A NEW GENERATION OF DATA AND CONTROL INTERFACES FOR DIGITAL DETECTORSF. Bortoletto1, M. D’Alessandro1, E. Giro1, R. Cosentino2, M. Belluso2, A. Carbone3, M. Gemma31INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Italy,2INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di CataniaItaly, 3SKYTECH LaSpezia Italy SDW2005 - TAORMINA
Project Main Requirements: • Upgrade for the precedent generation of transputer based VME/VSB boards saving compatibility with high level SW (table editors) 2. Compatibility with modern bus architecture, I.E.: PCI, CPCI, VME and modern bus-adapters (AMCC chips) • Use of host computer memory for data storage via PCI fast data transfers • Use of fast throughput, full-duplex, data & controls link between host interface and remote electronics • On board (host interface) generation of detector clock sequences and transmission through the fast control link SDW2005 - TAORMINA
The PCI model for the sequencer/interface board: Simplified PCI version for the sequencer/interface board PCI sequencer/interface board main functions SDW2005 - TAORMINA
The PMC model for the sequencer/interface board: Dual slots PMC piggy-back detector interface mounted on a Motorola C-PCI CPU The PMC module can be mounted in a variety of VME/C-PCI boards. It implements the same concept found on the PCI version with the presence of a large, host computer, configurable FPGA dedicated to the implementation of fast local functions on the data-flow PMC sequencer & detector Interface main functions SDW2005 - TAORMINA
The Remote Glue Logic Board: Example of Glue-Logic remote board with programmable clocks, services, telemetry and system bus implemented on a 8 layers SMD double-euro card Glue-Logic is embedded on a Xilinx FPGA. It provides communication with the PCI/PMC host I/F board and all the logics for the implementation of a detector controller in a scalable way SDW2005 - TAORMINA
System Expansion for High Number of Video Channels: GLUE-LOGIC BOARDS A common synchronization line driven by a master PCI/PMC interface allows expansion to a distributed acquisition system. SDW2005 - TAORMINA