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Introduction. The Election Commission. . Election commission: general election. General Election Basic Facts. Every five years, or if ruling party loses majorityBalloting is done in secretConfidentiality helps in objectivityElection is giving of mandate' to determine the power for a certain part
1. Commissions Week 10
2. Introduction The Election Commission
3. Election commission: general election
4. General Election Basic Facts Every five years, or if ruling party loses majority
Balloting is done in secret
Confidentiality helps in objectivity
Election is ‘giving of mandate’ to determine the power for a certain party to form the government
Freedom of the citizen
Citizen gives power to 222 people to decide their country’s direction
Citizen gives power to 56 people in the State Assembly to decide their state’s direction
Types (GE, and By-Election), Local Govt. Elections Act
When (Once every five years; Plm is dissolved; within 60 days/90)
5. Qualifications for a voter 21 and above (for reasons of maturity…!)
Resides in an election division
Name must be registered on the electoral list before the ‘qualifying date’ (31st Aug)
‘Absentee voters’
Conditions of eligibility
6. The Election Commission Article 113 of Constitution, the body responsible for managing and administering elections is the Election Commission
Draw up borders of electoral constituencies
Prepare and check voters’ lists
Manage election process for both Parliamentary and State Legislative Assembly constituencies
Members are appointed by YDPA after consultation with Council of Rulers (Article 114)
Chairperson, deputy and three other persons
Through Parliament, changes can be made to terms for the post and membership of the Commission
Cannot be simply dismissed (like judge of a Federal Court); unless bankrupt or runs for office
Members must be free from all political influence
YDPA is a neutral body, which appoints a neutral body
7. Process YDPA dissolves Parliament at the request of Prime Minister
EC issue an order to Managing Officer to issue a statement, through the Govt Gazette or newspaper, on:
Date of nomination of candidates
Place and time of elections for every constituency
Date and place for balloting
Balloting day can be after three weeks from date of nomination, but cannot exceed eight weeks
Each voter is given 2 sheets of ballot papers of different colors: one for SLA, and the other for Parliament
Voter marks ‘X’
Ballot papers are put into different boxes
Postal votes are done before
8. Campaigning Freedom of speech and assembly granted under Article 10, but police permit needed
Video: March 8, Sibu
9. Number of Reps from each state 1995
Johor: 20
Selangor: 17
S’wak: 28
Perak: 23
KL: 11
10. Problems General Election of 1969, May 10
Almost 2000 people killed (many of which were Chinese)
Rude and disrespectful campaigning in Kampung Baru
Videos: “My 1969”
11. “No other race has the right to question our privileges, our religion and our leader.” Badruddin Amiruldin, UMNO deputy permanent chairman, 2004.