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Transactional Analysis for Organizations. Change and Integration TA-O Today. Open Space. Our Goals for Today. Organizational “landscapes“ Analysis from a meta-perspective Develop new impulses for changes Sharing ideas in an intercultural TA – context
Transactional Analysis for Organizations Change and Integration TA-O Today Open Space Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Our Goals for Today Organizational “landscapes“ • Analysis from a meta-perspective • Develop new impulses for changes Sharing ideas in an intercultural TA – context Stimulate our identity as TA – O - practitioners, - teachers, - supervisors Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Our Idea for our Cooperation Today Morning – next 2 hours • Overview about TAO – theory by the model of 10 organizational dynamics • Reflection and learning conversations in small groups • Afternoon announcement Afternoon –open space • 6 TA organizational practitioners will present parts of their TA-O contributions; • You can be “bees”, and visit different places to “suck nectar from different flowers”. Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Transactional Analysis for Organizations • TA – Identity in modern form (6 principles, Schmid, 1989; Mohr, 2011) 1. Based on transactions 2. Humanistic 3. Model constructing 4. Experimental 5. Context related 6. Pluralistic, integrative, international culture • „Simple“ Identity: TA is what TA-trained people do and develop Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
The O-Field • O-World: economic O-theory, O-psychology, O-sociology and a lot of methods (TA, systemic, eclectic,…) • Current O-Theory: looking for „configurations“(Fiss, 2007, AoMJ): combinations of variables that are connected to success of the organization: „equifinality“: some ways lead to Rome. Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
The Organization as the Client I Attention • Organizational Structure • Organizational Processes • Organizational Balances • Organizational Pulsation Roles Relations Communication Success Problem Solving Equilibriums Recursivity Outside Pulsation Inside Pulsation Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
The Organization as a Client II • 4-Zoom-Model (Mohr, 2010) and structured interventions (Steinert, 2006) 1. System dynamic - contracted fields 2. Intervention role set - role monitoring 3. Intervention - e.g. training,…., architecture 4. Intervention „Wording“ - e.g. cases, ……, Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 1a. Dynamics of Attention Roles Relations Attention is the basic unit of focusing the mental and actional forces of people It is a further development of the idea of the frame of reference (Schiff, 1976) Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 1b. Dynamics of Attention Roles Relations Holisticperspective(e.g. Berne, 1966; Mountain and Davidson 2005; Balling 2005; Mohr and Steinert 2006) Healthof an organization = Integration x Integrity Integration: organizationcovers all relevant aspects (e.g. strategicmanagement, operative management) Integrity: organizationintegrates human beingsandtocreatemeaning (e.g. ethicalmanagement) (Schmid, 2005) Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 2a. Dynamics of Roles Roles Relations • Roles emerge in the overlapping field of systems and individuals Person Role System • Leadership model of TOB(Theorie organisationelle de Berne, Vergonjeanne, 2011) • Responsible leader – • Effective leader – • Psychological leader - • Euhemerus - = organizational script builder • Primal leader - = currently relevant canon giver Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 2b. Dynamics of Roles – Five-Role-World Roles Relations A role is a coherent system of attitudes, feelings, behaviour, perspective on reality and the accompanying relationships (Schmid, 2006, p.34). Private role World of Organizations World of Profession Person Organization- role Professional role Commu- nity role Consu- mer role Community and Citizen World Consumer World Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 3a. Dynamics of Relations Roles Relations Dynamics of Relationship = the characteristics of the relationships in this organization Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Attention 3b. Dynamics of Relations Roles Relations • Balling (2005): different types of organizational relations coming from a dominance of a certain ego state pattern in the organization • The critical parent organization • The nurturing parent organization • The child organization • Mohr (2006): the depth structure of an organization – what are the archetypes on a depth level? • the business-image, • the family-image • the sports-image , • the war-image Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Exercise I Think of an organization you know • Right wing: What are the actual issues people in this organization focus their attention on? • Middle: What is typical for the roles in that organization? Are they clear, precise, perceptible? • Left wing: How is the relationship style in that organization? Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Communication 4. Dynamics of Communication Success Problem Solving Dynamics of Communication – the patterns that characterize the communication in an organization. • Transactional Imago by Suriyaprakash and Mohanraj (2006): Each group member develops a certain imago of the dominant functional ego state - of their co-workers and - of their own ego state. Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Communication 5. Dynamics of Problem Solving Success Problem Solving Dynamics of Problem Solving – the patterns that characterize problem solving in an organization. • e.g. Hay, J.: Working styles • Be perfect • Be strong • Try hard • Hurry up • Please me Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Communication 6. Dynamics of Success Success Problem Solving Dynamics of Success are the patterns that characterize an organization in defining and dealing with success. („The mothers and fathers of an organzation are the goals“) • Berne – „Physis“ – Organizations are striving for survival and growth (quantitative? qualitative?) • Berne (1972): Process scripts (always, until, never, after, almost, open ended) Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Exercise II • Take the next 10 minutes to discuss and reflect with your 2 neighbours: • Which other TA- and Non -TA - Models do you experience as helpful to describe the dynamics of communication, problem solving, success ? • Your conclusions? Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
7. Dynamics of Equilibriums Equilibriums Recursivity Motivational aspect (Berne, E. and English, F.) • B1: The stimulus hunger • B2: The stroke hunger • B3: The structure hunger • B4: The need for leadership • E1: The survival drive • E2: The expressive drive • E3: The quiescence drive Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
8. Dynamics of Recursivity Equilibriums Recursivity The amount how principles are similar in the organization throughout the departments • Positive parallel process • Principles may be defined as patterns (Taglieber, 2012): • New patterns can be constructed on top of old patterns (1. order solution) or with a new frame of reference (2. order solution) Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
8. Dynamics of Recursivity Equilibriums Recursivity • How to work with perspective patterns (Taglieber, 2012) as a positive parallel process of organizational development: Identify dysfunctional patterns which are kind of a habit and define Positive Perspective Patterns and implement them Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Basis Basis Example: Current condition of process- and system-quality 1 Basic lack of leadership Pressure of time and shortages Flaws in flow of information Pressure of competition Lack of guidance and structure Bernd Taglieber, 2012 Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Basis Basis Example: Quality of process and system - house of perspective patterns Leadership potency decide, provide, accept responsibility Ressources potency Enough time to „fill in the gaps“ Knowledge potency Enough time for learning processes; information that is actually received Market potency Criteria of capability? Guidance potency Provide structure, exemplify values Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
9. Dynamics of Outside Pulsation Outside Pulsation Inside Pulsation Outer borderline Decision for making staff cuts Implementation of staff cuts Termination process „Bonding“ 1 New identification „Bonding“ 2 Survivor-syndrome Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
10. Dynamics of Inside Pulsation Outside Pulsation Inside Pulsation e.g. Gender Subsystem • Mountain, A. (2006): - glass cliffs - glass ceilings - (referring to Jongeward and Scott, 1987, Women as Winners) Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Exercise III • Exercise: Personal experiencesofenteringand separationprocesses • Haveyoueverbeenfiredby an organization? • If so, whatareyourassociations? • Towhatconclusionsdidyoucome? • Haveyouever lost a profitable purchase order • or a goodclient in favourof a competitor? • If so, whatareyourassociations? Anyconclusions? Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Open Space Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de
Literature Günther Mohr, www.mohr-coaching.de Anette Dielmann, www.business-manufaktur.de