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S uccess S tories

Learn about the remarkable success story of a poultry farm in Bangalore District, India, where the implementation of Structured Water Units revolutionized chick growth and quality. Witness the significant improvements in chick health, growth uniformity, and overall farm operations, leading to impressive cost savings and increased profits. Follow this inspiring journey of innovation and transformation in the poultry industry.

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S uccess S tories

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Success Stories India Update -  "Your unit has performed a miracle!“

  2. Poultry Operations with Structured water Units Structuring Water Unit was installed in Poultry Farm in Bangalore District. Chicks were laid in 3 sheds. Each shed had around 3400 chicks (and the sheds were of same size) and the chicks were fed the same type/quantum of food. One shed was fed with structured Water and other two sheds were fed with normal water. Incidentally this farm is a Franchisee of Suguna Chickens who is famous in South India with a number of such Franchisees. Suguna supplies the chicks, medicines, food and specifies the quantum of food/water etc. They also monitor the temperatures of the sheds at different periods of growth and they monitor the same. The normal cycle time is 40days. This time as the market demand was high for the chickens, Suguna came and lifted the chickens on 36 days it self. Date of SWD Unit installation 12.05.2013 Date of Chicks brought to shed 13.05.2013 Total number of chicks brought to shed 8000 no’s SW Unit installed shed (No.1) 3400 no’s Normal water (Bore-well water) (No.2 & 3) 4600 no’s Observations: Shed 1 with SW Unit Manure smell was eliminated from the chicken shed Chickens were more alert Weight of Chicks 318 grams increased in 36 days Growth of the chicks were found uniform and moderate Chicks were found pure white Observations in Normal water shed Manure smell was observed in the chicken shed. The sizes of chicks are medium and small. Color is brown shaded (not pure white)

  3. Bore-well Water SWD Water Poultry Operations with SWD Units

  4. Chickens lifted on 15.06.2013 Summary Date of Chickens Lifted 15.06.2013 Total Chickens Lifted 6420 chickens SW unit fixed shed-1 3060 chickens Total weight 5690.7 Kg’s Average weight 1.860 kg Normal water shed-2 &3 3360 chickens Total weight 5181 Kg’s Average weight 1.542 Kg Weight gain with SW Unit 0.318 Kg’s Cost saving 3060 chickens X 0.318 = 972.30 Kg’s Selling price of chickens Rs. 99/- / Kg...$ 1.75 per Kg Additional realization Rs. 96,257…. $1725

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