or deficient) accumulated deferred income taxes (ADIT) resulting from tax law or rate changes • An adjustment to recognize the effects of permanent differences between tax accounting and financial reporting, such as those associated with the equity component of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) Equity • Revised 2017 Annual True-Up including these changes was posted on Ameren’s OASIS • These tariff changes resulted in decreases of $14,165 and $348,591 to the Net Attachment O revenue requirement and Attachment MM revenue requirement, respectively

  5. ROE complaints • MISO ROE Complaints • 1st Complaint (EL14-12) • Covers November 12, 2013 through February 11, 2015 • FERC order received September 28, 2016; set the Base ROE at 10.32% • Applicable going forward until 2nd complaint order • 2nd Complaint (EL15-45) • Covers February 12, 2015 through May 11, 2016 • Initial decision issued June 30, 2016; recommended Base ROE at 9.70% • Additional refunds may be required upon receipt of Final Order • RTO Adder (ER15-358) • FERC approved a 50 basis point adder for participation in an RTO • Effective January 6, 2015, applicable to complaint case refunds after that date and going forward (i.e., total ROE is now 10.82%)

  6. ROE complaints • MISO ROEs for the 2017 True-Up • 10.82% ROE for January 1 – December 31 • Refunds already provided for EL14-12 • Two phase process • Phase 1 related to ROE impact on projected rates for forward looking TOs and annual updates for historical TOs. These were settled in February 2017. • 2013, 2014 & 2015 projected rates from 11/12/13 to 2/11/15 • Phase 2 related to the ROE impact on true-ups calculations for forward looking TOs. These were settled in June 2017. • 2013, 2014 & 2015 True-upsincluded in 2015, 2016 and 2017 projected rates • Refunds for Schedules 7, 8, 26, 37, 38, 26A were completed by MISO • Refunds for Schedule 9 were processed by Ameren • Schedule 9 Refund amounts and supporting documents are posted on Ameren’s OASIS

  7. ATXI Revenue Requirement Comparison Projected 2017 vs Actual 2017

  8. Atxi 2017 Rate Base

  9. ATXI 2017 Expenses * The 2017 actual income taxes include the adjustments related to Docket ER17-2323 (discussed on slide 4).

  10. Atxi 2017 capital structure

  11. ATXI 2017 total revenue requirement

  12. Atxi 2017 Net Revenue Requirement For Schedule 9

  13. ATXI 2017 attachment o true up for Schedule 9

  14. ATXI 2017 attachment MM true-up by project

  15. ATXI 2017 attachment MM true-up for Schedule 26-A

  16. Atxi 2017 MVP SPEND

  17. MVP Facilities status with In-service Dates

  18. Additional information • Additional questions can be sent to Ameren at: MISOFormulaRates@ameren.com MISO Web Links • Transmission Pricing - Attachments O, GG & MM Information • https://www.misoenergy.org/markets-and-operations/ts-pricing • Ameren OASIS • http://www.oasis.oati.com/AMRN/index.html • MTEP 18 • https://www.misoenergy.org/planning/transmission-studies-and-reports/#nt=%2Freport-study-analysistype%3AMTEP%2Fmtepdoctype%3AMTEP%20Report%2Fmtepreportyear%3AMTEP18&t=10&p=0&s=&sd= • MTEP 17 • https://www.misoenergy.org/planning/transmission-studies-and-reports/#nt=%2Freport-study-analysistype%3AMTEP%2Fmtepdoctype%3AMTEP%20Report%2Fmtepreportyear%3AMTEP17&t=10&p=0&s=&sd= • Schedule 26 & 26-A Indicative Charges • https://www.misoenergy.org/planning/transmission-studies-and-reports/#nt=%2Freport-study-analysistype%3AMTEP%2Fmtepdoctype%3AMTEP%20Study%2Fmtepstudytype%3AIndicative%20Rate%20Reports&t=10&p=0&s=FileName&sd=desc

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