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Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition

Reading Group. Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition. ( MIT EECS: Venkat Chandrasekaran , Sujay Sanghavi , Pablo A. Parrilo , and Alan S. Willsky , in 2009). Presenter: Zhe Chen ECE / CMR Tennessee Technological University February 18, 2011. Outline. Overview Introduction

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Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition

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  1. Reading Group Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition (MIT EECS: VenkatChandrasekaran, SujaySanghavi, Pablo A. Parrilo, and Alan S. Willsky, in 2009) Presenter:Zhe Chen ECE / CMR Tennessee Technological University February 18, 2011

  2. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  3. Overview Given a matrix formed by adding an unknown sparse matrix to an unknown low-rank matrix. The problem is to decompose the given matrix into its sparse and low-rank components. A notion of rank-sparsity incoherence is developed. Sufficient conditions for exact recovery are given. When the sparse and low-rank matrices are drawn from certain natural random ensembles, the sufficient conditions for exact recovery are satisfied with high probability.

  4. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  5. The Problem Indeed, there are a number of scenarios in which a unique splitting of C into “low-rank” and “sparse” parts may not exist. Conditions should be met.

  6. Identifiability Problems (1) • being small implies that M cannot be very sparse • 1. If the low-rank matrix is very sparse, impose certain conditions on the row/column spaces of the low-rank matrix: • For a matrix M let T(M) be the tangent space at M with respect to the variety of all matrices withrank less than or equal to rank(M) • Here is the spectral norm

  7. Identifiability Problems (2) • being small implies singular values are not too large • 2. If the sparse matrix has all its support concentrated in one row/column, impose conditions on the sparsity pattern of the sparse matrix: • For a matrix M let be the tangent space at M with respect to the variety of all matrices with number of non-zero entries less than or equal to |support(M)|

  8. Rank-sparsity incoherence • However, for a given matrix M, it is impossible for both quantities and to be small simultaneously. • The authors develop a notion of rank-sparsity incoherence, an uncertainty principle between the sparsity pattern of a matrix and its row/column spaces.

  9. Optimization Formulation • In general solving the decomposition problem is NP-hard • Convex relaxation is employed here • The following optimization formulation is proposed to recover A* and B* given C = A* + B*: • is a trade-off parameter • is the decomposed

  10. Conditions This paper provides a simple deterministic condition for exact recovery. The conditions only depend on the row/column spaces of the low-rank matrix B* and the support of the sparse matrix A*.

  11. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  12. Tangent-Space Identifiability (1) The algebraic variety of rank-constrained matrices is defined as: For any matrix , the tangent space T(M) with respect to P(rank(M)) at M is the span of all matrices with either the same row-space as M or the same column-space as M. Let Then:

  13. Tangent-Space Identifiability (2) The variety of support-constrained matrix is defined as For any matrix , the tangent space with respect to S(|support(M)|) at M is given by

  14. Tangent-Space Identifiability (3) (Proof is omitted here.) A necessary and sufficient condition for unique recovery is: That is, the subspaces and have a trivial intersection.

  15. Rank-Sparsity Uncertainty Principle (Proof is omitted here.) For any matrix both and cannot be simultaneously small. Note that Proposition 1 is for different matrices, while Theorem 1 is for the same matrix.

  16. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  17. Optimality Condition (1) • Notations • The orthogonal projection onto the space is denoted , which simply sets to zero those entries with support not inside support(A*). • The subspace orthogonal to is denoted . The projection onto is denoted . • The orthogonal projection onto the space is denoted • The space orthogonal to is denoted , and the corresponding projection is denoted .

  18. Optimality Condition (2) (Proof is omitted here.)

  19. Sufficient Conditions Based on and (Proof is omitted here.) Given matrices A* and B* with , and from Proposition 1, condition (1) of Proposition 2 is satisfied. If a slightly stronger condition holds, there exists a dual Q that satisfies the requirements of condition (2) of Proposition 2.

  20. Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices with (Proof is omitted here.) (Proof is omitted here.)

  21. Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices with (Proof is omitted here.) This is a result with deterministic sufficient conditions on exact decomposability.

  22. Decomposing Random Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices (1) (Proof is omitted here.) Sparse and low-rank matrices drawn from certain natural random ensembles satisfy the sufficient conditions of Corollary 3 with high probability. Random sparsity model

  23. Decomposing Random Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices (2) (Proof is omitted here.) • Random orthogonal model • Consider low-rank matrices in which the singular vectors are chosen uniformly at random from the set of all partial isometries • Low-rank matrices drawn from such a model have incoherent row/column spaces.

  24. Decomposing Random Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices (3) (Proof is omitted here.) Applying these two results in conjunction with Corollary 3, we have that sparse and low-rank matrices drawn from the random sparsity model and the random orthogonal model can be uniquely decomposed with high probability.

  25. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  26. Simulation Results (1)

  27. Simulation Results (2) Define: Declare success in recovering (A*, B*) if . Exact recovery is possible for a range of Modify (1.3) with

  28. Simulation Results (3) Compute the difference between solutions for some t and as follows: Generate a random that is 25-sparse and a random with rank = 2 If a reasonable guess for t (or ) is not available, one could solve (5.2) for a range of t and choose a solution corresponding to the “middle” range in which is stable and near zero.

  29. Simulation Results (4)

  30. Outline Overview Introduction Rank-Sparsity Incoherence Exact Decomposition Using Semidefinite Programming Simulation Results One-Sentence Summary

  31. One-Sentence Summary Sufficient conditions on sparse and low-rank matrices are provided so that the SDP exactly recovers such matrices.

  32. Thank you!

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