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Savoirs implicit: formalization, organization and methods of transmission. Le Projet : FORSIMPAD. FOR malisation des S avoirs IMP licites par une A pproche de la D idactique professionnelle. The total report : The total ageing of the paid population weakens economic fabric.
Savoirs implicit: formalization, organization and methods of transmission Le Projet : FORSIMPAD FORmalisation des Savoirs IMPlicites par une Approche de la Didactique professionnelle
The total report: The total ageing of the paid population weakens economic fabric. Some population pyramid bumps weakens the development of the companies The fast evolution of technologies weakens the least qualified growing old employees The stakes related to the trade knowledge or know how weaken new entering Why FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Consequences: The company turns to the State partner in search of the "world's wonder "… The knowledge to make company is likely to evaporate at the rate/rhythm of the departures in retirement… Some people know something from experience and that knowledge are less and less divided shared in the organization… New entering are likely to be in situation to reinvent "tepid water "… Why FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
In the company: Two populations take shape… Why FORSIMPAD? Experienced employees: - Training level often rather low - Qualification resulting from the seniority - Competence based on the experience gained in the company New entering: - increasingly high Training level - Qualification related to the training level - Competence based on the knowledge obtained apart from the company Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
In the company: Two types of organization of the transmission of the knowledge… Why FORSIMPAD? Logics tutorales: - empirical Steps (sponsorship) - Steps integrated into the Human Resources Department (Undertaken tutor) = > the knowledge to make is transmitted by proximity Knowledge management: - Formalization of the knowledge and capitalization in and by the company - Frequently use to the ICT = > the knowledge is reduce to organized information Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
On the conceptual level: From the point of view of competence, two assumptions… Why FORSIMPAD? Competence, mean… - a whole of knowledge, know how, know how to be… - Transmitted by a third party… - Supplemented by the experience … - Visible by the performance = > the reference: Knowledge… Competence, mean… - What explains the performance… - From the organization of built knowledge… - In the situations of work = > the reference: Activity Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
On the conceptual level: L ' assumption of didactic professional… Why FORSIMPAD? If competence, is… - What explains the performance… - From the organization of built knowledge… - In the situations of work = > the reference: Activity… Then, competence… - Means more than to apply knowledge during the action… - builds itself in and by the implementation of knowledge: - explicit - implicit - Supposes to analyze the activity Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
The didactic professional one: - the didactic professional is interested in the analysis of the activity in aim to improve training - First guiding principle (basic): Why FORSIMPAD? PRESCRIBED (demands / dictates): The task What is to be made REALITY: L ' activity What is made Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
The didactic professional one: - Second guiding principle: The implementation of an occupation requires stabilized forms of organization of the action consisted specific and local knowledge, often implicit and recognized by the profession, that one names: This type of knowing structure the activity of the actor, allowing him to be effectively aware of its work’s Environment. Why FORSIMPAD? PRAGMATIC CONCEPTS Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
The didactic professional one: - Third guiding principle: The "pragmatic concepts" are opposed to the "scientific concepts" by their route… Why FORSIMPAD? DEFINITION CONCEPTS PRAGMATIC CONCEPTS SCIENTISTS USE Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
The didactic professional one: - Fourth guiding principle: The more one actor masters the pragmatic concepts of a class of situations given, the more it becomes able to solve problems of increasing complexity… - Fifth guiding principle: The awakening and verbalizing the pragmatic concepts are factors/ means of development of competence… What FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Finalities / Aims: FORSIMPAD offers: To think (or reconsider) the transmission of trade knowledge in the company from description and clarification of the pragmatic concepts To develop methods of appropriation pragmatic knowledge associating experienced employees and new entering - To produce tools to enrich, to improve training’s answers What FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Expected effects - For the experienced employees: An re-appropriation of the experience and the development of their competence allowing the reinvestment of the trade and of its evolutions - For new entering: An introduction by the situations of work facilitating the adaptation to the function and integration in the company What FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Expected effects: - For the companies: The possible going beyond of divide between génération Tools allowing to capitalize the knowledge and know how sensitive in organization Another vision of the reference frames of employment - For training’s facilities : A different entry in the vocational training Methodological tools innovating Another vision of the reference frames of formation What FORSIMPAD? Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Regular inventory of fixtures: to give a progress report on the projects in progress or to initiate To identify the companies supports of research action; Constitution of the cards project in bond with the companies: - Why? (Reasons for engagement) - What? (Objectives allotted to the program) - Where? (Location of the target trades) - Who? (Location of public target) FORSIMPAD: The step Date line: December 2004 Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
How opérationnel FORSIMPAD in the companies? A possible scenario in five stages: - Preparation - Collection of the data - Engineering of the training - Confrontation (comparison) of the data - Capitalization of the data FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
A possible scenario in five stages: 1/ Preparation: - Identification of the target trades - Identification of public target: - experienced employees - New entering - Location of the classes of studied situations FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
A possible scenario in five stages: 2/ Collection of the data: With the "experts“ “experienced employees “: - Analysis of the critical tasks - Confrontation and validation of a reference document Near the "beginners": - Analysis of the courses of action - Confrontation and validation of a reference document FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
A possible scenario in five stages: 3/ Engineering of the training: - Constitution of exploitable supports in training (video Recordings, concrete Cases, Simulations…) - Constitution of the guide of training - Organization and planning of training FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
A possible scenario in five stages: 4/ Confrontation of the data: Near the "experts“” experienced employees” and "beginners": - Exploitation of the exploitable supports in training (video Recordings, concrete Cases, Simulations…) - Confrontation from public the 6/6 - collective Elaboration of a reference document - Organization of dimension tutorale (guardian) FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
A possible scenario in five stages: 5/ Capitalization of the data: - Standardization of a training manual - Standardization of the tools for training - Adjustment of the reference frames trade and referential training - Integration of the step in the plan of training FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Control of local experiments Objectives: "OBSERVATORY" - To constitute a pole of observation of the practices Objectives: "RECHERCHE/ACTION FORMATION" - To carry out local experiments Délivrables: - of the actions and follow-up Dashboard of the local projects - Account-returned experimentation - Evaluation of the produced effects FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ
Control of local experiments Preliminary remarks: - Training of the operators of in-house training: - With the concepts of didactic professional - With the analysis of the activity - Constitution of a working group associating all the operators of formation FORSIMPAD: The step Projet FORSIMPAD - LODZ