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Ms. Kim W. Cox – Principal Mr. Aaron Roberts – Assistant Principal Ms. Kathy Alexander – Teacher Leader Dr. Patricia Grimsley - Professional Partner. Miami Carol City Senior High Attendance Plus Instruction Equals “Academic Achievement”. Attendance is crucial to student achievement. If
Ms. Kim W. Cox – Principal Mr. Aaron Roberts – Assistant Principal Ms. Kathy Alexander – Teacher Leader Dr. Patricia Grimsley - Professional Partner Miami Carol City Senior HighAttendance Plus Instruction Equals“Academic Achievement”
Attendance is crucial to student achievement. If students are not in school, they cannot be taught. During the 2007-2008 school year a program was developed at Miami Carol City Senior High School to recognize students for improved attendance. This program was then monitored to discover if incentives had a positive affect on student attendance, thereby, increasing student achievement in science. Abstract
Miami Carol City Senior High School is located in northwest Miami-Dade County in the city of Miami Gardens. There are 2,403 students in grades 9-12. Ninety-three percent are African Americans; seven percent are Hispanic; less than one percent is white. Sixty-eight percent of the students are classified as economically disadvantaged because they are receiving free or reduced lunch. The student mobility index is reported at 45. Of the students who entered 12th grade in 2006-07, 388 students received standard diplomas. Thirty-five percent of the instructional staff members have masters degrees, seven percent of the staff members hold specialist degrees, three percent hold doctoral degrees and the remaining staff members hold bachelor’s degrees. Introduction
In 2006-2007, Miami Carol City Senior High School ranked 29th out of 39 senior high schools in Miami-Dade County in student attendance. • At the end of 2006-2007, the school did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and did not meet graduation criterion based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). • In 2006-2007 only 5% of the 11th grade students tested in science received a passing score based on FCAT results. Introduction
What will happen to 11th grade students’ science achievement when school wide incentives are offered for attendance? • How will 11th grade science teachers’ use of incentives improve student achievement in 11th grade science? Research Questions
Regular attendance is an essential part of student achievement. Furthermore, it allows students to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility (Nemac and Wallace, 2007). • Students do not come to school for various reasons such as: (1) unmotivated; (2) low achievement; (3) loss of interest; (4) peer group influence (Hartnett, 2008). Literature Review
A study conducted by Nemec and Watson (2007) found that students react to positive reinforcements. The teachers in this study offered rewards for students with good attendance. Literature Review
In a study conducted by Schellenberg and others (1988) the findings showed that absenteeism was the best predictor of future credit loss and that dangerous patterns of absenteeism may begin as early as elementary school. The conclusions include the following: • Absenteeism must be addressed in schools before it leads to credit loss; (2) teachers must expect and reward good attendance; (3) administrative actions must include both incentives for attendance and penalties for non-attendanceSchellenberg, Stephen J. and Others, 1988). 1988). Literature Review
Sharon Hartnett, writing in The High School Journal (2007/2008), explored questions regarding organizational structures and cultures and their unintentional encouragement of teenage absenteeism. Hartnett stated that organizational structures and cultures of a school setting contribute to how students experience the system. Literature Review
Teenagers identify with their peer groups even more than they identify with parents or teachers. Solutions recommended by Hartnett include: (1) Limit the number of acceptable excused absences. (2) Do not make a distinction between unexcused and excused absences (3) Include all peer groups in school assemblies. (4) Get feedback from students about their emotional connection or lack of it to teachers and classes. (5) Work with parents. (6) Convey hope to students regarding their futures. (Hartnett, 2007). Literature Review
In order to answer the questions in the project, the second nine weeks attendance records for 11th grade students were compared to the third nine weeks attendance records. • The second nine weeks science scores on the school developed tri-weekly assessments of eleventh grade students were compared to the third nine weeks science scores. Intervention
Students were rewarded on a regular basis and a number of incentives were used. A school barbecue, student credit cards, bookmarks, McDonald’s coupons, ice cream certificates, pizza and pop party, IPods, a plasma television, movie tickets, restaurant gift cards, and a digital camera were among the incentives that were given to students for improving school wide attendance. Intervention
Teachers offered incentives for class attendance and achievement such as no homework ticket, extra credit, dropping the lowest grade on a test or class assignment. • Students received pep talks from administration and teachers to keep them focused on the goal. Intervention
Surveys were distributed to eleventh grade science students. Of the 500 surveys distributed, 318 surveys were returned. • Surveys were distributed to 25 science teachers. Eleven surveys were returned. (See survey questions in the appendix.) • Science tri-weekly scores of students were reviewed during the second nine weeks to check the effects of the incentives that were being provided to students. Data Collection
INTERVENTION Action Plan Surveys were distributed to eleventh grade science students. Student surveys were used to find out what kind of incentives would interest the students and encourage them to reduce their absences and improve their grades in science. The results of the students’ surveys were also used to learn which types of incentives students preferred. Eleventh grade science teachers completed a survey about the kinds of student incentives that they used in their classrooms.
Teacher Survey Responses • The survey consisted of 9 questions. • Teacher responses indicated that teachers use incentives in their classrooms. These included extra credit and dropping the lowest grade. • Teachers also responded that they would use incentives in their classrooms to support a school wide effort to improve attendance. (See graph for all responses.) Data Analysis
Student Surveys • Student responses to the survey indicated that incentives were a way to increase school attendance. Most students would prefer Ipods to an extra credit grade. (See graph) Data Analysis
Attendance of 11th grade students improved during the third nine weeks. This may not be due to school wide incentives nor teacher incentives. A clerk was hired specifically to correct attendance errors. This may have attributed to the increase during the third nine weeks. • Students scores on the science tri-weekly assessments declined during the third nine weeks when no incentives were provided for attendance. (See graph) Findings/Results
Science Scores on Tri-Weekly Assessments 11th Grade Science Tri-weekly Performance Percentage of Students
Based on the findings, attendance will improve when students are given incentives that are appealing to them. If students attend school more regularly, their scores on assessments will improve. Therefore, incentives should be used to increase attendance and to improve scores in science on tri-weekly assessments. Implications/Recommendations
Harnett, S. (2008).Does peer group identity influence absenteeism in high school students? The High School Journal. 91, no. 2, 35-44. • Nemec, Christopher J. & Watson, Rod A. Teacher initiatives to reduce truancy among high school students. Online Submission: Research Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the School of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts, Saint Xavier University (Chicago, IL. May 2007). ED496096 References
Schellenberg, S. J., Frye, D. W. M., & Tomsic, M. L. (1988, April). Loss of credit and its impact on high school students: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. References
APPENDIX A • 1. Do you use instructional incentives in your classroom? • Yes • No • What are the reasons that you use instructional incentives in your classroom? • Grades • Attendance • Other ___________________________ • 3. Circle the kinds of incentives that you use • Extra credit • Drop lowest grade • Other ___________________________
4. Would you support using incentives in your classroom to support to a schoolwide effort to improve attendance? Yes No 5. Would you support using incentives in your classroom to support to a schoolwide effort to improve student achievement? Yes No 6. Do you agree that incentives for achievement will motivate students to perform better in your classroom? Yes No Teacher Survey on Use of Student Incentives
7. Do you agree that incentives for attendance will motivate students to attend school regularly? Yes No 8. Have you been successful when using incentives for student achievement? Yes No 9. Have you been successful when using incentives for improving attendance? Yes No Teacher Survey on Use of Student Incentives
1. Is the use of incentives a method to increase class attendance? Yes No 2. Is the use of incentives a good method to improve your grades? Yes No Appendix B Student Survey on Incentives
Student Survey on Incentives 3. What kinds of things would you prefer to have as incentives? Circle all that apply. IPod Drop lowest grade Extra credit grade A field trip Other _____________________
Student Survey on Incentives 4. Is knowing that you did a good job and recognition from the teacher an incentive to improve your grades? Yes No