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Behavior Modification: Changing Lives for the Better

Learn about behavior modification principles and procedures to understand and alter significant social behaviors. Focus on human behavior and behavior change, including characteristics and characteristics of behavior modification.

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Behavior Modification: Changing Lives for the Better

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  2. Ted and Jane were having some difficulties in their marriage because of frequent arguments. Their marriage counselor arranged a behavioral contract with them in which they agreed to do several nice things for each other every day. As a result of this contract, their positive interactions increased and their negative interactions (arguments) decreased.

  3. Karen pulled her hair incessantly; as a result, she created a bald spot on the top of her head. Although she was embarrassed by the bald spot, which measured 1 inch in diameter, she continued to pull her hair. Her psychologist implemented a treatment in which Karen was to engage in a competing activity with her hands (e.g., needlepoint) each time she started to pull her hair or had the urge to pull. Over time, the hair-pulling stopped and her hair grew back in.

  4. Francisco was gaining a lot of weight and decided to do something about it. He joined a weight loss group. At each group meeting, Francisco deposited a sum of money, set a goal for daily exercise, and earned points for meeting his exercise goals each week. If he earned a specified number of points, he got his deposit back. If he did not earn enough points, he lost part of his deposit money. Francisco began to exercise regularly and lost weight as a result of his participation in the group.

  5. The residents of Cincinnati were making thousands of unnecessary directory assistance calls per day. These calls were clogging up the phone lines and costing the phone company money. The company instituted a charge for each directory assistance call, and the number of calls decreased dramatically

  6. (1) PENGANTAR TUJUAN MODIFIKASI PERILAKU : mempelajari prinsip-prinsip dan prosedur yang digunakan untuk memahami dan mengubah perilaku manusia (yang signifikan secara sosial) Fokus : perilaku dan perubahan perilaku

  7. DefinisiPerilakuManusia (2) Beberapa karakteristik perilaku manusia : 1. Behavior is what people do and say. 2. Behaviors have one or more dimensions. 3. Behaviors can be observed, described, and recorded. 4. Behaviors have an impact on the environment. 5. Behavior is lawful. 6. Behaviors may be overt and covert. • sesuatu yang dilakukan atau dikatakan oleh individu berupa tindakan & tidak statis ( mis : A beberapa kali mengedipkan mata ) • memiliki dimensi : • Frekuensi • Durasi • Intensitas

  8. DefinisiPerilaku Manusia (2) (3) Frekuensi : Jumlah / seberapa sering perilaku terjadi / dilakukan Durasi : Seberapa lama perilaku dilakukan Intensitas : Besaran yang berkaitan dengan perilaku (mis: seberapa banyak / berat…)

  9. (4) • perilaku  adanya tindakan & dimensi fisik Dapat diobservasi, dideskripsikan dan dicatat • memiliki dampak terhadap lingkungan fisiksosial (orang lain, diri sendiri) • Mengikuti aturan tertentu – secara sistematis dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan / peristiwa yang terjadi di lingkungan mis : level perhatian guru berkaitan dengan perilaku mengganggu ada anak autis

  10. (5) • bentuk  overt behavior & covert behavior • overt behavior tindakan yang dapat diobservasi & direkam oleh orang lain • covert behavior private events (Skinner, 1974), perilaku yang tidak dapat diobservasi oleh orang lain

  11. DefinisiModifikasiPerilaku (6) Bidang psikologi yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memodifikasi perilaku manusia • Menganalisis: Mengidentifikasi keterkaitan antara lingkungan dan perilaku tertentu, untuk memahami alasan atau penyebab mengapa individu melakukan perilaku tertentu • Memodifikasi: Mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan prosedur untuk membantu individu mengubah perilakunya, termasuk mengubah lingkungan yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku individu

  12. KarakteristikModifikasiPerilaku (7) Characteristics of Behavior Modification • Focus on behavior • Based on behavioral principles • Emphasis on current environmental events • Precise description of procedures • Implemented by people in everyday life • Measurement of behavior change • De-emphasis on past events as causes of behavior • Rejection of hypothetical underlying causes of behavior

  13. Fokus : perilaku untuk mengubah perilaku, bukan sifat atau karakteristik personal, atau label (mis : bukan mengubah autisme tapi mengubah perilaku bermasalah yang ditunjukkan oleh anak autis) perilaku target – perilaku yang akan dimodifikasi • perilaku yg berlebihan  frekuensi, durasi, intensitas dikurangi (mis : merokok) • perilaku yg terhambat  frekuensi, durasi, intensitas ditingkatkan (mis : belajar, olah raga)

  14. (8) • Prosedur : berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip behavioral to help people change behavior in meaningful ways • Classical conditioning • Operant conditioning • Modelling • Menekankan : peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitar individu • Perilaku manusia dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa2 yang terjadi di lingkungan • tujuan behavior modification : mengidentifikasi peristiwa tersebut & memodifikasi perilaku

  15. (9) • Deskripsi dari prosedur modifikasi perilaku dilakukan secara tepat tujuan, prosedur / tahap2 yang dilakukan  spesifik • Treatmen diimplementasikan setiap hari oleh individu • dipraktekkan tidak hanya saat mengikuti pelatihan • Bisa diimplementasikan oleh orang tua, guru, supervisor di pekerjaan, atau orang lain • Pengukuran perubahan perilaku Perubahan perilaku harus dapat diukur antara sebelum dan setelah intervensi

  16. (10) • Tidak menekankan peristiwa masa lalu sebagai penyebab perilaku • Informasi masa lalu hanya dilakukan untuk mengetahui peristiwa atau lingkungan yang menjadi penyebab perilaku saat ini  sehingga dapat menentukan prosedur yang akan digunakan • Menolak segala sesuatu yang bersifat hipotesis, sebagai landasan dari penyebab perilaku  harus yang bersifat observable  measurable

  17. Martha sits at her computer and types an e-mail to her parents. Mandy lies in her crib and cries loudly. Her mother then picks her up and feeds her. Jerry’s paper for his behavior modification class is a week late. Jerry gives the paper to his professor and lies, saying that it is late because he had to go home to see his sick grandmother. The professor then accepts the paper without any penalty. Jerry also missed his history test. He tells his history professor he missed the test because of his sick grandmother. The professor lets him take the test a week late.

  18. Samantha is a 6-year-old with an intellectual disability who attends special education classes.When the teacher is helping other students and not paying attention to Samantha, Samantha cries and bangs her head on the table or floor. Whenever Samantha bangs her head, the teacher stops what she is doing and picks Samantha up and comforts her. She tells Samantha to calm down, assures her that everything is all right, gives her a hug, and often lets Samantha sit on her lap. Identify each of the five characteristics of Samantha’s behavior.

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