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Mission Today in Light of the Bible

Explore the significance of God's word in Hebrew and its impact on the history of missions. Reflect on key Bible texts that have guided the church's mission over different epochs. From the Early Church to the present day, witness how the Great Commission continues to shape mission endeavors globally. Discover the call to be a missional church and embrace the Trinitarian understanding of mission as sending. Uncover the link between faith and action, service and proclamation, and the enduring message of reconciliation in a broken world.

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Mission Today in Light of the Bible

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  1. MissionToday in Lightof the Bible

  2. God’s word in Hebrew: dabar. The plural,debrim, means history. «He commanded, and they were created» (Ps 148:5). The Jewish people and Muslims are ‘people of the book’. A God who bends down and talks to us in the language of children so that we may understand: in history, through the prophets and in his Son (Hebr 1)

  3. The prologue to John’s • gospel And the Word (logos) became flesh = a human being. It/he dwelt among us We saw his glory – Which he received as the Father’s only Son.

  4. Bible words and Bible texts as headlines for various epochs in the history of the church and mission:

  5. The Early Church: • Acts 1:8: When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth • Romans 1:16; 2:9-10: For Jews first and then for Greeks.

  6. The Church in the East/Orthodox - Nestorian: John 3:16: For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. Love/agape – kenosis (Phil 2) – mer vekt på

  7. Roman Catholic: • Luke 14:23: Go out to the country roads and lanes and make people come in. Ofted understood = persuade,force

  8. The Reformation: • Rom 1:16f: The gospel is God’spower to save all whobelieve. • Here is the basis and motivation for mission: The gospel is like stonethrown in the water.

  9. Pietism (17th century): • 2 Cor 5:14: We are ruled by the love of Christ. One man died for everyone… • Zinzendorf: ‘This is what I have done for you; what have you done for me?’ • Ziegenbald, • 齐跟巴格/德 • Pluetschau, Hans Egede. 挪威/格林兰宣教

  10. Enlightenment and Modern Mission: • Acts 16: The man from Macedonia: ‘Come over and help us!’ • Matt 24:14: ‘The good news • about the Kingdom will be • preached through all the • world for a witness to all • people, and then the end will • come’. • Eschatological perspective. • Focus on the nations: ta Etne.

  11. Rev 14: The final ingathering. Various views on the millenium: Does the Kingdom come before the return of Christ or after? Will the millenium be a time of great mission? Played strong role in China.

  12. John 10:10: I have come that you may have life in all its fullness. Education, health, agriculture, «civilisationon». Social Gospel-movement. • ‘We are debtors’. • Matt 28, 18-20: Gå (ut). Dåp og opplæring.

  13. Key Motifs in Our Time: • Matt 28: The Great Commission. More focus on ‘making disciples’ (mateutete) than on ‘going out’. This command also applies to Churches in the global South.

  14. Joh 20:21-23: As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit. • Missio Dei- God’s mission. • Mission = to be sent. • Trinitarian understanding • of mission.

  15. Is 2: 2-3: Nations will come streaming to Zion, the hill of the Lord: Centripetal and not just centrifugal misjon. • 向心而非仅仅离心 • Orthodox fokus: • Mission is ‘liturgy • after the liturgy’. *Matt 5: You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world. • Joh 12:32: When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me. Jesus as a magnet.

  16. The law of the grain of wheat: A grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies, … If it does die, then it produces many grains. • Persecution and martyrs • today, more than ever • before.

  17. Missional church: 1 Pet 2:9: You are the chosen race, the King’s priest, the holy nation, God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God. • Mission as our nature, in our genes, as what we are. ‘The church is, the church does what it is, the church organises what it does’. The church lives for mission just as fire exists for burning. We cannot talk about church without talking about mission. This also implies critique of structures that hinder a missional church.

  18. God’s pilgrim people on the road: • ekklesia: to be called out of the world and sent back to the world. Phil. 3:20: We are citizens of heaven ‘we are aliens’.

  19. Mission as the task of reconciliationjon: 2 Cor 5, 20f: Messengers for Christ… We plead on Christ’s behalf: Let God change you from enemies into his friends Athen 2005 – Cape Town 2010. Mission in a wounded and broken world. The connection between the vertikal and the horizontal.

  20. Mission as service – diakonis. Jesus as the servant/slave, washing the feet of his disciples. • The congregation • as a diaconal • fellowship • ‘Church for others’. • Pope Francis.

  21. Luke’s gospel: Focus on the poor, the struggle for justice – Luke 4: Jesus in Nazareth: The jubilee year. • John 8: 36: If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free • Liberation theology in Latin America and South Africa.

  22. Mission as witness Acts 1:8: You will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. • Mission is witness (martyria) – witness through proclamation (kerygma), service (diakonia), worship (leitourgia) and fellowship (koinonia). • 1 John 1: 1-2: What we have seen and heard and our hands have touched, we announce to you. ‘Mission starts with getting the message and not with getting the message across’.

  23. Mission as Transformasjon: • Christ is risen and nothing can remain the same!

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